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Posts posted by thewhiteowl

  1. Bill and Deacon are looking as pathetic as Liam and Wyatt. Brooke is doing a fair imitation of Sad Waffles.  I did get the vibe that she was thinking about Eric and I'd love that but Dollar Store Bill is on the hunt and won't stop till Brooke marries him or someone else.  Katie doesn't have a prayer of getting back with him till that happens if she even wants to do so.

    This is much more watchable than the Dope Mess.

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  2. I also agree that Eli needs to get that when Alicia says she's not running, she's in earnest. Unfortunately, I fear the show means to reward his "No means 'Please wear me down more, Eli; I find your perverse persistence endearing, rather than tiresome and, frankly, creepy'" doggedness.


     I think Eli fully gets that she is earnest and doesn't give a crap about her earnestness. He thinks that if she knows she could win, she would and should run anyway. 

    • Love 3

    ETA: Have Castro and Finn not listened to the tape? Kalinda's surmise about which guy was the CI based on the volume of voices on the tape seemed sound but pretty elementary, so Castro's "How did they know?!" befuddlement makes him look like an even bigger idiot. I'm not impressed with Finn, either. So much for principle!


     They don't know Kalinda heard the tape, they don't even know Kalinda knows there is a tape. Her bang-buddy cop let her hear it.


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    Eli's attempts to get Alicia to run are leaving a really bad taste in my mouth. She said no. She means no. He refuses to listen and just keeps steamrolling her. The woman just started a new business and she hasn't even been able to do that without untold amounts of drama. Besides, Alicia sucks at politics. I'd just as soon they bring back creepy Wendy Scott Carr because I have no desire to watch the story of Alicia's campaign.


     This. I mean I know Eli is slimy and opportunistic but this is just creating a problem. If she feels she has to run, It's going to be a pushy-shovey match to get her to do every single thing he's going to want her to do in order to win. Apparently he's no longer looking out for Peter so he has a lot of free time? He also knows all the dirty little skeletons in the Florrick's closets and he wants to shine MORE light on those? He is smarter than this so does he have a longer game in mind? Getting Alicia to run then drop out, giving the election to Castro who will then owe him?  That's weak. Alicia losing the election would be bad, winning would be worse.


  5. Book me a flight because I need a barf bag to watch RidgePen and Caroline together.


     Yes. I know B&B loves to do the incestuous pairings and I have to accept that because I'm watching it but these two are a creepy lecherous uncle with tweenage niece vibe and it's gross. Ridge is looking like he's a raincoat away from flashing someone in the park and she looks like she's about 13 years old with the upwards adoring long gazes. Please, make it stop, Show, please.

    • Love 6

    Nathan makes a desperate play to protect Mara from the furious citizens of Haven, leaving Dwight and Duke to deal with a deadly trouble that threatens to burn the town to the ground.




  7. I'm just relieved we weren't treated to the visual of Quinnsane poking holes in Wynutt's condoms, replacing Hopeless' birth control pills with placebos, or injecting Wynutt's "joy juice" into Hopeless through a turkey baster while she was zonked out on meds or booze.


     I wouldn't speak too soon, they love flashbacks on this show and Quinn is in and out of their home like she pays rent. Just sayin'.

    • Love 6
  8. I feel like I'd be more interested if I thought that Hope will actually stay with Wyatt. Seeing her seem to finally choose between the two by telling Liam that she loves him but can't be with him and then going to be with Wyatt is the perfect solution for her - heart to one, body to the other. Of course it's not at all perfect for either of the guys. And seeing her with Wyatt was like watching her pat a puppy on the head. Wyatt is desperate for real love and he won't be getting any from Hope. Liam's getting what he gave and it doesn't taste good. But for any of this to really feel meaningful or tell an interesting story that they can really explore, this needs to last for months or years, not a day or two. I think I might just be latching onto a moment in time and wishing it was a story. Hope will be back with Liam in 10... 9... 8...7...


    If I thought for a second Hope was smart enough to plan the perfect solution, I'd applaud her deviousness. This way she does kind of keep Liam on a string with, "I love you, I'd be with you if only I could"  and goes back to Wyatt. Now Liam will look like more of a jerk for moving on with Ivy (hopefully) when Hope either loses the baby or finds out Liam is the sperm donor.

    • Love 2
  9. Regarding Josh's drawing skills, or lack of, I don't want a technically perfect tattoo if it's ugly and his geisha is ugly. I also don't want a beautiful drawing tattooed badly on me.  I think that if you can't draw freehand you might not have a good sense of proportion and that is to me where Josh's geisha shows his lack. He's an excellent copy artist and technically one of the best there but I don't think an "Ink Master" should be a copy artist but I guess we will see.  

    Overall the geishas were not as bad as the pin-ups but that's a low, low bar. 

    • Love 1
  10.  Wait, what was that? "Liam, you are the love of my life and I want to be with you, but I'm pregnant so I must be with the baby's father in order to not be like my Mother who loves me and supports every brainless decision I make and has given me a wonderful life." 

    I'm no fan of Brooke's but she is THERE for Hope.  Because poor Hope didn't have a Father? I thought Ridgepen was "Like a Father" to her for years? And wouldn't the best thing for this baby to be far away from Quinn? Even if it is Wyatt's. If you really want to protect that baby tell everyone it's Liam's, you maroon.

    Anyway, I sure hope this baby doesn't make it because both/ all these characters are way too young and immature to deal with a baby and I think it would age Hope but in a bad way.

    • Love 6

    And since this seems like as good a place as any to ask this, how exactly do you pronounce Ioan Gruffud?


     I think it's Owen Griffith but I could be wrong.


  12. I like Tea Leoni, she has been the best thing for me in some stinky movies but I think she lacks gravitas. Maybe the character is supposed to, at this point and will develop it later but I'm skeptical that Leoni can pull that off.


    Artists feel the pressure when they tattoo Nunez's specialty; one artist loses his cool, while the others move closer to $100,000.


     After the pin-up debacle, having them tattoo Geishas is kinda frightening.



    So that is why I think keeping something you know to yourself isn't as bad as not telling when straight up asked about it.


     To the person being lied to, there is not much difference.  In my personal experience. YMMV


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