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  1. Paige's graphic murder is why the serial killer with the abs should never have been redeemed and marry the daughter of Bo and Hope..
  2. I love your observations about Shawn-Douglas. I always preferred when the show called him that instead of just plain old Shawn. I think that Bo would always love his children no matter who they are flaws and all because he felt unloved by his father Shawn all of his life. Shawn-Douglas should have been more like Hope and a bit like Victor. Bo trying to keep his son from Victor's influence would have been a great Father/Son conflict. Add in Victor on the sidelines manipulating Shawn-Douglas and trying to get Bo to accept him as his father. You would have had a great storyline that was character-driven and rooted in history.
  3. I always find it funny how people who are not Black are constantly telling Black people what our perspective should be because the topic of racism makes them uncomfortable. Everything in this country goes back to race. People forget that Africans living their lives in Africa were targeted because of their skin color and were subjugated displaced enslaved and colonized for centuries. Black people are still targeted because of their skin color. Being Black, I always avoid discussing race and racism with White women like Sara and White adjacent women like Alyssa because they don't understand what life is like being Black not just in the USA but all over the world. They tend to dismiss or minimize racism because they cannot relate so I choose not to engage. For example: when Alyssa was talking about people voting for Trump because of "economic anxiety" Sunny brought up the fact that Black people are also poor, but they voted for Kamala she dismissed it because our pain as Black people does not impact someone like Alyssa who will always align with whiteness because the default in this country is White. Only White people's problems and traumas matter.
  4. After denying for months that she engaged in revenge porn, Kenya Moore has finally admitted that she did just that on Tamron Hall's talk show last week. However, she tried to minimize what she did by saying that she did not think that it was going to go down the way that it did because she knew that BRAVO would have blurred out the offensive picture. Tamron was not buying what she was selling and she was very diplomatic about it. Kenya was trying to paint herself as the aggrieved mother desperately trying to protect her child. I rolled my eyes when she said that. Her beautiful daughter was not the reason that she did that. Tamron asked her if she had gotten fired and she evaded the question. Kenya as always went too far like she has always done when she is going after somebody and it backfired as always. Rumor has it that she is having financial problems and is trying get back on BRAVO's good side next season. She is also coming back for the reunion so we will see how it all plays out. I also have a feeling that her ex Mark is making life miserable for her. Kenya seemed really down throughout the interview..
  5. She should stop caring for people who don't care about her. Black women are checking out and going on vacation. Black women are too empathetic and it always bites us in the ass. Rest Black women, we deserve it.. Let them destroy themselves.. We know how to survive during dark times.. Draw on our foremothers strength ingenuity grace and joy to get through whatever comes our way..
  6. The ladies forgot to mention how Democrats did really well on down ballot races and state legislatures all over the country. Republican supermajorities in some states no longer exist.. So it was not a blow out as the pundits have said. I also get annoyed when the working class conversation is brought up because it only means White people who are struggling. Black people have been excluded from everything in this country since 1619 when they were brought here against their will. Don't our struggles count too? Apparently not and despite that we always try to do right by this country and not just us. Those days are now over for a lot of us. The capes are burning.. It also annoys me that whenever Democrats lose they are told to look within and reach out to Republicans, stop being too far left elitists but the same is never said to Republicans. I am glad that Sunny brought that up but nobody wanted to hear that. I loved it that Joy brought up the fact that all of the gains that have helped people in this country like social security, Medicaid and Medicare was because of the Democrats who are called far-left and Republicans have been working tirelessly to get rid of them calling them entitlements.. I want to see what will happen when these things no longer exist..
  7. I see nothing wrong with Sunny asking that question. Being Black I know exactly what she meant. Since Sara and you are not Black in America, you will never understand. Black women should just check out and let America be America. Sunny and other Black people should burn their capes. Whatever will be will be. We did our best and we have no allies.. Black people need to mind their Black business and try to survive in a world that sees us as less than human just like our ancestors have done for centuries.
  8. Based on the documents posted above, Alyssa was truly a vindictive petty small-minded person. She was a piece of work. I now understand why Rose called her out so spectacularly a few years ago on tweeter, telling the world how Alyssa made life unbearable on the set of the show. I remember Shannen even asked to be released from her contract in season 3 due to Alyssa's antics. She just could not take it anymore. Alyssa's disdain for Shannen and paranoia is so over the top and nonsensical. I think she should have just spoken to Shannen privately about their petty issues and then move on. Not everybody is meant to be friends in life. Being respectful and professional in order to put on a great show for the fans is all that really mattered at the end of the day. I truly believe that the original power of 3 envisioned by Constance Burge was truly special and it is a shame that egos got in the way of that.
