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Posts posted by thewhiteowl

  1. My 10 cent speculation is that it has been Luke all along. The whole mask thing is misdirection. While Luke was at held at Miscaviage  he was subjected to the Mind control and drug regiment du jour to split his personality. When he spit out the drugs and started to come back, Helena reprogramed him. All the scenes of the Lukes talking to each other are in Luke's mind. The personality they created is Fluke.

    It's not too far out there as they are using it on Jakeson.

    • Love 5
  2. Except Lisa prodded Brandi to go over and congratulate Scheanna on her engagement at the event held at Lisa's own home.


     Brandi is such a wallflower she couldn't say no? She says in blog she agreed to it. Not that she is known to tell the truth but still, she is not a wilting flower incapable of standing up for herself and she wasn't shy and never has been. She just needs any excuse to be a victim.

    • Love 5

    In the future I think Kim should treat getting a pet with the same guidelines that AA puts on a new relationship. 1 solid year of sobriety. Learn to take care of yourself first


     True but as we have seen Kim follows none of the other guidelines from AA so why would she?  She had elective surgery right after rehab (nose job) and we've seen she doesn't shy away from prescription meds in Paris. And color me concerned about her access to Monty's meds.


     I can't speak to what Lisa knew or when she knew it, what I know is that Scheana and Eddie's affair was a long freaking time ago. Brandi agreed to the meeting according to her own blog. Brandi was not expected to socialize with Scheana at any event Scheana was there as a server, I imagine ol'Brand has ignored many a server.  I don't see what Lisa has to apologize for, this storyline was a freaking gift to ol'Brand. She's got nothing else.


    • Love 2
  4. I may be one of the few who wanted to sympathize with Brandi bout Lisa throwing Scheana in her face.  But I sure as fuck don't anymore.  Sheesh, this is freakin' ancient history.  And she played along with all this Scheana crap, knowing it was part of what she had to do, to be in the cast of the show & get the Bravo dough.  So for her to bring this up again is tiresome & meaningless.


     Yes, it's a crappy excuse because Brandi says last week that Lisa "forced her" to meet with Scheana and this week says she agreed to meet with Scheana  to promote VPR.  While neither of these things is true it was a scene for the show that Brandi agreed to be a part of, why the hell should Lisa apologize? It's not a thought that was even the first time those two interacted. The first time Lisa asked Scheana to leave but then they supposedly made peace so why is this even an issue? Because Brandi has no other storyline?

    • Love 3
  5. I enjoyed this episode because it incorporated a couple of things from the fix the show thread. No canvas jury and Dave giving out the skulls based on who would do best ink. Not that Dave made a lot of difference because the talent just isn't there. I thought Jason was headed back to anxiety induced crazytown, glad that didn't happen, but defending his inconsistency was pretty whack.  I really liked a couple of Chris's tats but he, like Mark, was past his expiration date on this show.

    • Love 1
  6. Yep, totally Quinn's fantasy.  I so rarely get this stuff right, I'm pretty pleased with myself for calling this one.  But I stand by my earlier comment that Hope really should give an inch on this one.  Quinn is crazy and dangerous, but she is only going to get MORE crazy and MORE dangerous by denying her all access to the baby.  Is it ideal?  No.  But if Hope really wants what is best for her baby, she would realize that letting Quinn in for short and supervised interactions (in public, with witnesses) would be the safest course of action.  I think that Hope is holding a grudge against and punishing Quinn for delaying Liam getting to her, thus resulting in Hope's marriage to Wyatt, and that none of this has anything to do with the baby.  


    I kind of feel sorry for Quinn?  I give the actress all the credit for that - she's portraying lonely and isolated and ostracized really well, even though we all know she's whackadoodle. I loved her taking a piece of cake and sneaking out; it was really kind of sweet.


    Just because I need to say it regularly: Shut up, Hope. You're insufferable.​


     I don't think Hope can give Quinn an inch as in a public meeting place since Quinn has proven she won't respect any boundaries at all.  I do agree that this is more about punishing Quinn than the baby's safety, so far.

    I rather liked Liam waiting in her home, she comes and goes in other's homes as she wants, about time she got an taste of that.

    • Love 4
  7. Actually I'd go one step further to say that Sonny seems to be about the only remorseful one of the bunch.


     I think he's bummed about being caught but that's not the same as remorseful to me since he has said he was glad he shot AJ and would do it again.

