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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. She’s gotta be desperate. Now, she has four boys. All this work for a little nookie, in plain English.
  2. With all the craziness going on, Murcel is hungry? Why didn’t he make a sandwich for the plane ride or buy some candy at the airport. He could barely dress himself. I think he’s a little boy in big boys pants.
  3. She’s putting herself before her son. That’s the kind of kid that will join the military to get out of the house. I feel so bad for him. You would think by this time Muriel would know one word of English. I have a feeling Muriel isn’t the first man she’s brought into the house. Murcel, not Muriel. Damn auto correct. (I don’t know how to change it). Getting back to the boy. I hope there’s someone he can talk to like an uncle or a friends father or someone. Now, she’s going to make the kid feel guilty that he didn’t come to the wedding. Geeze. Plus, she probably wants the boys on for more money. Where’s the real Father? Go see your beautiful sons. They all probably look like him.
  4. What is wrong with Mike from Oregon? Natalie cannot put a sentence together. What is she talking about anyhow. I don’t think she even knows. I can’t stand her.
  5. Between looking weird, eating weird and weird ideas, I could swear Jasmine is from outer space.
  6. Could you imagine them having sex? Meka: “no, put it higher, “slow down, you’re going too fast”, “you’re too heavy, get off”, “when is this going to end”?. “Get off me”. Michael would have to gag her beforehand.
  7. He should put his brains where his muscles are. Some think just because they are “hot” and have a great body, thats all they need. On second thought, I should talk. Look at the women on t.v. lately .. boobs out for the world to see, slits up to their hoohas. They might as well be naked. The Super Bowl half time was a for instance. Could the outfits be any skimpier?
  8. Smart move, haha. I’ve gotten in trouble when not deleting.
  9. Supposedly, the “experts” were supposed to interview them all and pick their brains about certain things pertaining to sex and other things, BUT, I have read that the experts don’t even interview or pick them at all. Production does. So, who knows about anything at this point. It’s a show and it’s scripted, and here we are trying to figure everything out by what we see. Too confusing all around.
  10. Why not? Because he was married, at a beautiful location and figured maybe something was there after all if he gave it a try. Nothing to lose. It’s not that he would use her, but maybe there would be some spark .. anything? Stranger things have happened.
  11. Have no fear .. they’ll be finished in a few weeks. Marriage is hard enough, and those two have too many obstacles already. You would think they would have at least enjoyed the surroundings .. the boat, swimming, eating in nice restaurants, etc. They were both sad.
  12. I’m happy for him as he’ll see the t.v. much better now. I didn’t get the expensive type either. $2600 more and the insurance doesn’t pay. These are amazing. So are the surgeons. Thanks! For people who are afraid, don’t be. It’s nothing, and a quick procedure.
  13. Thank you for your experience. I couldn’t believe the difference in one day. The bad eye looked brown and dingy and the newly operated eye looked white, clear and brilliant colors. The surgery was amazing .. you’re up, but you feel nothing! I think it’s twilight sleep. I’m going for the other eye in a couple of weeks. I told the doctor he was a genius. He was happy. Thank you.
  14. Yes. He should also buy some t shirts. I hate men walking around shirtless because they are built. What really turns me on is a man in a good suit, shirt and tie with a nice watch and nice cologne. Like a doctor or lawyer or when a husband goes to a wedding and gets decked out.
  15. A bathrobe. No wonder Michael went and got a room. He expected a night of bliss and got a big sloppy bathrobe in return. I believe in love at first sight, but do not believe in marriage at first sight. I got married after two years of dating and still learned new things after marriage. Not bad things, but different things.
  16. I’m older and married a long time. Probably old school too. I saw my Mother cater to my Father, and I do the same. I don’t mind, and he in turn does anything I ask. No instructions, not bossy from either of us. Maybe it works because we were brought up seeing the same. Today, lots of girls expect too much. It’s a two way street.
  17. Do it. He is in pain. Go in as an emergency. My mother’s poodle was hurting so much when they took her in, they immediately put her to sleep, as it was too late to fix them. Don’t mean to scare you, but better safe than sorry. Xo
  18. Friday .. Wendy is a Bitch! What she did to this lovely older woman was unforgivable. Wendy was talking about cheating, and apparently the poor woman in the audience MAYBE shoot her head, so Wendy made them give her the Mike to talk about cheating. The woman was mortified! She didn’t want the microphone, but Wendy practically insisted. Finally, they took the mike away. I would have got up and walked away. Wendy is a mean woman. To embarrass a senior woman like she did was cruel. (Shook her head I meant up there.). P.s. In the end of the show, the older woman that Wendy was harassing with the microphone was somebody’s Mother who worked there. Like the woman was going to maybe tell a story about her or her husband cheating. Yeah, right. Wendy was sooo insistent, it was horrible.
  19. I am hysterical laughing at your post. You have everything down pat. Sex and the City, part 1 was on this weekend, so she was probably watching. Being Kim Katrall won’t do the third movie as she is feuding Sarah Jessica Parker, maybe Wendy can jump in and be the new fourth. Hahahahahaha. Being she is so famous now. That would be her dream come true. The only thing is she can’t wear Manolos. (Did I spell that right?)
  20. Compare her audience with Kelly and Ryan’s. Hers are dressed like children with outrageous costumes and tiaras. Her watchers are housewives and retired people. Do we all know who she is talking about? Rappers, hasbeens, etc. I don’t know most who she talks about. She’s insulted just about every A lister and more. Nobody will come on unless they have a show or book to plug. Then when they come on, she interrogates them and makes them uncomfortable. Too bad there’s nothing else on at that time. I’m watching a lot of travel shows like Rick Stevens in Europe, on Hulu. Informative and lovely. Not some rapper who is in jail, lol. Who gives a shit about these people.
  21. It’s not only those two. I have a feeling she has had people do her bidding her whole life. Her parents probably thought she was a handful, Big Kev waited on her too. She must have thought she was special. Now especially, since she has her own show. Something is amiss lately. She looks like she has something on her mind. She doesn’t look happy. I think she is lonely. The divorce is hitting her hard. There’s nothing better than an old pair of shoes. ( Big Kev).
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