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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. I know contractual guarantees can be a challenge sometimes when it comes to group scenes and it can be a waste when they have a bunch of contract characters in the background of a scene but I think they could have come up with a better way of acknowledging that Spencer’s family wanted to see him off as well than having Sonny and Alexis show up to the party after it ended because they were busy with work. They could have just had Spencer say he had dinner with them and said their goodbyes before he came to the party yesterday. Is it just me or have they made Sam weirdly distant from the rest of her family? This is like the 3rd or 4th time in a role Molly or Kristina called their relatives over for an announcement and she’s the only one not there. She’s hardly had any scenes with their sisters since the recasts.
  2. I think she’s sending the cops on a wild goose chase to buy herself some time. They tracked her credit card and saw the bus ticket to Toronto but we saw her steal Alexis’ corporate card to buy a plane ticket. It’ll probably be another day or 2 before Alexis realizes that and tells the cops.
  3. He’s always been so creepy when it comes to any guy around Maxie and tbh, all those guys were better people than mob lackey Spinelli (except Peter). I know Cody isn’t her aspiring LO like the others but they’re writing Spinelli like they do with all her LOs. It’s toxic. They haven’t been together for over a decade and if they really are supposedly friends and in a healthy coparent arrangement, he needs to not act like a jealous tool.
  4. I think they gave up on the character once MB’s son joined the show, even before Joss was temp recasted. He’s barely been on for months and even when he was, was mostly standing in the background while Joss talked to Adam. LMAO, I hope she cracked it because I always end up staring at it when we see the back of her office.
  5. I don’t think Esme was ever good, even with amnesia. She was more boring for sure but it didn’t redeem her. However, I think they realized that she has nothing going on without Spencer on the canvas and that’s why they’re going back to her being crazy. She has no friends and her family is either offscreen, dead or wants nothing to do with her. This is an UO on here not Laura being her biggest defender has always been gross to me considering 2 of her biggest targets were her grandsons. If they had to have someone in her corner, it should have been Kevin, not her.
  6. I think someone else alluded to it above but her reputation soured during the TB Carly years. I remember her specifically being credited with the whole “Carly is so brave and strong and loves with her whole heart stuff” that was getting mocked online and she never recovered. I do think there was a point where she got sidelined and pretty much only did editing or breakdowns but she’s come back full force since Dan/Chris took over as head writers and was basically third in command behind them.
  7. Is Drew’s asshole turn supposed to be because of his prison stint because wasn’t he an asshole before that to everyone not connected to Carly? She was definitely treated Ned like crap well before he suspected him of turning him into SEC, was dismissive towards Lucy which is what caused her to vote against him in the first place, and was foaming at the mouth at the thought of blackmailing Tracy in a weird attempt to force Ned to bail him of his crime instead of just being nice to Ned and asking him for help like any normal person would.
  8. I think that’s a common opinion but that doesn’t make their SL any more interesting and I think the show relies too heavily on the audience begrudgingly watching a dumb, ill thought out SL because characters we like are in it. Am I misremembering? I thought Nina and Ava figured it out because they were wondering why Drew and Carly were (very poorly) trying to hide the fact that they’re dating when no one would give a damn that they were together.
  9. Anyone know the waiting period post strike that they had to wait before firing the writers to avoid getting fined? The post strike material just started airing at the end of 2023 so they must have made this decision a while ago.
  10. Spencer’s mom was Sonny’s sister, making Spencer one of the five mutual relatives Dante and Sam share. Though Spencer is also related to Lulu and when he was a kid, referred to Dante as Uncle Dante as a result.
  11. Im pretty sure this is the first time since FV took over that we’ve had HWs that not only had he previously not worked with on OLTL but wrote for the show prior to him taking over. I’m not sure if it’s true but the consensus online has been that Dan/Chris deferred a lot to what Frank wanted and he was basically a shadow HW.
  12. I’m excited for Patrick. He’s always been one of my favorite soap writers. While I absolutely detest how Korte writes Carly and thinks she uses her show’s historian title to rewrite Carly’s history to make her come on on top, I do enjoy some of the stuff she writes for characters who aren’t involved in the same story as Carly. Bright side is she can’t exactly make me dislike Carly any more than I already do.
  13. Dan/Chris don’t do much for me but Korte will just make it even more centered around Carly and her kids than it already is so I don’t see an improvement there. If that’s true, hopefully they hire a new HW soon.
  14. LMAO so Carly agrees to be the editor solely to get at Nina but didn’t think she’d actually have to you know, be the editor? That tracks. Also were her shoes too small because she looked like she was limping when she tried to do that smug strut
  15. I think Jason and Sam are DOA. During his last run, they had Jason said he’s always been in love with Carly and should have said no when Sam said she wanted to have kids. I don’t think there’s any way coming back from that.
  16. The writing today also made Carly appear to be fake as hell with Sam today. Carly clearly knew what Drew was doing while Sam was waiting on him yet was patting her on the head telling her to give Drew grace. I mean, why didn’t Carly tell her bff that Drew left her waiting because he thought plotting revenge on Nina was more important? I guess because she knows it doesn’t make her look like the good person she thinks she is when she’s stoking the fire and giving that smug smirk alongside him while Sam is concerned about his behavior.
  17. Like she’s clearly relishing Drew being a petty asshole and doesn’t care that his daughter is suffering as a result. She’s always salivated when the men in her life treat other women like garbage. It’s gross and her biggest toxic trait.
  18. Days like today remind me that this show pretty much exclusively caters to their Facebook fans, which is getting more and more unhinged as time goes on.
  19. If this were real life, Nina could sue the hell out of Drew and Aurora for firing her. She’s covered by the whistleblower protection act for reporting insider trading.
  20. I saw an interview JPS did about how Valentin and Anna broke up so Anna’s not in a holding pattern this year while he tapes his other show but it doesn’t seem like the show has much use for Anna outside of that pairing or Anna reacting to something he’s done. She’s barely been on since he’s been MIA and most of the scenes she’s had have been pointless outside of the 2 episodes memorializing Bobbie.
  21. TJ and Jordan always come off like siblings or friends instead of mother and son. I’ve suspended disbelief for actors who were too close in age to play parent and child before so it’s not only that. They don’t play their scenes like they are parent and child at all. I think the last actress to play Jordan made way more of an effort to come off motherly in their scenes than this one does and she was even younger.
  22. If Spencer isn’t immediately recast (and I could see them waiting), I think Esme is a goner and she’ll take the baby with her. They’ve done a poor job of developing ties for her. Other than being a foil for Spender and Trina, she mainly only interacts with Laura. I think making her Ryan and Heather’s kid was particularly shortsighted and they probably should have stuck with their original plan of making her Felicia’s kid. That would have given her a whole other side of the canvas to regularly interact with and bonus, would likely have saved us from Cody being Mac’s long lost kid.
  23. But how would that work if she isn’t being written off as well and he isn’t taping? What would have made much more sense is having Nikolas kidnap Ace without Spencer’s knowledge, which prompts Spencer to leave town to try to find them.
  24. They never apologize to anyone except each other.
  25. I only found Esme interesting and fun to watch when she was being shady. Amnesiac Esme bored me to tears and tbh, I didn’t think AP had the chops to make a good girl character compelling or likable. It was bland on top of bland and we have more than enough younger characters who filled that same role.
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