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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. I don’t think Joss goes after Esme for Trina’s sake, it’s just another reason to snipe at her. She’s been fighting with Esme since the moment she showed up in PC. They had almost as many bitchfests as Carly/Nina. Sometimes she said it was because she was looking out for Spencer but she treats him like crap too. I think she’s just itching for a fight most of the time. She’s pretty nasty towards anyone outside of Trina and her family.
  2. I don’t see it happening because Joss is even more bubble wrapped than Carly. She never gets called out for anything and has only been the center of love triangles. Trina had to immediately bow out and say she didn’t want Cameron and no other girl has went after one of her other guys. If they put her in a love triangle, she’d be another Michael who never loses and the guy will make it completely clear that Joss blows the competition out of the water. See how they handled that lame Willow/Michael/Chase triangle where Willow couldn’t even feign a slight interest in Chase, never mind be genuinely torn between them.
  3. I think the crux of the issue is they want to showcase Joss as a lead when she doesn’t have all the much going on in the way of story so she gets a lot of big moments and scenes reacting to things that should have gone to other characters, i.e. Sonny’s kids or Trina. She’s really only had 1 storyline since Oscar died- being the subject of the sex tape and that kind of got overshadowed by Esme framing Trina for the crime.
  4. I also don’t think Spencer is intimidated by Dex but they’ve been consistent on Joss living in her own reality when it comes to how others see Dex and their relationship. Spencer can be a snob who looks down on others and likely places an unequal amount of blame on Dex for stealing Joss from Cameron and the end of that relationship but none of that implies he’s intimidated by Dex. He has a pretty low opinion of him for several reasons.
  5. That dynamic would never have applied to her considering that Sam was so much older and wasn’t raised by Alexis. Aren’t the middle children stereotypically the forgotten or ignored ones? If anything, Kristina got too much of the attention because of the paternity/Sonny drama of her early years and her penchant for screwing things up in her teen years and 20s. Molly was the ignored kid because she never did anything wrong.
  6. I figured Trina wouldn’t care that Joss cheated on Cameron. They minimized Trina/Cam’s friendship once they recast Trina. SM’s Trina was portrayed as equally close to both of them and called Joss out the times she was being crappy to Cam but TA’s Trina has mostly been shown as Joss’ friend who was mainly around Cameron because they dated. She didn’t even tell Joss to stop stringing him along. Spencer was much closer to Cam so his reaction and protectiveness also tracked.
  7. Violet is way too old for them to constantly carry her around. It’s getting weird
  8. I don’t want to sound mean but I really hope that they hire a different Molly. This one isn’t strong enough to be the center of a storyline and I am distracted by her not hitting her marks and her screen partners guiding her
  9. Did Sasha ever get any help for her addiction issues? I don’t recall any mentions of rehab or those empty NA/AA meetings we’d see Alexis and Finn sometimes attend. Both times she was using, she went from completely out of control and destroying her life to sober with no lingering desire to use drugs. I’m not sure if they even said what she was abusing the last go around since she was taking pills instead of coke.
  10. I’m sure most on here would disagree but I think Jax is past bailing Carly out of her problems. He was never quite on the same level that Sonny/Jason were when it came to that to begin with but especially now that Joss is an adult and Carly made it clear during their last interaction that she didn’t consider him a friend anymore since he couldn’t support her quest to be the mob queen of Port Charles and put Joss willingly in danger.
  11. Most kids don’t stay in 1 house their entire lives, especially not wealthy kids. Donna will be fine, Sam. She already lives at Sonny’s half the time anyway and adjusted to that. I presume Dante’s kid is ok away from his childhood home and without his backyard.
  12. I swear Sam and Carly have had this exact “we used to only be connected through Jason but now we’re bffs” convo at least a dozen times since Jason died. Still not sure why we should care and the actresses are extremely awkward in these types of scenes together. I only buy them when they are fighting or reluctantly getting along due to their shared ties because there’s something that leaves me cold when they share scenes like this.
  13. I’ve never bought Emily/Richard being excited about Rory and Logan. Becoming friends with Logan and using that connection to further her career, sure, but marrying into a family like that? While they (mostly Emily) cared a lot about marrying someone from a “good” family, they also coddled Rory so I think they should have been reserved. Early Logan had a reputation for getting in trouble with the law and womanizing. Mitchum didn’t exactly have the best reputation as a husband even after he supposedly matured and took over the family business so why would they assume Logan would be any different as a partner?
  14. The stock didn’t crash because of the merger. It crashed when the merger vote was going on because other investors saw the stock manipulation going on and pulled out early before they lost their shirt. So some of those investors likely got a big pay out or broke even.
  15. They might as well have made Esme’s kid Spencer’s because this dynamic is so strange and the constant dialogue by others that he’s a parent to Ace and expected to help out makes absolutely no sense. Wanting custody to get him away from Esme was one thing but coparenting with her is stupid.
  16. I have a running theory that the writers think it’s ok to put couples who got good feedback through the wringer or to have them show up for a few minutes a month for fluff scenes because they already have fans who will root for them. It’s the only thing that makes sense for why they treat those pairings the way they do while giving the moon to couples that seem to either be outright unpopular or snoozeworthy. Goes back to Frons comments about “training the audience” to like what they want to promote.
  17. Which is extra weird since Dex/Joss have nothing going on. All of their obstacles were in Joss’ head and now they’re both content with Dex being a mob lackey.
  18. Good for NAC. I’m not surprised. With GH only being his first acting gig, he’s shown how talented he is. I’ve long thought he’d be out as soon as his contract was up. That Jeffrey Dahmer series was huge so this could seriously launch him.
  19. Were they trying to imply that the YAs was at that seedy bar because they were trying to drink underage somewhere where no one knows them? Minus Dex I’m assuming. I can’t remember how old they’re supposed to be but I thought that’s what they getting with Dante’s comment about not knowing who was 21 from that group and Joss scurrying away.
  20. I don’t think they’re trying. They want Spencer to be a hothead for no reason so Trina gets frustrated with him. If they really wanted a feud that made sense, they’d have Spencer find out that Dex was conspiring against Sonny but they are bubble wrapping Joss so that can’t happen.
  21. Who thinks these simultaneous mother/daughter love scenes are cute because this isn’t the first episode they’ve done this
  22. Idk, it’s part of the reason I think Dex is a huge miscast. A short military stint doesn’t necessarily mean he’d beat people in hand to hand combat. Think it’s because they’re trying to sell him as a big tough mob enforcer. He looks pretty tiny and doesn’t look like he’d pack a punch with that body. NAC had to stoop down just so he’d reach him in the scene today. Spencer has 6 inches and a lot of muscle on Dex.
  23. I’m pretty much giving up on couples on this show. Seems like the only ones who get focus and good stuff are couples/characters I hate, namely Carly and her children. Everyone else gets constant obstacles or ignored even though a lot of them have chemistry.
  24. It’s probably just me but it kinda creeps me out that they are still writing her like a precocious 4 year old when she clearly isn’t one. She’s been on the show for 4 years already. It’s like a freaking cartoon where the kids never age.
  25. The way she said it was cringe too. She’s been going by Spencer for less than a year so that line wasn’t giving what she thought it was.
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