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Posts posted by thewhiteowl

  1. I think Lisa V, is savvy enough to buddy up with Brandi again. At least on the surface of things but I doubt she'll ever trust her and I really think Ken won't be playing the flirting game with her. Lisa is smart enough to know that if she keeps cutting Brandi out, she'll end up looking the bitch for poor, poor, victimized Brandi. It's the trap Adrienne leapt into and I don't think Lisa will fall for it. Brandi will likely cry about  thinking Lisa no longer wuv'ed her and said mean things because she was soooo very hurt and Lisa V. will pat her head and humor her but never, never let her get really close to the Queen, again.  It will be good TV.

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    When Donnie finds himself in a compromising situation, he calls Pierce for help. As the evidence begins to stack against Donnie, Pierce and Moretti struggle with their own fears and doubts, as they work to solve the case. During the chaos, Pierce must deal with his father after he assaults someone at the assisted living facility.


  3. I think Hope really wanted to marry Wyatt. I think she regretted choosing Liam and that she only did so to spite Quinn. She seems so much more into Wyatt in a way she hasn't been into Liam since the deflowering disaster. Well not really a disaster but she was sort of, meh, about sex with Liam. Wyatt seems to rev that motor. I don't doubt that she loves Liam but I think it is a childish, unrealistic love. I don't think she loves Wyatt so much as has the hots for him, No, I can't imagine why anyone should be hot for him but it's what I see. YMMV

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  4. I agree, as disgusting as I find Brandi to be, she has some valid reasons for her continued animosity. I also found it quite disingenuous for LeeAnn to say "I did one negative thing and now they see everything as negative"  No, LeeAnn just no. Every time you kissed and screwed someone else's husband and lied about it, those were all negative things. Recording a song celebrating it is a negative thing. Taking potshots/cheap shots at the person whose life you decimated is a negative thing,  I see way more than one negative thing,

    Not that Brandi is any better but every time she bitches about it, I can give her some slack. She has cause to be pissed for how ever long she wants. IMO

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    And this begs the BIG question; why does anyone have to win? Why on God's green earth does anyone involved have to get married?


    Excellent question. You would think these crazy kids never heard of "divorce" good thing none of their parents or family has ever been divorced or remarried...oh, wait.


    As to that spoiler I'd have to say, So, what?  Not really seeing how that would affect anyone who matters on canvas.


    • Love 2
  6. The goal was to tone down their tabloid image to be more likeable and normal/relatable. They overdid it and have no drama i.e., no entertainment.


     If that was their goal then it was a miserable failure. They are none of those things, more like vain, boring and so stupid it should be illegal.

    Anyone think the tweeting of her ass was an accident?





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    Vanessa has second thoughts about the lottery and consults Darius and the President about shifting the control back to the government. Darius and Vanessa discover the culprit behind the diplomat’s kidnapping and death while Alison and James quarantine Kyle as they dive further into the anomalies found in his blood.


  8. Previews...again, Sonny, why do you think telling the truth about the Ava situation is going to make things a-okay with Morgan?


    Sadly, he is probably right.  Surely anyone could understand that he has a Dog-given right to kill Ava. She killed theloveofhislife!  Ava is such a bad girl for forcing him to screw her so she might be pregnant with HIS child. How dare she want to stay alive! Almost as bad as her brother, using Danny as a shield.  Now if it were only Morgan's child, he could go ahead and off her, he'd be doing it as a GOOD DAD.

    *the previous was written in sarcasm font*

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  9. I disagree that it came out of nowhere. His cheating ended their 1st marriage. He has been working hard to win Kate back, now he's got her....next challenge? Keeping her when he's caught cheating again or getting away with it. IMO

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    Side note: How is Liam amassing this crowd of female groupies who seem to think he has no flaws?  Ivy's known him how long?  And Aly not much longer than that.


    I don't think it's that they think Liam has no flaws, I think they just clearly see Wyatt's and in Ivy's case, Hope's.


     I kinda love that Ivy has an outsider's opinion of Brooke. It's honest, Brooke has done the things Ivy is calling out. Hope is doing them, too.  I have no problem with it.


    • Love 5
  11. This was, by far, one of the best episodes all season. Not to say there haven't been some good ones. I enjoyed it and was glad to fill in some of the back story. I called the Doc so early I nearly convinced myself it was a red herring, lol. EMc is just so good in this.

  12. OK, but why did Barlow pay Nighthorse in the first place?  Branch found out that Barlow was in bed with Nighthorse, so his admission was that he was paying Nighthorse "in general" and not specifically to have Martha killed?


    Yeah, the only way it makes any sense to me is that Barlow pays Nighthorse to use Ridges to kill the drug dealer and frame Walt. Barlow having Martha killed makes no sense to me because she was dying anyway.  I think it was taking advantage of Martha's murder and Walt beating the crap out the drug dealer because that's a smarter way to get rid of Walt then killing Martha. Killing Walt also would have worked but then, no show. And Walt is pretty un-kill-able.

  13. @Ohwell,  Barlow admitted that he paid  Nighthorse  around the time Martha was killed. I believe Beck was killed only a month later ( could be wrong ) but that still works.

    Barlow was taking advantage of Martha's murder by framing Walt for Beck's murder making his son Sheriff. He got Henry instead.  The problem was that Barlow and Nighthorse were relying on Ridges who was plain BSC and screwed things up with his feather stuff. Fales was ambitious and just wanted to get a conviction for his career goals. Mathias was just taking advantage of the opportunity to screw Walt and Henry.  Ridges shot Branch, I think, because he wouldn't stop investigating, and Barlow apparently considers his son as expendable. Nighthorse is greedy and Walt sees through his "Man of The People" schtick, so he hates him.  That's what I got out of it and I could be wrong on many points. : )

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  14. This is definitely "Sea Trek" and it has a good amount of cheese but I am enjoying it. I can't put my finger on why, though. The cast is pretty and the acting is just fair to middlin' but I find myself entertained for an hour so it works for me.

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