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Everything posted by Bawoman

  1. I'm thinking Hayden because there are some pretty heavy rumors that she will be Quartermained. I can see Nik thinking she's on his side, and then BAM, knife in his back. Also, they seemed to mention the Quartermaine takeover a bit too many times while Hayden was around. That, and the cryptic "It's not like I have any companies to steal" from Hayden makes me think they could go there. I do agree that Nik's motivations make absolutely no sense, unless theres something we don't know yet. But I do like him this way, as a relatively new viewer its the first time I've found him interesting. And I think TC is doing a great job with what he is being given.
  2. I honestly can't see Nik losing out all that much, post reveal. He has no fucks to give. Sure, he may have the grace to seem slightly conflicted (and that's a huge maybe) once Sam and Alexis get through with him, but at this point, I don't think it will really matter to him. Most of the town already hates him, and he almost seems to like it that way. His only weak spot is Spencer. I don't think he even cares all that much about Liz, even. I think Hayden is the one to properly kick him off his high horse and do some real damage to him and finally make him react. Based on Dillon's cryptic remarks to him last Friday, I can see it happening. Also, I think they will draw out every possible reveal for as long as possible. I can see Jake's identity, and Nik's part in it, revealed during Nov. sweeps, but Liz's part in it will probably come some time afterwards, as a way to lessen the blow on the character. If Liz isn't married, or living with Jakeson when her part of the cover up is revealed, she doesn't come out smelling quite as bad as if she was.
  3. While I agree the character may have come off as a tad too strong, gunning for every penis around her and acting fairly nympho-ish, I always found female characters who were upfront about their libido refreshing, and fun. So I hope they don't completely erase that side of Hayden, it makes her unique to me, and sets her apart. But a few slight tweeks here and there so she doesn't come of as cartoonish like she did at the very begining should be okay. And I absolutely love her dynamic with Nik. Don't know if theyre meant to be a couple, or if Hayden will be the one to stab Nik in the back like Dillon foreshadowed, or both, but those 2 have the most organic, potent chemistry I've seen from a pairing in a long time, and I will enjoy their scenes together however long they last.
  4. With you there. Its all kinds of wrong, I get it, but honestly, they have the most chemistry I've seen from a soap couple in years, and I don't mean just in their hot sex scenes. I like how she is challenging him and not making it easy for him to dupe her. Ugh, why does this show always do this? Either the couples are tepid and boring, or their interesting, but involve the man hurting the woman (or sometimes even the other way around) in some way at some point. Anyway, I wouldn't want her to start dating an enemy of Nik's. I would want her to squeeze him out of every penny he has, as well as his ELQ shares. Make him lose everything he has been trying to defend this past year. And become Queen of Wyndemere.
  5. Nik and Hayden I thought were hot. Wonder if they will pair them up again. On any other show, I would say no, since he did basically have her shot. But I'm not so sure that would be much of an impediment on this show, lol.
  6. I cannot stand Sabrina, never have, never will and her relationship with Michael is a snoozefest. I have to say, knowing what bland, washed out Mary Sue of a character she is, Im surprised people have suddenly taken a dislike against her for yesterday. How else did we think she was going to act?
  7. I couldn't stand Megan, especially in season 5, but I had to side with her here. Sure, it was a great opportunity, but what was good for Peggy didn't have to be good for her. Advertising didnt make Megan happy, and she shouldn't be faulted for that. I thought that s/l was to show how close minded Peggy could be. Advertising was her everything, so she automatically assumed it should be that for everyone else.
  8. I think the difference is in how its written. When a couple would break up on soaps before, it would take months of angst, of healing for the man and the woman to recover, if they did at all. And if they moved on with someone else, they made sure it made sense, character wise, and they took the time to not only make it believable, but sometimes even rootable in it's own right. They didn't push a couple together after only a few months in the most contrived, plot pointy ways possible just to get people to watch because, ooh, X is gonna sleep with Y now! And if they didn't move on, they let the hurt, or the grief, or the jeaolusy be part of the story itself, instead of having him or her sleep with some other character and fall in love for 3 months before plot points dictated that they too must fall out of love. Stories then were much organic, not as rushed, not as contrived, not as gimmicky. The point of views for the characters involved are almost always superficial. Why and how did Jake develop feelings for Liz, for instance? Becase she is pretty and was nice to him? Why are Patrick and Sam "in love"? Was it anything deeper than them being attracted to each other and having good chemistry? Did they ever really connect on a deeper level? I'm not saying that isn't important, but to get people to care, the characters need to be more emotionally invested in each other, we need to see the angst and the fear people sometimes feel when falling in love, we need to see them going through more hurdles, and not by mustache twirling villains, but hurdles put forth by themselves as well. The short of it is writers are no longer willing to take time and effort into writting actual love stories. And that IS what is killing soaps.
