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Posts posted by thewhiteowl

  1. Quinn: "Say Liam was late because of the weather; hypothetically. Would you still be married to Wyatt, and standing here bitterly blaming the weather?"

    Hope: "In point of fact I was in Paris to get married; just not to Wyatt"

    Wyatt: "Wow"

    Quinn: "So.....when Liam didn't show, did you just think who can I marry instead?"


     Wyatt says "Wow" like this was news to him?  Quinn had some great points and I loved that someone pointed out the truth to Dope but too bad it's someone she can easily ignore. Really all Quinn was doing was deflecting from the fact that Ivy could have been killed. But that's not important to Hope, either. lol. At least Wyatt spared a thought for Ivy. It wasn't the weather, it was Quinn and Dope's decision was made after Quinn's interference, was Hope stupid? Yes, but then when is she not?  Liam could have called, Hope could have called, they did not and that's on them. Wyatt rushed a dazed and vulnerable girl child to the altar, minutes after she was supposed to marry the "love of her life" lol and that's on him.

    • Love 10
  2. I think Gemma cared about Tara because Jax did and as a mother to her grandchild but as a person, no. She was not trustworthy in Gemma's opinion. She originally broke Jax's heart by leaving him and Charming and it was always going to an uphill battle for Tara to get that back. They were okay for a while but Gemma knew the only reason Tara didn't tell Jax about Gemma's part in the murder of his Father was that Tara lost the proof. After the faked miscarriage, Tara's days were numbered.


    I guess in the context of the show the real question is, will she stay or will she go? For me the real question is, why would either of these two guys want Hope? She has disrespected them both in numerous ways, and has exhibited how emotionally immature she is in numerous ways. But, for Liam and Wyatt, they should both take a step back and look at her decision making process....or maybe her lack of a decision making process. Hope's need for worship is appalling, but what is more appalling is the way every fucking person feeds into it and on it. Yeah, we all know the facts around Hope's conception, but that shit is on Brooke and Deacon. Why does every other living, breathing, person have to condone for it too?


    I don't know the facts behind her conception and TBH I don't really care, that idiocy is on her parents. Who I'd rather be watching. But this is what we have right now and you are right. I give Chicken head a lot of shit but Liam deserves just as much. No one with an ounce of self esteem or intelligence would want to be with Hope. I know what they are so supposed to be selling is this amazing all-consuming destined love but it's all so rushed it just looks a bit silly right now with the whiplash marriage. Although I'm grateful for the speed in Quinn's latest murder attempt being revealed so now she can move on to something else. Wait till Charlie and Pam find out she killed Montmayor(?) for the HFTF Diamond! (Spec not spoiler) that'll be fun.  Not.


    • Love 3
  4. Emily's got as much chance of winning as my cat (and probably less). But being the last girl standing would giver her some marginal bragging rights. At least in her imagination. Glad that Julia kicked her ass.


     Your cat's a better "scratcher". lol

    • Love 1
  5. If TNT renews it, there will be some changes. I could see them getting rid of Lorraine Bracco or limiting her episodes as they should have. 


     I would like to see Bracco get cut back but I have no reason to assume it will happen. The way the season went they might as well get rid of Sasha altogether, so she can get cast in show that will appreciate her.

  6. At least the tattoos this week didn't look like they were made by blind 4 year olds using crayons.  Any improvement over those atrocious Pin-ups is welcome.

    I thought Ryan's was the worst by a large margin but since he's a dick, he stays.

    • Love 4
  7. I thought the Samtrick kiss was hot and that they looked and acted like adults. I thought the Naxie kiss was hella awkward with his elbow pointed at the camera.

    Dead Cassadines, meh.

    I liked headless Jason and wish he would stay that way. 

    • Love 2
  8. I'll be surprised if Hope doesn't choose to stay with Foghorn Leghorn.  At least until she catches him screwing with her birth control. Of course Quinn will talk him into it. (spec not spoiler)  I think Hope would give more weight to the fact that she did marry Chicken Head, and try to do the right thing by staying with him, pining for Liam and watching him get closer to Ivy. Driving Foggy as insane as his Mother with insecurity. I like this scenario, because I like Liam when he's not with Hope.

