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Everything posted by kat165

  1. When did they show CT's kid and Johnny comments about the house Sarah bought him? I must have missed it. I was shocked at the reference CT made to a kid. Is he with someone now? I admit I had a hard time staying awake for these 2 eps. I just don't like these "new" kids and found the eps very boring. I'm pretty sure that once this last crop of "old" challengers stop showing up I'll be done with this show. I don't watch the Real World anymore and have never watched Are You the One.
  2. Thank you, Nordly! I hadn't picked up on this before. Appreciate your answer. And I like your how he ate the candy explanation! Magic works for me. :)
  3. Perhaps I missed something during the course of the show so far, but can JJ not use his hands? I don't get why there is the question of how he opened the candy box. Sorry if this is a dumb question or offensive, not knowing much about his condition.
  4. Among my favorite eps are the ones with Charles Durning playing the father of their church. I love the way he is always so exasperated by Ray, calling him Raymond and sighing and shaking his head. You can tell it takes all his patience and stresses his faith to keep him from kicking Ray out.
  5. Packer, the young marrieds don't really bother me that much, they're just kind of there. I like the red headed boy, the girl not so much. What really bothers me about them both is that they are so dumb! I really have a difficult time with characters who are too stupid to live. Which is why I also don't care for James Brolin's character either.
  6. Mabinogia, I feel the same way about Margo. And a wholehearted yes to your entire post.
  7. I would too, Cherry. That would be funny. But really they could without really showing the baby. We can see one of those carry-all rocker things and then maybe her wrapped in a blanket. We never have to actually see her. Thank you. It probably was said in passing. I usually tune out when Raj is involved. I rarely care for him or his storylines. And yeah, I really didn't like Emily either. I didn't mind so much the stuff she was into, I just don't like the actress. If they want to put Raj with someone they should try to get back Evette the Vet. She was great. (But probably has too much taste and self-worth to date Raj, a spoiled, self-centered drain on any relationship).
  8. Thank you again, mamma. I didn't catch that part, but I do remember him doing a spell on Julie to remove her "shade" and she made stop. I find it hard to feel sorry for Julia too. So you're not alone! And yes, again, she might be more likeable if she was incorporated more with the others. After all, Margo in the beginning of season one was kind of a smug bitch, but what saved her was her sense of humor - and the friendship of Elliot! (a little Elliot goes a long way:). But as the episodes continued it was much easier to appreciate Margo. I think Julia could use a little of that. I love Elliot in Fillory and I loved him at Brakebills. I think I'd love him reading the phone book. The actor and character are that engaging. Mari, right on. Yeah, she is. Mabinogia, you're right. Her story is tragic. And I agree with everything else you've said about her too.
  9. Sophia and Jen are my favorite characters on this show. I usually prefer shows without children, but Sophia is the best. I'm so impressed with the actress.
  10. From what I recall from the season Amy's kitchen looks much neater/cleaner now than it did when Matt and the kids were still living there. She's had her friends over & they've hung out in the kitchen several times and it looked nowhere near at cluttered or dirty as it had in the past. So I wonder if she now has a housecleaner or she cleans up more or since the kids & Matt no longer live there there is less to clean up. Or the source/cause of any anger/resentment that prevented her from cleaning before is now out of the house - Matt. It's also been awhile since (as far as I recall) I've seen any animals perched on the counters. Not to say that her housekeeping is still winning any awards. :)
  11. Simon Helberg is a treasure. And, from what I recall, Emily begged Raj to take her back but he wanted to pursue the blonde girl and then suddenly, it seemed, he was dating both of them and then nothing. Maybe a season passes and he's mixing it up with the janitor woman. I don't recall Emily (#2) breaking up with him. Does anyone? Or blondie for that matter. But I don't like Raj and don't really pay much attention to any scenes he's in. No one (at least here) seemed to like Emily so I wonder if that's why she stopped appearing so often and then not at all shortly after she was made a series regular. (The actress is also on Bones & I don't like her there either.) The show runners have come out and said that baby Wolowitz will be treated basically the same as Mrs. W - heard but not seen. They will also not focus that much attention on her either.
  12. mamma, did he ever say how he got rid of his soul? I don't exactly hate Julia but she is boring. And the actress doesn't come off as very likeable either. There's something a bit snotty/snobby about her. I don't know what it is. Plus she seems like a big bummer. I can't imagine the character of Julia or the actress ever being happy or expressing happiness. She seems like a giant pill. I've only seen Stella Maeve in one other thing when she was much younger, which was an episode of Bones. Her character (as written) in that was kind of unlikeable too. And the actress seemed just as sulky/mopey. I think if another actress in was in the role Julia might not be as sulky or as boring. I get that a lot of how she comes off is Stella Maeve's affect. And you're right, keeping her separated does her no favors. I find her more tolerable when she's interacting with Q or Kady or even Marina. If I spent any time around her I might be singing showtunes too. Just to get her out of her slump. Her energy is very low. And negative. Which is somewhat understandable, but... I adore Elliot.