  9. I liked todays episode. Wasn't overwhelmed or underwhelmed. The actors, for the most part did a good job, especially young Luke and Pat ( I'm guessing they don't hire actors like these to be on canvas for longer is because, well, like everything, good actors are more expensive), and I thought the reveal was clever enough (I had been spoiled it was Luke's mom he had killed, but they still managed to fake me out at first). I even got a kick out of seeing the most political commentary on a soap I ever thought I would hear (it's no wonder Pat ended up with a bi-racial daughter, after knowing that monster of a father was not only a child abuser and a wife beater, but a racist bigot as well). Also, was it jarring to anyone else seeing LW/Carly playing someone so weak and fragile? Especially because Carly is just so much the opposite. It really was kind of hard to watch. What I didn't like were the hospital scenes, the actors there seemed stiff, and they didn't contribute to the story at all. A wink to history but nothing more. So while, if done well, I probably would have wanted more hospital scenes, they way they were executed made me glad they werent longer. Also, the scenes in the Spencer household seemed a bit staged, in a literal sense. It looked like they were filmed in a high school theater stage, and they blocking felt off. And while I think TG did a good job as Luke, I thought he did a terribly hammy one as his father. I don't mind the retcon itself, since I don't feel it changes things all that much. However, I will be livid if they try to pin every single shitty think Luke has done on his split personality or whatever it is he was supposed to have. Especially the rape. To try to whitewash that, to try to make it somehow less Luke's fault, when Luke himself has said time and time again that he was well aware of what he was doing and was completely in his senses, (which is what showed on screen as well) that would be the biggest, cowardliest cop out in soap writting history. I refuse to believe all that was stopping Luke from doing all those things was taking a couple of pills.
  10. Don and Betty will always be my favorite couple on the show, but I had absolutely no problem in them separating, nor would I ever wish they got back together (I wouldn't hate it, but it's not something I really wish for). I like her marriage with Henry and for the most part I think she more than traded up. No matter how I may have liked Don and Betty, I know they would be less miserable apart (especially Betty) I would have objected to Don marrying anyone when he choose to marry Megan. I don't think any marriage of his would have worked out at that point, and it surprised me that some people thought it could have, It didn't help that I thought Megan was a flimsy, boring, shallow character, but then again I thought Faye was too needy and high maintance (if somewhat more interesting a character by her own right) for Don.
  11. I hope Ric doesn't end up killing FakeJake. RiH is a great actor, and Ric is too good of a character to have him run over the bus over Liz, ffs. He deserves better, and they're writting him like a one note pathetic idiot. Speaking of FakeJake, is there any way I can find out who is playing him? He looks exactly like Kurt from Mad Men, and it's driving me crazy not knowing for sure. Carly was no longer entertaining today and crossed way into OTT insufferable shrillness. I was actually rooting for Hayden to slap her one, and I don't even like her. I for one am glad Nina and Franco got out, no matter how utterly ridiculously it all played out. Them in Shadybrooke had gotten boring. Im curious to see what they will do now.
  12. I had to laugh at Carly today. These are the days when I cant help but love the character, not because I sympathize with her,but because she is so damn entertaining. She is such a hot mess of self absorption and entitlement and instrusivness. She made Liz look like the sane, sensible one, which based on the last few days, is saying plenty. I hope Carly finds out that Ric is behind all this and finally goes ballistic on his ass. Should be entertaining, especially if it ends in hate sex. Ric would make a good porno director. On a purely shallow note, RH did look especially good today. Don't know if it was the suit, or the hair, but he looked younger than he has looked lately.
  13. I agree, but to be fair they did retcon it back later, during Liz's rape storyline. They really did deal with the rape and talk about it frankly sans bullshit (the term seduction never came back up) for the first time ,and it had been a long time coming.
  14. If the really try to pin Luke raping Laura on his DID or whatever it is he is supposed to have that would be the biggest cop out in soap history, and it would be a complete rewrite seeing as everytime Luke talked about the rape he was shown to completely acknowledge that he had been fully aware of what he was doing. How so? If you mean TSJ/Frodd then I agree, since the "2 Todds" thing absolved him from the rapemance. But real Todd's gang rape of Marty was never really whitewashed, which I guess we should all be thankfull for (though had OLTL remained on the air with RC as HW I wouldn't be surprised if he had tried to by now). This, however, doesn't sound so bad. Which just makes me think that is not how they will do it.
