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Hangin Out

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Everything posted by Hangin Out

  1. I think I got a quick glimpse of melba toast.
  2. If I don’t have carbs, like bread, I get dizzy after a few days. Seriously. My favorite is a slice of rye bread with butter with coffee in the morning. Mostly with an egg on top. Sometimes with a slice of ham too, lol. Especially when the husband makes it. Better yet.
  3. That’s really interesting. Why is Tinsley on in the first place? What happened to Scott? Last I he@rd they were engaged. I’ll say it for the 100 th time. Bethenny brought the laughs, love her or hate her. Dorinda can’t cut it.
  4. Nothing going on. Ramoaner talking stupid and Dorinda narating nothing going on.
  5. Did they bring Jacques in to save the day? Ain’t workin. Guess it’s time for a vacation somewhere.
  6. OMG .. The freakin guy next door to my Condo is doing his daily workout because the gym is closed. For the next hour, I have to gear the dumbbell he lifts crash on the pavement every time he puts it down, Ike every 10 seconds. I think I have to kill him. He also does some exercise at 10:30 at night I think with a jump rope. His bedroom wall is my bedroom wall. If it isn’t his dog waking us up in the morning, it’s the dumbbells.
  7. Why are they all in each other’s business in the first place? Don’t they all have enough to go without watching what the others are doing? Kyle is the worst. Worry about your husband and your own backyard. Too much blabbering. I wish Dorit would change her hairstyle, it’s giving me a headache pulled back that tight.
  8. Hmmmmm..Aaron’s Penis size. Compared to who’s? There probably has been sooo many. Terrible, I know, lol.
  9. Thurs. What and who is she talking about today. YaYa, YouYou, Haha, whatever. She would be better off showing reruns than this crap she is talking about. I’m changing the channel. Waste of time.
  10. I think being an actor, he feels like he’s lowering himself by going on this show on a semi regular basis.
  11. Yep .. and I can’t stand Dorit. What’s with those dumb hats and that big lump on top of her head. She speaks like she belongs in England or Australia or some place real important. Isn’t she and her husband in some kind of debt and are crooks? Yeah, she loves him. Phony. BTW, do all these so called dress designers have degrees in fashion? One by one, they’re all having shows.
  12. Mauricio loves the camera. He even took his shirt off, haha. Wait until Fredric Ecklund comes on. Can’t wait.
  13. Maybe next episode she’ll tell us exactly how many inches. Or bring a tape measure. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha .. Canada?
  14. Geeze .. can Denise get thru one episode without talking about Aaron’s penis? You know what they say about people who continue to talk about sex? They’re not getting any! She is so damn boring.
  15. Lol .. Thin Kyle, high Mauricio, cheating Mauricio. First thing I thought about when Denise had the operation. No more sex everyday. Plus, now I saw what she saw in Aaron .. he’s a loon too. I couldn’t figure it out for a minute there why they married. They are both on the same planet, wherever that is.
  16. Nothing worse than a horny Grandma. What the hell was she wearing today? A fake diamond necklace, black bra and sequined jacket, and the same grungy wig. Classy and sexy. NOT.
  17. Did anyone look up Bluestone Manor in Architectural Digest? I think she decorates by who made it, not like it. Her taste is not for everyone . . Bold colors, bold textured fabrics, pieces that would be in a museum. Different strokes for different folks. More like antique.
  18. Oh YES! I’m so sick of them all. The sisters have had it, all bloated up, and Tom .. I can’t even. Go back to where you came from. We have enough wannabe actors and models here.
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