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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. Lol there’s no way Joss genuinely considers Spencer a friend. She can’t have a single conversation without badmouthing him. I feel like she only plays the friend card to guilt him when he responds in kind.
  2. Tbh I don’t think she looks younger than her age. I would guess early to mid 20s if I saw her. Perhaps it’s because the cast skews on the older side that throws me off with her. It’s hard for me to buy her in the role when her professional peers on the show are all 20-40 years older than her, some of whom have known her for her entire life.
  3. She did say she had to go talk to Robert and recuse herself once Liz implicated Nikolas. I don’t consider her connections to Liz to be enough to recuse herself. Irl, definitely but on GH she wouldn’t be able to work if she couldn’t try cases that she had tenuous ties to. Liz and Ric were married before she was even born and dated for less than a year like a decade ago after that.
  4. Joss telling Trina to take things slow with Spencer is a choice considering she’s in an instant relationship with a guy she barely knows
  5. Of course Curtis would blast Jordan. I mean, it’s not like he practically mocked her saying how he and Portia have no secrets and a completely honest relationship, unlike there’s where she kept work information from him
  6. I thought I was going to like Molly as a lawyer but it doesn’t work for me whenever we see her in the role. It’s a shame because it made sense on paper with her parents, being an overachiever in school and wanting to advocate
  7. Liz rushing to confess makes no sense to me. Nik is MIA as far as she knows and why wouldn’t she wait for Esme’s memories to come back? No one was even looking into where Esme was
  8. Honestly, she’s always come off kind of dumb and brainwashed to me (at least since her teens years and on) and no amount of other characters saying how smart she is changes things for me. She parrots Carly’s opinions and changes up on people the same time she does. I’ve yet to see her possess an original thought. It’s a bizarre decision for her character because I can’t think of another legacy character who echos everything single thing their parent thinks. Familial and generational conflict is kind of a cornerstone to this genre.
  9. Exactly. Sonny would obviously retaliate if he finds out someone is plotting against but joss assumes he would kill Dex solely on the basis of him dating her, which we knew was laughable because the most he’d do is tell Dex to dump her or he’d fire him. Sonny eventually accepted Jason boning his own sister. The only time I remember him trying to have someone killed over dating his relative is when he tried to kill Johnny Z over Kristina when they fake dated but she was either underage or freshly legal while Johnny was much older and an enemy, not an employee. In that case, I’m assuming he thought Kristina was getting taken advantage of for revenge
  10. The only Qs that baby related to is Drew, Scout, Danny and Jake. Everyone else is shared relatives but if you use that, you’d find connections between the majority of the town. Also, someone mentioned Courtney and I think they forgot that Nik is the father, not Spencer, so he’s not related to the Corinthii other than the ones who are also Cassadines, which also made me realize how many are in both families.
  11. When Sonny eventually does go after Dex for being a snitch, I’m sure Joss will twist herself into a pretzel to say he’s only doing it because Dex was dating her. Tbh, they’re only keeping it a secret because Joss is incapable of dealing with people judging her like she judges everyone else. We saw how she acted with Cam when he found out. That and a secret relationship kept secret for no reason seem to be the only drama the Carlys can have. See Carly/Drew’s relationship that not a single soul gives a damn about and Michael/Willow keeping their relationship a secret from Chase because apparently he would lose the will to live if he couldn’t be with Willow.
  12. I’m dreading Laura turning into Esme’s defender. This is already ridiculous. Just because Esme doesn’t remember what she did does not absolve her and 2 of Laura’s grandchildren were her victims.
  13. The Joss/Dex angst doesn’t particularly work if they are on the same side. Maybe he should have kept her in the dark so she could keep lecturing him on the mob. What’s the conflict exactly?
  14. If anything, Carly wanted to be more involved and would get angry that they wouldn’t tell her things, which usually resulted in her spying or doing the run around trying to insert herself so Jason had to bail her out of whatever dumb plan she came up with
  15. So let’s say Dex’s plan works and Sonny gets caught (it won’t). He really thinks he’ll be free and clear to live in PC after turning in a mob boss? He can’t be that dumb
  16. Lol it’s because it kills her whenever there’s something she doesn’t know. She had an entire meltdown over the fact that she wasn’t told Spencer believed Trina was innocent even though she had nothing to do with that and kept it from Trina herself once she found out
  17. I mean, it’s Michael. If Willow died today, Michael would find a new gf and mommy for his kids next week. He didn’t exactly grieve for Sabrina all that long before Nelle and only managed single fatherhood for 1 evening before Willow took over as the primary caregiver
  18. The new Quartermaine set is pretty but they keep giving that mansion “rooms” that don’t look like they belong there. This set and the kitchen both look like they belong in a much smaller and modern house. I couldn’t figure out where they were until someone told me. Not sure why they bother unless having the Q living room set up is a big hassle.
  19. I seen a lot of people say before that CM plays Drew just like Ryan Lavery and for the most part, I didn’t see it. I only saw him playing himself. However, yesterday’s episode was straight up everything I remember (and hated) about his portrayal of Ryan. Smug, condescending, and cringe yelling. usually directed at female characters
  20. I don’t get Dex and his story. How are you able to hire a private security company to hire to go undercover for the mob? Why would they agree to do a suicide mission and how would it protect the person who was hired from criminal charges when you get to the end and try to expose Sonny? He’s already committed several crimes and is probably soon to be an accessory to several more. Like was Michael assuming that the authorities would grant Dex immunity so it’s cool and no one would retaliate against him?
  21. Joss does spend a lot of time lounging around with Dex or having sex with him for someone who’s supposedly dealing with so much. Lack of time was only an issue when it came to dropping by Britt’s memorial. Oh well, I guess it’s impressive that all of that stress and grief apparently hasn’t affected sex drive
  22. I’ve been saying since the beginning of this storyline that it comes off like pro-life propaganda and how especially tone deaf it is given current events. There’s SLs that are bad on the surface and I might cringe or snark at them but I have visceral hate for this one in a way that I haven’t felt before
  23. Especially considering that they’ve resigned themselves to Willow dying. We know she isn’t but damn, they were probably going to end up traumatizing the damn kid by withholding this.
  24. Lol it’s crazy that they immediately gave up after putting the bare minimum effort into look for a donor. Especially considering how rich some of the people tied to Willow are. It’s even more frustrating that she’ll have a miracle match when they aren’t even looking
  25. He’s an excellent friend but that’s sort of the bigger problem. Why is it that he can manage to be open and understanding when it comes to his friends but so judgmental when it comes to his partners? With the exception of Laura, his friends all have shady pasts and sometimes present but that’s never an issue for him.
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