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Posts posted by thewhiteowl

  1. My husband laughed at me because I got a little teary eyed when they burned Clay's tattoo off.  I also felt kind of bad for him when he died...that there, my friends, is good acting.  I feel the same with Gemma (just like with Clay), I despised their actions but for some odd reason, I found myself routing for them.


     I feel the same. Despite every rotten thing he did it was sad to see the old warhorse go down. Not only stellar acting but his motivations were and Gemma's are clear, they don't waver. That's good writing as well. I didn't agree with him and I don't with Gemma but why she does her twisted deeds is for family. The club counts as family but Tara didn't. Gemma first, then family, that has not changed, no matter what. Tara almost made the list but then she betrayed Gemma and was permanently off. JMO

    Everyone else wavers in loyalties and motivations but these two never did, never will.

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  2.  I enjoy Morgan and I loved his verbal smackdown on Keeks but when he gets emotional the actor tends to pop up and down like a freaking Jack-in-the-Box and it takes me right out of the scene. IDK maybe that's a thing all young men are doing so it doesn't look as odd to anyone but me. I truly wish he'd stop it. It looks amateurish to me and screams "I AM ACTING NOW!!!"

     Nee was flapping her arms so much, I hoped she was going to take flight and keep flying, Bye Nee, we'll tell Si and Ro so long for you!

    Speaking of Ro, telling Mikey how fucked up his family is and how stupid he is for trusting them is so very attractive. I'm sure he'll be yours in no time. It's true but still, who wants to hear that from a stranger, unless it's Kiki?  Said no one, ever.

    I hope Ava makes it but I figured MW's ticket was punched when they hired MSt. What a shame, I'd rather watch MW chew ice than MSt do anything. YMMV

  3.  DD is looking doughy lately and $Bill looks like a complete douche. First keeping a secret with Hope's Monster-in-law because, reasons and now asking Liam to move. Again because, reasons. They are thin, those reasons. Hope and Liam don't belong together? Well, I happen to agree but unlike Bill and Quinn, it's not up to me. Liam's home is bigger? Wype are supposed to be honeymooning, why would they need more than a bedroom? Not that Hope seems interested in anything more than Liam and Ivy.

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  4. Chicken Head appears to be a thirsty, thirsty boy. He got the great prize of Hopeless, now he wants Liam's home? Dude, just admit it, you want to be Liam, more than you want Hopeless or anything else. Next he'll want Liam's job. (LOL like anyone really works...)  Hopeless is pea-green with jealousy. I hope Wype just move in anyway so they can watch Liam and Ivy date. That would be funny.

    As Maya says "Marriage isn't forever" lol

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  5. I wish I could say I was shocked by the violence but I wasn't. Characters have died gruesome, violent and torturous deaths since the first season and Jax did his share of the killing so it was not really more than I was expecting. I appreciate Sutter un-glamorizing this MC and showing them for the amoral, criminal, racist thugs that they are and have been since the beginning. I was surprised at the violence of Tara's death but I figured she was a goner and couldn't believe she lasted as long as she did. I did like this show better when Jax was smart. He's a dumbass, now.

  6. If you would like to see the tattoos, you can see them on Spike's website. It's called "Skin in the Game" You can even vote. Unless you have a strong gag reflex, you might want to skip this weeks, though. So many are just bad, amateurish and jacked. Jason's was surprisingly good but the wink was a bad choice and one of her hands was wacky looking. Josh's was very dark and hard to see but the face was ugly and it looked like she had used the ax on her own foot. I would have though most of them had never even drawn a pin up, much less tattooed one.  A few were passable but they all made bad choices. IMO

  7. Those were jacked up  pin-ups. The pig nose? The gorilla with a wig? And those were the ones that stayed! I could not believe Josh won, the face on his was awful. I'd take a wire brush to that mess, I'd rather have a scar than any of those. I realize pin-ups aren't everyone's thing but some of those so called artists appeared as though they'd never even seen one. Gah.

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  8. Brandi has talked on her show about being cheated on by them till I was ready to give her a Cher-slap and tell her to get over it but I can't say I remember her bashing them. She may have called them out for cheating and lying which was in tabloids everywhere but I think that was it , on the show. However I didn't  watch every single minute of every episode so it's entirely possible that I'm wrong.

    But you are right, I don't think boring and loathsome was what they were going for. Brandi did a remarkably, unbelievably smart thing but keeping out of it. I wonder who is holding her leash? 

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    I'm not 100% sure now that I think about it that nazis tattood babies... Thought they just killed them... But I'll go with that because the connection was moving and demonstrated what it's like to stay young while your children age, too.


     I realize it was done to show the connection but it seemed odd to me as well. If the Nazis did tattoo babies it certainly wasn't the worse thing they did but a tattoo on a baby would not be recognizable on an adult, as the child grew it would be a blurry, stretched out mess.

    I can hand-wave that. lol


    • Love 3
  10. Shanna Marie that timeline stuff will fry your brain. Your analysis is good but it is dependent on things we don't know and aren't likely to ever know. Were the people Audrey/Lucy/whoever spoke to, telling the truth or just the truth as they thought it to be? Or even just lying?

     I don't feel bad for Mara and how her body was used, I probably should but I don't. It was her punishment, after all. At least, as far as we know, now.

  11. I had a stroke 13 years ago and my sensory center for my left side was obliterated. I can feel impact (which took a lot of PT) but everything else is muted or wrong. I have cut and burned myself without knowing it. On the flip side, I can be holding a towel and feel horrible pain. Daily functioning is a combination of using sight and trusting muscle memory.


     I can't even imagine that. My sympathy.


    I agree about the body. But telling Sam that Jason was alive but is dead again doesn't do her any good. It would just cause her more anguish that she didn't do more to save him. That isn't useful for anyone. (And I don't need to see Sam spend another three months in tears over that.)


    I had the impression that Jason wasn't alive so much as not-quite-all-the-way dead. Regardless of their flirtation I can't imagine him saying "You know how you thought Jason was dead? Well, he wasn't completely dead....but he is now." Yeah, no. He could tell her about Victor's possible  involvement, though.


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  13. Another useless character brought on to overshadow weak acting by one of Ron/FV's faves (see Carlos).   Yet another stale plot of a PC woman and baby rabies.  Who the heck would even dare to think that the audience has any desire to watch (let alone root for)  a character that NO ONE CARES about and eating up about one-fifth of the show?  To cover her salary expense, it seems that the idea is to give her a bunch of dialogue.   Two years of the thirty-seven minutes (minus the flashbacks) will now be down to near thirty minutes.


    They only have to give her half a bunch of dialog because she'll say it all twice, yes definitely, definitely, twice.

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    Yeah, I'm sorry sleeping with Sonny didn't lead to Ava using it for her own gain. And the writing undercut her by having her kill Connie, so Ava has no leverage on Sonny that won't destroy her, too.


     Ava has always been a quick wit, I don't know why she didn't just deny killing Connie to everyone who heard the tape. She could have said AJ was crazy and violent and she was just humoring him because she was afraid of him. They all already thought AJ was nutso. Also Sonny has been threatening her and was holding her hostage to keep her quiet about him murdering AJ. These dimwits can't figure out her initials, FFS, why wouldn't they believe that? I'm still disappointed she didn't marry Sonny. That would have been soapy goodness.


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