    • Love 14

    Whether for better or worse Maya is the only representation of female blackness on the show and to have Caroline degrade her in quite the way she degrades her feels racial. One would only need to look at the way Hope addresses Ivy to note the difference in behaviour. There is no love lost there either yet none of their scenes come off as Hope chastising 'the help'. Ivy is permitted to speak to Hope as an equal and Hope surely sees her that way if not completely perturbed by her. This is not the way with Caroline and Maya. Far from it in fact.


      I don't see this as the same situation. Ivy is a Forrester and didn't do anything but support Liam until Hope's baby Wype made the decision for her.  Maya is the help. She's a clothes hanger and terrible one at that.  Nothing to do with her hue.


    • Love 3
  9. I don't think the canvas jury adds anything because the judges are going to dismiss every opinion but their own so I would cut it.  Also, I don't want to see anyone return to  compete again. Kyle soured that for me. I just want talented inktestants! Too much to ask?

  10. The show runner should consider having someone who knows something about the various countries they go to vet the scripts.  "Emmanuel Azzuco" is so not a Spanish name.


    He said his Mother was Venezuelan, presumably the last name is his Father's.

    • Love 1
  11. Perhaps it's because I don't give a crap about Kyle or Porshe but I think Kyle has invited us as viewers to make our judgments with her comments. I didn't see the child do any thing out of the realm of normal behavior but now every single scene will be called into question and judged. That's a storyline. Thanks, Kyle may you pay for your child's therapy for the rest of your life.

    • Love 6
  12.  I have been to the Buca di Beppo in Vegas and it's really good. A bit on the expensive side. Both dishes will fit right in on their menu as it has classic Italian and some modern twists. It was crowded and loud but was a lot of fun, full of families.

  13.  I'm hoping TIIC are seeing that they have a gold mine in Ridge/Caroline. At least I think they have one because as one who was initially completely skeeved  out by them, I have been won over to rooting for them by nothing more than the actors portraying them. I haven't been watching long enough to know all the history with Ridge/Rick but I do know Rick's hatred is deep. I think TIIC wanted to keep this going so Eric's character had to take a hit because forcing Rick to reconcile makes no other kind of sense.

    • Love 6

    Elizabeth, Henry and Isabelle work together to find former Secretary of State Vincent Marsh’s secret bank account, but soon uncover that one of Elizabeth’s staff members already has access to it.




  15. I did not understand how Aaron got the boot this week. I'd argue that his portrait was possibly the best of the day, other than that one of the guy (I can't remember who did it).


    I think portrait tattoos are creepy as hell anyway, no matter how well done they are. I'll never understand why people get them.


     I would have been shocked at Aaron leaving had they not telegraphed it in the first scenes. Chris's portrait was the worst by a wide margin IMO.

    • Love 2

    Because I personally will never understand how the writers can have Patty have such an issue with Robin/Jason, but is seemingly OK with Sam/Jason on his quest to have sexytime. It just doesn't fly with me.


     Maybe the difference is that as far as Patrick knows, Jason is now dead. During his time with Robin Jason was as alive as he ever was but why have an issue with it now? He is supposedly dead.


    • Love 3
  17. See above about pleas being vacated.  If there was prosecutorial misconduct that led to the bargaining for a plea, it can be expunged. 


     There was misconduct all over the damn place. There usually is in Kingsland and it never makes a bit of difference until it does, for plot purposes.

    • Love 1
  18. Which really makes me wonder how they get Cary out of this. I mean even if Lamont Bishop dies, Cary still admitted to the crime right?  Unless Bishop dies before Cary does the thing where he has to admit exactly what happened. But even then they have to convince the other witness to change his testimony. Because after Cary does the admission thing, he is on the record as admitting he did it right?


     I am no lawyer but there are things I believe to be true about our justice system. Once you plead guilty, even if you are innocent and later proven to be so, it is very, very difficult to get that overturned. The judge even allowing the tape to be heard is highly unusual since only Cary was there to verify what was said. Which brings me to, why the hell would the defense even need or want Dante? They should have been better off without him. The tape itself was sketchy because it had moments of static and the Det. CheatswithASA testified that he believed Trey messed with it to implicate Cary.  Wasn't the tape really the only evidence they had against Cary?  That's why I could not understand why they kept saying Cary had a weak case but they said it over and over so it must be true. Well, true in Kingsland which often has little to do with our actual justice system.

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