  13. Thanks, Zanne. Wow. He's changed. Except for the squinty eyes.
  14. I like that Penny hasn't tried to change Leonard's wardrobe. It annoys the hell out of me when women, once they've "got" him, try to change a man's appearance or his friends or the decor in his apt, etc. A few changes might happened naturally. But to give the person a complete overhaul, why did you get involved with him in the first place if he needs so much fixing? Anyway, I obviously have a personal issue with that. :) But I like that Penny doesn't try to change him. One of the reason's I didn't like Priya was her pushiness, getting him to wear contact and clothes that needed to be dry cleaned. Whereas Penny seems to accept Leonard, generally, for who he already is. Now Amy on the other hand surprises me. That Penny and Bernie haven't influenced her clothing decisions more. Although we have seen her wear heels which accented her caboose. :) Although this could be looked at as Penny & Bernie accepting Amy for who she is and not trying to change her. :) Speaking of Amy going shopping with the girls. Last season or the season before Penny and Amy got S & L to do something they wanted to do rather than what the guys wanted to do so they went shopping. There was a scene between P & A in the dressing room and we could see what they were trying on. My question: what store sells the sexy number Penny was trying on that also sells the frumpy schmatta that Amy was trying on? Yes, Otter, it was awhile ago, maybe in the first few seasons. I don't remember specifically which one though. And yes, it was when Raj couldn't talk to girls which is why Penny thought fixing these 2 up would be such a good idea. No pressure for Raj to speak as she wouldn't be able to hear him anyway. Howard could sign so he came along on the date as an interpreter. It was actually kind of funny. That was when the show was funny more consistently.
  15. Thank you, Mabinogia. I never would have guessed that. And yeah, I too think the beast would just outright kill whoever's role he wanted. Why waste time w/ marbles? Did the Beast sell his soul or did it crumble/evaporate because of the abuse he suffered? I'm forgetting this part or didn't watch/listen carefully enough. Someone please remind me? Thank you.
  16. That was my impression too, Annie.
  17. First off, I thought the Raj portion was poorly written, but brushing that aside for a minute, Raj never convinced me that he was sincerely interested in changing. So it didn't matter what the ladies said to him. Perhaps it was a ploy for one of them to feel sorry for him and date him again. But I never got the impression that he was going to take anything they said to heart and make some changes.
  18. Thanks, diebartdie. EB, I've never seen Showgirls so I'm not getting ""marbles spilled on the stage." Are you eluding to perhaps there would be a masacre? Getting him involved with Broadway would be great though. :) Yeah, Bigby not wanting to help puzzled me. If there was no magic in the world she wouldn't be able to use it either. And is it magic that keeps her from aging? So, could she live without magic? And what about Reynard and Beast? Don't they also ultilize magic? With Reynard doesn't he also use magic? Or are gods immune, work with something else? Maybe Q is waiting to just tell Elliot about the curse or he didn't think they didn't to focus on that just yet. Which reminds me, what gives Julia the idea that the others are her friends? Even if they went through everything the 49 times or whatever it was, they all only have memory of the last time so none of them would think of her as a friend. They barely knew her. They basicially just knew "of" her. And what little they know, as mentioned by someone above, isn't anything good. Unless she's just using the expression "friends" when only mean "friend"/Quention but doesn't want to pinpoint him to the Beast. Every wk the hour goes by so quickly. This is the only show that I'm currently watching that's completely engrossing even when it's not that great (mostly all the Julia scenes!).
  19. Slovenly, that's odd, isn't it? It's not like the characters are at all similiar. Maybe there's too many? Anyway, thank you for that handy list! Which reminds me, we haven't seen Hot Dad this season yet, have we? And yes, I didn't realize that I didn't know the names until I tried to write about the characters here!
  20. When that fire demon/thing burrowed into Quentin's back his back did not appear to have a tattoo. Was the tattoo perhaps placed elsewhere on him?
  21. Molly deserved a critique too. They should have kept all of them out there. It was very difficult to see the winning outfit on my screen. It just looked very dark and I wasn't impressed. I didn't like the cut or silouette and that was about all I could see. I think Chris should have won. I also find Chris amusing and have liked a few of his creations, but this one was the best. Unfortunately I think they sent the right person home. As much as I don't really care for Hawaa's designs (although I rather liked last wk's) at least she has ideas. I would have sent Izzy home last wk. In the workroom the closeup of those pieces/strings was a horrifying. I also like Tieler's and didn't think the "v" was too bad. I thought he had just measured wrong and it wasn't meant to be that open/wide. It always gets to me when the judges start crying. It must be really hard to send these kids home. I love Kelly's little pep talk to the criers. You can tell she can relate & I love that about her. Now if she'd only do something about her hair. I'm rather fond of Kelly but that 'do is tired.
  22. Thanks, IMonrey, it's been driving me crazy where I knew him (Chip) from. I rather liked his Peter Pan. Best part of that commercial.
  23. Finally this wk's episode was on demand. Another good one. Btw, is Damien the I See Dead People Kid? (I'd go to imdb but my old pc has a seizure whenever I try to load that site) It cracked me up that those 2 teachers (sorry, hopefully will learn all their names eventually. So far I've got Adler and Damien. :) bought those hideous earrings, but very surprised that it took them that long to realize that they were made of junk/trash. How won saw a sucked on lifesaver or cough drop on the other's earring was pretty funny. I love this show. So sad that it doesn't seem to be getting much of a following.
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