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Everything posted by choclatechip45

  1. I think Dani wants Day to stay longer because Nicole has Ian. Cody has Memphis. She needs a parachute. So by default it's Day plus Dani only aligns with people she likes and she doesn't seem to like Kevin or Xms or David as much.
  2. I know! This is why I had my crazy theory yesterday that he was one of productions favorites lol. I guess Britney in season 12 is the only other one? I hope people ask Ian about this post show. Also apparently he did terrible in another comp and wants to comp out.
  3. And this fan base is happy that Ian is being protected. But let's not forget he contributed to the microaggressions against Bay and Day until he had a panic attack because he was nervous about being portrayed as a racist. I guess at least he feels bad about it?
  4. Ugh Dani just said she can't put up Ian and feeds cut. It's so messed up production is protecting a white male winner just because shitty comments were made. Yet they couldn't protect Howard, Candace, Kemi, or Bayleigh last week.
  5. Tyler thinks Enzo will go up if Day takes Kevin off.
  6. Ian doesn't trust Day and will do whatever Nicole wants.....also National Forest Fires Day will block the veto anyway since that's her power.
  7. Happy for Day. Best move would be for her to take down Kevin and convince Dani to backdoor Ian.
  8. Did anyone know Jeanie Buss is a Big Brother fan?
  9. I don't think Day trusts Dani. She told Enzo Wednesday she would put Dani up. I think Dani wants Day as her parachute. I think Day is just blinded by the fact she knows Dani wants Tyler out.
  10. Ian follows people room to room quite often in the house especially Nicole. Memphis complained about it week one that whenever he tried to get away from Ian that Ian would reappear. I’ve also seen Ian hang out alone on the couch in the bathroom while people are taking showers rocking furiously. That would stress me out. I think the comments and laughing about his disability are disgusting. I have anxiety Ian’s rocking stresses me out. I know he can’t control it like I can’t control my anxiety in stressful situations. It’s good to know in your eyes my disability isn’t real.
  11. Anyone think they might wake them up in the middle of the night? Like Ovis power that went unused.
  12. Yup while production is protecting Ian a white male winner because people made super shitty comments about something he can't control.
  13. Backyard is open. Does this mean Hide and Seek veto?
  14. Christmas is pissed that Kevin knew he was nominated
  15. Yeah I like your line of thinking! Just trying to think of how he can save the power while not getting nominated.
  16. Didn't Jessica try to lie about the halting hex and it backfired? Granted she was also a terrible player. I don't know how someone could use The Disruptor the way Yul used the immunity idol on Survivor. I feel like on Big Brother it would be harder since they would flush the power out no matter what. Granted David should have at least tried to cut a deal with Dani maybe.
  17. He would have been the second boot in season 14 if not for the coaches twist and would have gone home the week Britney went home if not for the second veto being released into the game. He's been saved by twists more times than Jeff Schroeder the ultimate production favorite. They are making him safe this week even though he won before and making sure another POC goes out this week. The comments against Ian are really shitty and should have never have happened, but production shouldn't get involved at all.
  18. Guys, I have a theory please don't laugh at me. What if Ian is Grodner's favorite and not Cody? Ian was saved twice in his season by twists. He should have gone home week 2, but was conveniently saved by Christmas. They left out in the edited show Nicole planting the seeds for Christmas to use it. They didn't show any of the HOH fallout drama he had with Bay protecting him to an extent. And now they've informed Nicole and Dani about the shitty comments they made which will prob cause him not to be nominated. If you want to think it further how convenient is it they put Nicole as the only other winner in the house. They could have just put Ian in the house as the lone winner like they did with Will in BB7. Or they could have scrapped Nicole and put in Hayden who probably would not have wanted to work with Ian.
  19. Tyler mentioned in week 2 that chip must be a magnet since he was chosen a lot on 20. I am too lazy to fact check him on it lol.
  20. Kevin's big move his season was telling Jeff that he overheard Rusell and Michelle had a final 2 (it was a lie) when Jeff wasn't in power. The next week Jeff won HOH and he reminded him of it and that's why Jeff backdoored Russell. Kevin was in the dominant alliance in the beginning and besides Jeff was probably the biggest beneficiary of the wizard powers because it got Jesse out and made him more valuable to Natalie & co and forced him to float. It also helped that he had the best relationship with Jeff & Jordan from his side of the house.
  21. His master plan is to make jury and comp out till the end. It is so disappointing. I was looking forward to seeing Ian since he is 8 years older than when he originally played and he bragged on reddit a couple years ago his social skills were better, but it's been a huge disappointment. It would be a smart move for Dani to put up Enzo, but it will never happen since he has been throwing her name all over the house.
  22. Kevin will somehow blame Janelle for Dani nominating him.
  23. I think a bit of both? He told Nicole if he won HOH he needed her help for noms. Nicole told Dani and she told Nicole that was super weird and didn't believe it for a second. He also apparently told Nicole that he wouldn't vote for a winner because he would feel guilty. Nicole was rightfully pissed. It's really hard to get a read on Ian this past week between his health issues and him not talking game with anyone besides Nicole.
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