  15. I dont know. I still dont feel its justified. Even if it is just Morgan and Kiki he is shutting out. Its immature to let the state of your personal relationships with family members affect the relationships of the child you are supposed to be caring for. Its not like the Quartermaine family is so huge that Avery wouldnt need more relatives Nope. No amount of very justified Sonny hate will make me think Michael is not being a selfish idiot throughout this whole thing, or that he is fit to raise a child. Now Morgan and Kiki, I hope their plan backfires on their sorry asses and are left looking like the morons that they are. Honestly, both of them need to put themselves in the others shoes for a bit. To be fair, that was idiot Morgan that wanted to go through with it, Kiki was the one who talked him out of it.
  16. Liz really needs to reevaluate her life. Even Jake, who has more at stake, was more welcoming towards FakeWife. God, what a bitch. Based on the writting these 2 are getting I'm getting the sense the writers don't really want us to root for them. It definitely worked for me. Morgan and Kiki are idiots, but Michael is an asshole in keeping his sister and brothers away from Avery. So I don't feel too sorry for him in that sense. Julian and Olivia are great together. I think Ned and Olivia, and Julian and Alexis have good chemistry as well, but ever since NYE, I thought those 2 had really something special. Not that they stand a chance in hell next to the almighty Julexis... I FF-ed through the Maxie scenes because we've been watching the same scene for the last 2 weeks, and the Ava ones because I couldn't handle another "Woe is me" monologue, and talks of assisted suicide was no incentive, either.
  17. Dear god, yes! About a minute into their scene, I impulsively yelled at my t.v "Of, for fucks sake, shut up, Ava!" All she does is feel sorry for herself, and in a very whiny, harsh, entitled way. Its why I find it hard to feel sorry for her, even when she may merit it, like now. She did soften towards the end, but she needs to do so more often.
  18. I'm usually not a fan of RH clowning it up, and I yearn for the days RH is remembered as the great dramatic actor he once was, but I genuinely snort laughed at that little exchange between Franco and Scotty. Mostly because you could see the actors were trying to keep a straight face. And because, yes, Scotty's hair was ridiculous. I also prefer this "I can't believe you're my son, somebody shoot me" version of their father-son relationship than the actors attemptig to play it like a straight father/son relationship, which it never will be.
  19. Pretty dull episode, though it was nice "meeting" Valerie Spencer, and I did not expect to see Luke there. I was super spoiled on the whole RB/Jake's wife thing, so that was pretty meh. And the Liz/Jake scenes before were as snoozeworthy as ever. I guess I'm just not into that relationship because I still havent figured out why those 2 are supposed to be so gaga over each other. We really have never gotten any POV from either of the characters on what it was that made them fall for each other. I mean, superficially , I get that Jake probably sees Liz as the pretty nurse who was nice to him from the begining, and Liz sees Jake as a hot, well built nice guy in need of shelter. But that's how deep it goes (not that they're that special in that sense, most soap couples nowadays are written as simplistically). And I still don't see great chemistry. I don't see anti chemistry, they're okay together, but that's it.
  20. Michael Easton to me is a guy thats good at playing non romantic relationships, and terrible at playing romantic ones, None of his romantic couples, on both GH and OLTL, did anything for me. He has good "bro chemistry" with his male co stars.
  21. Hilarious that the only thing I know from that era of GH is thanks to Mystery Science Theater 3000 and their riffing on old episodes. Also, based on this clip, BH would make a marvelous Jessie.:
  22. I like Ric because he is an old school soap opera trope that seems to have dissapeared, especially in this soap, as of late. The male schemer. He isn't a mobster, a psycho, or even a deep and tortured anti heroe, or a good guy, he is just the manipulative dude that cons people to get ahead, and may, or may not feel guilty about it, depending on the day. Unlike the other bad guys, his thing isn't violence, it's just being a selfish asshole without scruples. I find that entertaining and refreshing. And, no, it's not suprising him and Carly hate each other so much (and have so much chemistry), seeing as they're so damn alike. I know people say Carly is so much like Sonny, but I personally think Ric is her soulmate (in a "George and Martha-Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf" sort of way)
  23. I would be suprised if he didn't at least attempt to hire him as a double agent of sorts, just to get the goods on both the police and Julian's organization.
  24. If she was Patricias daughter, then wouldnt Michael and Rosalie be cousins of some kind?
  25. Judging by the way Ric kept going on and on about how he wasnt going to let Liz go, and from spoilers about Ric coming up with a plan of some kind, I'm thinking the idea will be his, but no doubt Sonny would fully endorse it. How many wimmins will Jake have in his harem, now? Liz, Sam, Carly, and RB's new character? A small part of me is starting to understand Ric, Sonny's and Patrick's resentment against the dude.
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