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Posts posted by thewhiteowl

  1. I think the only ones who should be dubious about anyone's intention is the audience. If anyone has convinced the audience that she is displaying a real emotion then she is a better actress than I give her credit for. BH was the first "reality show" I ever watched and I was naïve then. Now I know it's a mostly scripted mess a la 90210 but much cheaper to produce, write and direct. The hook is fooling the audience into thinking they are watching something real and getting them invested in the characters these women play.  Lisa's intentions are no more dubious than Kyle's IMO which is to make a popular show.

    • Love 2
  2. Honestly, it doesn't matter to me who the show is trying to say Liz loves now, the fact is...Jason was married with a child.

    He was Sam's husband.

    And Liz having a pic of her and Jason on her mantel with pics of her sister and children...but not Lucky or Zander...two of her children's daddies....is insane.


    I thought it was a requirement in Port Chuck to have a picture of St. Jasus on your mantle. Bonus if you are in it as well. 

    BM has always radiated the smug to me.

    I enjoyed the Kiki smackdown.

    • Love 2
  3. Maya knows Rick is not in love with her and she has no fucks to give about it, as long as she is getting sparklies and attention from the CEO. Rick IS CEO now in case it wasn't mentioned 10 times in per scene.  She may care when she finds out he has no intention of marrying her but she'll probably pretend to be knocked up to force the issue.

     I do hope that's the last of Caroline begging, it isn't working and it's too demeaning. She sure snuggled in to Ridge's arms, I hope he got a good whiff of her hair.

    I enjoyed Hope getting her face cracked first by Wyatt, yes he noticed all the longing glances, then by seeing Liam lay some good kissing on Ivy.

    • Love 3

    The SERIAL KILLER and the Nina need to be buried in an avalanche. But baby Corome is quite the little darling, though I swear every time that kid lays eyes on Michelle it looks rather terrified and confused.


     So do I.  I don't think that reaction is uncommon.


    • Love 6
  5. Due to Obama and other pre-emptions, that's the first I've seen of Taylor since I started watching again. I thought she looked good but then I watch GH and the horror show that is Jackie Zeman's poor face has given me something to compare. JZ looks like her face is melting while another character Monica is frozen in Botox hell, so Taylor looks pretty good to me.  I'm not too worried about a Tay/Eric hook up, yet. Although I would not mind him having someone. Someone who doesn't worship Saint Stephanie would be a bonus I'm not counting on.

    Hope was such a bitch yesterday I may start rooting for Quinn to give her a smackdown.

    I'm missing CarRidge but not missing Rick and Maya's nonsense.

    • Love 1
  6. OK..rules are rules and Josh signed a contract so he had to go but I think the rest of them should be eliminated as well for being a bunch of whiny pussies.


     Even Josh has been a whiny pussy so there would be no show at all.

    • Love 2
  7. I agree, Kim is likely very good at manipulating people and especially Kyle. Addicts usually are and she's had years of practice with Kyle, Kim knows all her buttons and like most addicts will do or say whatever she needs to, in order to get the outcome she wants.  If she's anything like the addict in my family she will shamelessly use her children, parents siblings and any other enabler she can find. 

    • Love 6
  8. I don't sympathize with Kyle because she is still doing the same things with Kim and expecting a different result. Never going to happen. Until Kyle changes her own behavior towards Kim, Kim has no incentive to stop what she's doing.  I'm not saying it's easy because it's very, very hard but she doesn't get my sympathy until she tries something new, like stop enabling the addict.

    • Love 3
  9. I'm kinda with Ivy here. It took Hope about 30 seconds to decide to marry Wyatt, what's the freaking hold-up?  If she wasn't at least half way to "over it" why the hell did she marry the doofus?  We know she only stayed with him because of the fetus, and they all do too. Liam told Ivy and Wyatt would not be so insecure if he didn't think so as well. They are choosing to ignore that while Hope pretends to be so happy with her choice. Hope, pretend better. I do understand feelings just don't dissolve but she could at least act like she isn't in agony whenever Liam so much as smiles at Ivy. But she is like Brooke and I appreciate Ivy's outsider viewpoint. They don't let go of their men and they are a couple of brother-fuckers. More even, in Brooke's case.  Hope made her choice, she gets no breaks from me and I wish Ivy would remind her of the speed with which she made that choice. Hope doesn't seem interested in changing her mind so why not let Liam move on? Because she isn't ready? Selfish child.

    • Love 8
  10. I don't see a producer conspiracy here. IMO there are certain types of people who think the rules don't apply to them, arrogance, entitlement or hubris, whatever you call it, Josh had it and IMO so did Willam. They got caught and tossed. It happens in every workplace.

    I feel bad for whoever does win, now and forever they will hear "Josh should have won"  and that's a shame. And I disagree, Josh deserved to get tossed and that's all he deserved. He brought and used an illegal substance endangering the entire process. He's lucky the police were not involved. I don't know if it was cheating but I'm sure he had the advantage of being less stressed than the competition at least when he was stoned. Then being so down on Jason for his stress? He should have shared. lol j/k.

    • Love 2
  11. Hahaha! Josh had this in the bag and he tosses $100,000 to get stoned? Hahaha, Yes, kids, smoking pot does wonders for your decision making process and mental acuity. Here's proof of that. Hahahaha!

    • Love 8

    While helping her friend Michelle get through a divorce, Rebecca is scared off by Gary's commitment-themed romantic night. Tedward helps Hernandez through a fashion crisis, and Rebecca tries the case of a deaf man who steals shoes.


  13. Hee, I don't know Oliver but he comes across as fairly narcissistic and he is goat-like to me so I thought he'd find them sexy. It's the long skinny facial hair and that he's always chewing that reminds me of a goat.  


    When the President approves Henry's reactivation into the NSA, he lies to Elizabeth about his continued involvement in the spy game. Matt and Daisy's antagonism toward one another begins to affect the entire office.


  15. Talented artists of either gender would be an improvement, at this point. In 5 seasons we have gone thru less than 100 artists, surely there is a ton of untapped talent out there, it's a big country.  Cutting out the macho posturing would be good. I would like to see more of the design process and a lot less dick measuring.

    • Love 5
  16. They've spent an entire season position Josh to win for whatever reason, my personal guess is that he has photos of Oliver having hot butt sex with a goat. So, it would have to be really bad for them to let him go now. I bet they will hand-wave what ever it is, away.  I'd love to be wrong.

    • Love 2
  17. That ditzy drugged out whacko having a pit bull is akin to giving a disgruntled postal worker an uzi. Not that the breed is to blame but they are big, strong, headstrong dogs and if Kingsley did this he will likely pay the price, not the stupid asshole, Kim. Hope the girl is okay and unscarred.

    In the new season photos, it does indeed look like Kim got some bolt-on boobs. Elective surgery for drugs. IMO

    • Love 8
  18. I'm amazed that most these inktestants actually find work as tattooers.  Most of them have been shockingly bad this season. I wonder how long production had to sift through applicants to find enough for Josh to be better than. I mean, Josh is good but he isn't all that good. There is Jason who is good but with the anxiety he's hit or miss. Everyone else has had some real goobers, Josh included. Yes, Josh you are the leader of this very, very mediocre pack. BFD.

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