    • Love 6
  9. Treat Williams is an actor that I can never forget is Treat Williams, no matter who or what he's playing.  Not that he's bad but when I see him I see Treat Williams and it makes it difficult for me to just enjoy the show. Like Oh look there's Treat Williams playing a lawyer. Oh look there's Treat Williams playing a fireman's Dad. And so on.

    I could very well be a crackpot.

  10. Wow, those were some horrendous examples of skin "art."


    Cannot stand Emily; whether she's just trying to get attention or she's just not a nice person at all, I'm sick of her mugging and opinions. We all know she's in for the long haul though cause she brings the drama.


    Unpopular opinion time:

    I like Josh this go round. I didn't find his pin up to be all that great, but it probably was the best of the worst and at least it will heal lighter so some of the fine dark lines will fade. Actually, I didn't hate him as much as everyone else did in his first time on the show. I think a lot of what he said was to get into people's heads and some of it was even truthful.

    In fact, I do my own artwork for my skin, and if I went to anyone to ink it, it would be Joshua because I can appreciate that he can copy almost anything. I realize that's not what everyone wants, which I why I am speaking of my viewpoint, specifically.


     I didn't hate Josh but I didn't think he was nearly as clever as he thought himself and it got old. Then he got whiney and I was over it. I did like some of his work and his pin-up was so much better than the last one that it pushes it to "good" but on it's own, it's really ugly. The poor thing has a face liked smacked ass.

    • Love 1
  11. So now that Columbus Short is gone, Kerry is now the only black actor on the show. Wonder if Shonda plans to rectify, because if she doesn't, how is she any better than those white show runners she always criticizes?


     Of the three shows Shonda has currently, two have WOC as leads so I think she is walking her talk. YMMV

    • Love 2
  12. Okay, hee, I get it.

    I guess I didn't see Leeann as evil, just greedy But I can see how she would be, she manipulated all those guys with the power of her glittery hoo-ha but they allowed her to do it. Married or not. She said she wanted the money for Arliss but when presented with the choice, she chose the money. She was already a cop when she met Dec so was she already screwing her supervisor? The one that ended up in the nut house? She was definitely amoral and she said Arliss made her a better person but he went to Iraq and got wounded, so while he was away she allowed her selfish nature to have free rein. I think Dec gave her the plan for getting the big bucks and for him the opportunity to embarrass the PD and take over the Mayoral campaign.  Sorry, I'm probably putting more thought into this than the writers. lol

    • Love 1
  13. I think she was Olivia and Peter's daughter but I was kind of checked out during the last season of Fringe and I'm not positive. 

    I didn't see the Leeann and Dec connection coming but I still don't care who shot him or have any interest in whether or not he makes it.  Other than the predictable obstacle for Jaime and Roy with Roy having to "be there" for his grieving ex-wife.

    By being a crude asshole on the stand all Terry did was give Leeann sympathy points with the jury. She should be thanking him for her win.

  14. That is one of my favorite movies!  :)


    I thought the whole Phyllis spaz out that culminated in the shriek at the end was FANTASTIC!  I mean, it was stupid and funny and melodramatic, and therefore a lot of fun.  What an entrance for a new actress (if you don't count the blinking and croaking).  lol  Only on the soaps! 


     It was certainly soapy but not so much soapy goodness. IMO  It does feed my speculation that NuPhyl will be all about Shick and not give a rat's ass about JacKel.  A tiresome rehash for me but the Shick/Phick wars have been this show's bread and butter for a very long time and they'd be silly not to try to make that lightning hit again. I'd be pleasantly surprised to be wrong.

    • Love 1
  15. It's only 5 pm here but I will let you know if they air them tonight.

    Right now the "Insider" is supposed to be on but their showing football. I guess the game was delayed due to lightning and they are showing it now.

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