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Everything posted by doglover3489

  1. Do they make home testing kits that can be bought at a pharmacy?
  2. Haha! And her body looked so weird running on the treadmill! She’s short inthe body and looked chunky.
  3. IMO, Jazz is an emotional cripple, thanks to her mother and her spineless father who has never put his foot down and told his wife to stop coddling Jazz. There are too many young people like Jazz these days. Entitled, spoiled brats. Being transgender has nothing to do with Jazz being the weak person she is.
  4. I didn’t see that!! I can’t wrap my mind around that!
  5. Speaking of bowel movements..... Do these people ever have them? I say this because, when they take 2,3,4,5 day trips to Houston from their home, eat at several fast food places and eat and drink and stay in different hotels along the way, don’t they ever have to stop to pee or poop? Do they worry about fitting in the stall of a convenient store or gas station bathroom? They could break or crack a toilet! How can they wipe? Sorry for the gross questions but does anyone else wonder about these things?
  6. And when she knocked over the eyeglass stand she showed no remorse or concern of the mess she made or if any glasses were damaged. Just give a curt “sorry” and let someone else clean up the mess. I knew Gina was a fake at her first appointment with Dr. Now. As he was telling her about the program and what she had to do, she barely looked him in the eye. Rather, she looked around the room as if she was bored and just wanted him to finish talking so she could leave. She had zero questions for him. That showed her lack of interest too. I loved when the nutritionist found their “cheese stash.” Also, nearly every person featured on 600 pound life has a dog(s). The dogs always seem to be a healthy weight. Most don’t beg food when their obese master gorges themselves with food and the ones who look on, never are given any food. You know those dogs aren’t going for any walks unless another family member takes them out for exercise.
  7. This show is just so hard to watch. I can’t imagine not being able to wipe my own butt after a poop (unless of severe injury or illness.) The Doctor is a looker but I prefer Dr. Now’s personality and way of addressing patients more.
  8. Me too. What a bunch of entitled assholes. Think they don’t have to follow the rules. I wouldn’t have those jerks to be my friends.
  9. That a GREAT list! Those are my exact demands also!
  10. I can’t help but wonder if Sumit has a pregnant wife or if she already had a baby.
  11. Toby’s Dinner Theater is the best of both worlds! Delicious food and fabulous plays to enjoy!
  12. What do they smoke in the hookah over there? Tobacco? Pot? Something else?
  13. I can’t stand grandpa Tim or his smarmy wife, grandma Whateverhernameis. Caelan works a full time job, he comes home and he supports his family. He’s a good guy. He’s not perfect but no one is. They have spoiled their granddaughter to the point she can’t function as a mother or as a partner. They should feel ashamed they raised such a weak person. I feel bad for Caelan for having children with a disaster like McKayla. I make our 13 year old son watch the show. I want him to see where casual sex with a person you don’t love and aren’t committed to can lead.
  14. Like the woman who stripped naked each morning to “shower” on the back porch by her boyfriend who hosed her down. That was disgusting.
  15. I can’t wait to see Zied’s response when Rebecca tells him she’s still married to her last husband. Do you think he will tell her she’s not a “good woman” and really lose his temper bad?
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