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Everything posted by choclatechip45

  1. Also Cody and Nicole are super pissed at Dani for telling Day not to use the veto until the last minute.
  2. Memphis just told Ian that he will be voting him out. Nicole wants to tell Ian he is leaving because Kevin told Ian that the people closest to you are responsible for putting you up. Ian of course ran back to Nicole who denied it and now feels bad. Also Kevin is #1 enemy in the house. Ian now thinks his game over. He goes and tells Nicole and Cody who lie to him. This is getting really hard to watch. This is worse than Nicole Anthony with the way Ian is acting it wouldn't surprise me if he breaks something in the house.
  3. Ian thinks he has Cody and "coco's vote" and is bashing Kevin calling him a crazy person and stupid. Sadly Ian doesn't realize he is the one who is coming off as crazy and stupid. I'm over Ian's personal bashing of people. He did it to Kaysar and I feel like if someone had a disability he would personally bash them too.
  4. I agree with all of this. Dom never watched the show before he was on. Dani said they found him from his modeling portfolio. Remember how public her relationship with Nick was? I think if Dani wanted too she could have parlayed her relationship with Dom into a lifestyle. Even though Dani loves Big Brother and bases her identity on it, I don't think she loves interacting with fans. She had that rule against doing podcasts. It could be because she doesn't want to be asked about her dad.
  5. Ian is calling Kevin shady (the one person who has been honest to him) to Nicole (the shadiest person towards him). Ian is continuing his spoiled brat routine.
  6. Ian asked Nicole if he has a votes and she brushes him off. Ugh I really hope Ian doesn't remain friends with her after this season. He said he is going to be upset if a wine spritzer is the reason he goes home. Ian you are the target!!
  7. Yes he has mentioned both multiple times. It sounds like he yelled at Dani and Cody said he put his fingers in her face (I don't believe that since the Love Triangle over exaggerates everything). It seemed like David is now considering keeping Ian due to the fight, but who knows what David is thinking. Xmas also might have yelled at Ian, but not sure some twitter accounts are reporting it. I remember Janelle saying on the feeds during season 14 they are basically put in a hotel room and have to keep the door open so the handler can watch them to make sure they don't harm themselves. She said they received unlimited booze, but who knows with COVID what the regulations are anymore. This moment on the feeds warmed my black heart. Between this and Day being concerned about Ian's rocking might cause him to break the hammock and Ian getting hurt. I hope Ian drops Nicole and becomes friends with Day and David because they seem to care about him.
  8. I hate Andy, but he made a good point on twitter. Considering, Nicole and Ian are former winners they have been playing scared. Have some fun! Even though Will would joke about quitting almost every day in the pre jury at least he had fun. If you are a former winner Will laid out a simple blueprint use the prejury to build social relationships set up some alliances and the jury phase is when you go all out. Dan did the same thing, however he made his first move a little too early. Getting rid of Janelle and Boogie was a big mistake for his game.
  9. If Nicole felt so passionately about Ian she would gather the outsiders and vote to keep Ian to force Dani to break a tie. Nicole never thinks for herself. I'm not a big Dani fan, but at least she thinks for herself. She has wanted to get Ian out for awhile.
  10. Apparently we missed a Dani/Ian fight when feeds were down last night.
  11. The power only let's her play in the HOH competition it doesn't guarantee that she will win a HOH.
  12. Kevin/Day figured out the core 4 is Dani, Nicole, Enzo and Cody!
  13. Day was in the same spot whether or not she used the veto. At least now she has someone who won't put her up hanging around. Plus Ian has said he doesn't trust Day.
  14. Wow that confessional from Ian! Maybe don't follow Nicole around for 6 weeks. Ever since the DR warned her about the comments Ian is her brother/best friend lol.
  15. Jury votes are also about respect. No one in the house respects Ian, Xmas, and David because no one wants to be that person that lost to someone they don't respect. The two people who respected Ian were Janelle and Kaysar. Ian thought it was good for his game for Janelle to be gone.
  16. I agree completely it will blow up in Kevin's face if he uses during the jury questioning. I think he has done a good job mentioning it to people when they've asked him why he decided to come back or if him and his husband plan on having children.
  17. Ian has said on reddit that he invested most of his winnings. Also, from his LinkedIn profile he had had a real job since he graduated from Tulane. He was a teacher and after he left teaching he was a consultant. I think he said week 1 he quit his job to come on the show because of the 40K stipend. It seems like he has built a good life for himself. He really likes Houston and his condo. I don't know if he owns it or rents it. It sounds like from his conversations with Janelle he wants to stay in that area permanently. Plus Ian seems like the type that would be responsible with his winnings. I don't really blame any of them for being focused on the stipend since we are in the pandemic. Enzo mentioned he was on the pandemic unemployment before he came on the show.
  18. He told people he wanted to make jury for the extra 12k. I remember him telling people this pre jury. To be fair to Ian though Tyler has said the same thing.
  19. I think out of those 3 only Kevin has a legit chance against Ian because he has talked about what he would do with the money starting a family while Ian lives in a condo that his previous winnings helped him get. Plus Ian bragged about using Kaysar for a job which is kind of a turn off since Kaysar has a really good job. I think these things matter when people don't like either finalist sort of like BB14 do you vote for the college kid drowning in student loan debt or the guy who has won half a million dollars? I am surprised Ian hasn't used his this argument with The Outsiders. It's probably his best shot in staying.
  20. Kevin is probably talking about representation from season 1-10 since he played on season 11. Big Brother tried a lot harder in the earlier days with diversity. After season 11 they stopped casting Black guys who had a shot of winning.
  21. Fair. He thinks the core is Ian/Nicole/Dani/Cody.
  22. Cody and Nicole. That's what he has been saying. He also thinks Ian is part of the core and is the mastermind of the core.
  23. He still has a large fanbase from season 20. If you go on reddit people still love him and Ian.
  24. Ian is somewhat dangerous because he could always go on a comp streak. His strategy is to comp out. I don't think it's a good strategy. If I'm the outsiders my thinking is they are both dangerous. There is a shot Tyler might work with me vs Ian who will only do what Nicole wants. The latter is more dangerous. Also, Xmas wants Cody out soon because he is a good competitor. If I'm Ian I would tell the outsiders that if they bring them to the end they can all beat him, but that would require Ian to take a break from tantrum and stop low key threatening people.
  25. Ian will do whatever Nicole wants lol. I think Day is 50/50 right now. Xmas wants to get rid of Ian because the way Nicole is acting Ian is her untouchable so he has to go.
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