  9. Brooke and Tad were better as friends and I just did not like How desperate Brooke was with Tad when he came back from the dead since she had Edmund wanting to be with her. She was so unforgiving when it came to Edmund's determination to prove that he was Hugo's son. He was an abused and neglected child and that does not go away just because you are now an adult. Could Edmund have handled it better, of course. Brooke was so inflexible. It has always been a character flaw of Brooke, once she feels betrayed by a man it is hard for her to trust him again. Even Erica told her that she needed to get over herself and go back to Edmund.. Erica who was not Brooke's biggest fan told her that her marriage to Tad was doomed to fail. Tad was a selfish man child and did not deserve a woman like Brooke. Brooke's needy side came out when she was married to him. Brooke has had great pairings on the show. I adored her and Tom together. I liked her with Adam but her treated her too much like she was a possession. Not to mention that he betrayed her with Dixie. Brooke was the best thing that ever happened to Adam and he knew this. Whereas Edmund was the best thing to have ever happened to Brooke. He called Brooke his one true love after he left everything to her after disinheriting Saint Maria in his will after he died. Brooke was not ready emotionally to give Mark what he needed in a relationship. Brooke and Natalie were my favorites on the show. I also loved their respective rivalries with Erica. Brooke has ALWAYS been a very intelligent woman and she has proven that she will not be treated any less than the best by a man and that is why I love Brooke. She loved Adam with all of her heart and it hurt her deeply to walk away from him but she did it anyway after he betrayed her with Dixie. She is strong beautiful smart capable and classy. Julia Barr is a fantastic actress every time she cries, especially when Brooke is longing for her daughter Laura, I cry.. A parent's grief for their child that has passed away is eternal. It never leaves you..
  10. I have been missing All My Children something terrible. So I have been watching past episodes on youtube. I have fallen in love all over again with Brooke and Edmund. Those two were just so wonderful and dynamic together. I never understood why the show put Edmund with Maria. Edmund lost himself in that pairing, he became lifeless and dull by Saint Maria's side. Edmund brought so much happiness adventure and joie de vivre to Brooke's life. I truly felt that she was truly happy with him and that he along with her son Jamie made life worth living after he beloved daughter Laura died. I just wish that Brooke was not so unforgiving when it came to Edmund's vendetta against Dimitri. Does anybody know why the writers went from Edmund/Brooke to Edmund/Maria? Did the show change writers who decided to jettison the Brooke/Edmund love story. It was just jarring to me because Maria was clearly a rebound for Edmund. His heart was with Brooke period..
  11. The sad thing about this whole Kandi/Phaedra situation is that Kandi and Phaedra were really friends off the show for years after they had met initially on the show. So I never really understood why Phaedra turned on her during her separation from her husband. She aligned herself with Portia of all people. Kandi was a good friend to her. She never even spilled Phaedra's business even after she found out the lie that she had told Portia..
  12. I actually cried this morning upon hearing the news. I have always been a fan of Shannen and may she rest in peace. Charmed was never the same without her. I hope that somebody has given Holly Marie a hug because I know that she is hurting beyond we can even imagine because they were best friends and she loved Shannen fiercely.. She was always rooting for her and defending her always no matter what..
  13. Kenya always goes too far when she has somebody in her line of fire. She has done this with Porsha multiple times but the shit hit the fan at that infamous reunion when she used that scepter and megaphone to annoy her. She got dragged literally by Porsha. She has gone overboard with others as well. Phaedra over that exercise tape. Kim fields is another one that she attacked in a vicious manner but Kim was too classy to get in the mud with her. She disrupted Marlo's gathering once and brought a marching band. That incident with Tanya and that baker lady. Kenya is a very jealous envious insecure woman and lashes out in the worst way. On Celebrity apprentice, she stole Vivica's phone and posted on her social media as Vivica to humiliate her. I am pretty sure that there were other incidents but these are the ones that came to mind.
  14. I have been rewatching Another world and I absolutely love Rachel with Ken who is shady and scheming with Cali Timmins Paulina. They are just so right together and make more sense than Rachel being with Carl. I never saw Rachel in her heyday as a conniver and schemer. I think that Ken could have brought out that side of her if they had to take on a villain.. Cali Timmins' Paulina is so awesome and I am loving her more and more as I am re-watching. I did not think that it was necessary for her to be Mac's daughter to be a part of the Cory family. Rachel would have accepted her and forgiven her for her lies. Plus I thought that she and Russel's Jamie had awesome chemistry..
  15. Pearson80


    I grew to love Paige after the show ended though via reruns. I wished that Paige had had more Witch powers than Whitelighter ones. I always thought that it was a mistake to make her such a hybrid. I adored the Piper/Paige dynamic. I hated how Phoebe treated Paige over Cole. She was always so awful to her sisters for him. If Prue had remained on the show in season 4. Paige could have been a Warren cousin with powers via Grams' brother in that infamous family tree in season 2.
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