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  1. I've said all this before, but I was all in on Drew/Nina under Mulcahey and the Willow affair. I think his intention was to invert his own story from Guiding Light, where schmoozing politician Ross Marler is in a triangle with mother and daughter and ends up with the daughter, Blake. He remolded Drew into Ross and went to town, and I think Cameron plays that schmoozing, cocky sort of cad with a heart well. Since PM's exit they have made Drew into more of an overt heel/dick, and I think Cameron actually plays that well too. He is performing the role as scripted, I don't fault him for that. I suspect Drew will get gunned down or otherwise murdered very shortly, but I would be happy with seeing him continue because the show needs more Quartermaine operators like that. The problem is he is now wildly unpopular with the audience, including on here. Some of those reasons are certainly valid enough given all the shit he's pulled, I get it. But for other members of the online audience GH has honestly just trained them to not expect soap opera behavior from people and not tolerate it. Characters like Drew Q were a dime a dozen back in the day, but GH has so few actual scoundrels, schemers or gladhanding politicians today that aren't either all white or all black in their nature. And a lot of people just seem to recoil at them now. So I think he's dunzo soon. It's too bad, because I'd probably rather have seen Who Shot Drew vs. Who Killed Drew. Both are good stories I expect GH to squander. But had he been handled with more care like earlier in the year he (and the tawdry affair with Willow, which has been totally rushed through and mishandled, to say nothing of a Nina endgame) could've run for a long time. JMO.
  2. CyberJordan delivers all her lines like Perd Hapley on Parks and Recreation. I am astonished they still throw men at her.
  3. Jason and Sasha are two of the most boring motherfuckers alive.
  4. The brazen behavior with Willow and Drew is wild, but fun. It's actual drama at least, not just cueball jewel thieves from outside the world of Port Charles. Patrick Mulcahey had re-crafted Drew into being kind of the political/business-minded Quartermaine operator and a rakish, somewhat gray rogue character, but not a full-on heel as he's rapidly become now under the returning writing team. Both iterations worked for me and I think Cameron Mathison plays them well, but I do think Drew's likely to join Sam in the hereafter very soon. Which is too bad IMO, but unsurprising. This show always knows how to squander good opportunities and you could still get more mileage out of Willow and Drew and their scandal throwing it in everyone's face.
  5. I was a fan of Setton's BLQ until she turned into Sister Maria and became chaste with Chase. If that can't change I'd recast with an actress for whom it can. I think the character had lots of promise with many people, including Dante. Not with a secret fully grown love child that ages them all up even more.
  6. Arrr, his jewels! Cannot believe they repeated the same gag with Cyrus in the church from last year. This is what I mean about these boring crime characters being interchangeable. Get fucked, hacks.
  7. New Year's Eve shocker: Little Aiden benchpresses Cam after a fiery sibling argument!
  8. A rock is extremely appropriate for him. He gets Gregory's.
  9. Why did I read this as Evil Homer smdh
  10. Adieu Dex, or as too many actors onscreen regularly said his name this year, "Dax". I do think the Patrick Mulcahey era tried to make Dex and Joss more palatable to the writer's own tastes by moving him to a cop role, which IMO was the right thing for that character and he came off sincere and good-hearted in that arena with Anna, etc. But ultimately I never cared a whit about Dex and won't miss him. It's time to do what OLTL 1991 did: Purge! Start throwing up an opening sequence where 50-70% of the actors in it have already been fired! Here's what you do when you don't find the rainbow's end! Don't cry! 🪓🪓
  11. We'll see! Sooner or later this will come back to Cueball and his jewels!
  12. Nice to see you again! We'll miss you! A lot of that stuff floating around (or the show in general) about this feels like rumors spun up into overly confident narrative that doesn't necessarily hold for me, considering one of the sources is a true crackpot. I do believe the network wanted more cuts. I don't believe anyone mandated it was Kelly Monaco, but I think she put herself into a position to be vulnerable both in the past and maybe very recently. I also think Frank had been tired of her behavior for awhile. Not that I really care, Sam has been superfluous for over a decade.
  13. She was probably already popping out one of like what, 3-4 kids at that point (and I believe had just done the unfortunate Torchwood S4 as one of her last major non-soap career moves) so I doubt she was even interested. As I said, it's just GH's insane luck she by her own admission in interviews all but came out of retirement for this. Because that's all it is. A very basic and cliched soap C-story so they can plausibly claim the Black heroine still has story and airtime. They were deeply skittish of frontlining her with Spencer but couldn't get away from it entirely due to the fanbase and the optics, and now they don't have that problem.
  14. I think Mansi is capable but like so many talents on this show (including Jonathan Jackson and hopefully less so Alexa Havins next) is often wasted by the storytelling, scripts and pacing. For months when KM first came on she was near invisible or seemed like it, saddled to a boring background timewaster story with the surrogacy and a dayplayer for a love interest. I wasn't the only one wondering why she was hired to do nothing. Then I actually thought she came into her own very strong during the Patrick Mulcahey months in the spring and began actively carrying a meandering show where she was the heroine starting to square off in a reasonably intelligent and forthright way against Natalia, Joss and the manipulative Ava in Sonny's home, only to (once again) have her own illusions about her father crushed at the Chase wedding. It was when PM had clearly left the building that the worm turned and she became just unbearable for me re: the baby, etc. and that's continued. If they want to move her into a more overt spoiled villain or schemer direction now that's fair, I believe Mansi can play it and I think she deserves better from the show. But you have to have enough viewers still willing to follow her there after what she's already done and how the show has seemingly coddled her as much as her mother and father, where it has clearly not seen her as the bad guy or someone to root against. That approach to how the show treats her has to change in order for the shift to work enough for the audience. I'm open to it, but I have little faith in this creative team. I don't blame Mansi, who I think is far more ready for primetime than Lexi. I would've been fine with Lexi staying but Kristina had been a C or D-character for years and that wasn't changing anytime soon. Could it have? Maybe. Could Lexi have handled it? Not sure. We're here now.
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