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Posts posted by thewhiteowl

  1. I had been mostly enjoying the season up until the Fitz/Olivia grope scene. I liked Jake investigating Harrison's death and putting the pieces together but then he had to be stupid and threaten DaddyPope without having any power to carry through on it. Amateur mistake that will likely be his death unless he something in place now. Olivia can't help him because Fitz is in his jealous snit. I liked that Cyrus is getting played, no one deserves it more. I have been entertained by Mellie but I was getting bored with it so I hope she is back to normal. I didn't like Cyrus' speech to Abby because Abby has a right to be pissed and I hate that jealousy is assumed when two women have a conflict. Abby may be jealous of Olivia but that doesn't mean she can't be rightfully pissed at Liv's behavior. IMO Liv was a selfish asshole, running off without contact with her "Gladiators". She collected all these broken people and knew they depended on her, she used that then walked away without a backward glance. She was, however awesome with the extorting parents. And I liked David finding out that the price of being "inside the bubble" is steep.

  2. This is the first time I don't think I'm going to watch. I've put up with a lot of gore and weirdness on CM, but I hate bugs (except for lady bugs and lightning bugs) and I just don't think I can watch this one.


     Totally with you on this, I won't be watching or recording this.

  3. It's funny to me how much I like Liam and Hope when they are not together. Hope has been awesome in sticking to her "No Quinn" guns and Liam has been smiley and happy and cute with Ivy. I like them so much I want them to have what they want, unfortunately that seems to be each other and when they are together, I hate them both.

    Ugh, Quinn is like a spoiled bratty child who is told "No" for the very first time.  It's getting repetitive and tiresome.

    There's not enough squick in squicky to describe my feelings about the Ridge/Caroline thing.

    • Love 3
  4. Josh may be the front runner but in this group, that's a pretty low bar, so don't brag on it, Josh. It's not much. I think Cleen's work is better overall but it's subjective. I thought there would be more tattooing since we were at elimination before the halfway point and I'm glad we got a face off and glad Julia won it,  I think Jason chose her because her work wasn't as bad as Mark's and if he had put Mark there, Mark was definitely going where Julia's body of work could have saved her. Even so, thinking of putting himself there was stupid and I was glad Cleen pointed that out to him.

    The clipper ship looked good until you got close. The eagle was fucked up proportionally, The light house looked like a child's drawing. The face was the best and Booberella gets a free pass. I do hope it's her last. I'd rather see more of Mark and Don's shoddy work than her.

  5. The title of this show has slipped into the irony category for me as Alicia is no longer either of those things. Her scene with Finn was short but he did tell her two important things which she ignored. "Don't be vulnerable" and "Take a taxi".

    • Love 2
  6. Bailey sucks. Her cocky attitude makes me think that she's heading for a fall though.



     Totally agree, she sucks but how can she fall? She's killed patients with the staph infection and given a child HIV to "cure" him with full knowledge that she didn't have parental consent.  Alex may have left the hospital but I don't think he's had enough story line to actually kill patients. Perhaps, but I don't recall it at the moment.

    • Love 1
  7. I was relieved when Nina put her sweater on backwards, after years of being subjected to MSt's unfettered boobettes on Y&R I'm way over seeing that. Silas tells her she's beautiful (gag) and that he is attracted to her and still Neen freaks out. While telling Franco to be all rational about CarSon screwing. I have no idea who either of these people are, what they think and why I should care.

    • Love 3
  8. I saw Friday's epi after about a month of not watching. Boy, was I disappointed to see Brooke trying to push Bill back to Sourpuss. I'm glad Bill said he wasn't stolen property. I did enjoy Quinn directing her wrath towards Dope. Hey, Dope, ever heard the old saying "Marry in haste, repent at leisure"?


     That whole Bill and Katie thing has come out of the blue but I guess they had to come up with something to get Brooke off screen while leaving the door open for her return.  She didn't say she doesn't love Bill or want to be with him (just not right now), she just wants to give Bill and Katie another chance without her in the way, thanks so much you conceited twit. I guess she just shrugs off Katie's engagement to Ridge, like everyone else.


     Dope may have heard that old saying but she would not know what the words meant. lol  Till now.

    • Love 4
  9. Aw I liked this episode.  It felt like the new kid's first day.  She did some cool stuff, she made some gaffes, she overheard stuff, she got the lay of the land in small ways, she got embarrassed, we got a glimpse of her awkwardnessa and feeling of out of place.  It was a concept episode.  Maybe it was a little early in the season to have such a Maggie-centric episode, but frankly at this point we know everyone else so well it was kinda nice getting to hang out with someone new.  I also think she and Amelia had great chemistry.


    And yeah, I love her hair.  Always a pleasure to see a WOC rocking a natural.


     Yeah, I liked it, too. I feel like I know her a little better now although I felt like I had to duck all the anvils of She. Is. Just. Like. Meredith! and I haven't seen that mentioned so maybe it was just me.  I liked seeing the outsider's POV and I like that she wasn't impressed with Princess Jo. lol. I also loved her hair, she's cute.

    • Love 2
  10. I don't see Liz as any more fickle than the rest of these characters but that's not to say she isn't.  She was giving it a legitimate shot with AJ when Nik came back and she didn't immediately abandon that to be with a just as fickle Nik. AJ blew that up.  I do think she should be done with Nik because he didn't see a problem with banging Britt while saying he loves her, he can't be trusted and now he knows that Britt is a lying liar who lies and wants her anyway, Liz hasn't interfered. She had a lot of feelings for Jason and she's right they didn't really have a shot, I can see how she could regret that. She feels drawn to a stranger who is alone and in pain but she's not the only one. I expect random nurses and hospital workers to be holding a candlelight vigil outside of St. Jasus' hospital room on Monday, they'll be drawn to do so. For Jasus.

    • Love 9
  11. But Cyrus has been on the hill long enough to know that getting hit on is never just getting hit on.  There is always something in the background, either a favor, access, or Scandal impending! 


     You'd think it might cross his mind since he set-up the ex VPOTUS's husband with his own,

    • Love 2
  12. Yesterday was the first time in a very long time that I actually liked Brooke. It was good to hear her take some responsibility for sleeping with her sick sister's husband and have a clue that marrying the type of man who would sleep with his sick wife's sister might not be a great plan. Yeah, yeah it was all Katie's fault they had to bang, blah blah. Katie encouraged them to spend time together but I doubt she was thinking they'd be spending that time together naked. I do think Brooke encouraging Katie to give it a shot with Bill and taking herself out of the equation was all kinds of bad advice tied up in conceit but that's Brooke to a tee. IMO

    I got nothing on the Dope Mess but I liked seeing Ivy.


    • Love 3
  13. At this juncture, I cannot believe I'm even defending Patrick, but really, a brain is a brain is a brain. Unless the brain blinks with a blank expression and wears a black T-shirt, how the hell would he know whose brain it is without the patient's name on the scans?


     I can't even imagine the vitriol that would have spewed if Patrick had said "Wait, I know this brain! This is Jason! " Everyone else "Jason is dead, dumbass." Patrick "....crickets......."  

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