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Everything posted by Bawoman

  1. In the next episode, she'll probably be back to being in love with him and they'll use that as the explanation**gently bumps head on desk**
  2. Yay! The attempted murderer triumphed over his victim!!!! Nik finally won out over the woman who's brains he had blown out over money. Doesn't that just give evryone the fussy wuzzies? I think it's absolutely heartwarming that the man who had a bullet put in the head of someone daring to tell the truth got money for all his troubles whileshe gets nothing. Fuck you show. Really, show. Fuck You. Hayden maybe didn't deserve ELQ, but that piece of shit Nikolas should never be the winner over her, or be made too look like the hero as he is now. It's fucking nauseating,
  3. Nik is a whiny dumbass, and him having his guilt-ridden-because-she-left-him-as-a-baby mother constantly whipping his ass isn't doing him any favors either. If you want to make someone more sympathetic, show him truly alone with no one to turn to, don't have every character in his circle pander and coddle and throw lie after lie around about how good he is (save for Jason, bless him) ,while treating his real victim like trash. I like that Hayden seems to give so little fucks about what Laura thinks of her, but I honestly am going to need at least one scene where she fires back, something along the lines of "Well, at least I never raised a murderer.....oh wait, you didn't either".
  4. I can't.....the most benevolent I could buy Sam being with Nik is just choosing to stay out of it. Nik screwed her over and screwed her over bad. She has no reasons to like Hayden, but has many reasons to dislike Nik, family or not.
  5. I'm more and more convinced TC is out...I just don't see a way to make Nik a viable character unless they just decide to go all out villain on him. And the writers don't see to have any interesting in trying to redeem him in any way. If they're trying to do a Carson sort of couple where the 2 are as bad and toxic to themselves and each other fine, but lying about your past, or even marrying someone for money is not on the same level as trying to kill someone over money, and the writers need to stop pretending that it is.
  6. I was on board for a Nik/Hayden love story (a loooooong time ago) because I'm an angst whore and I thought their backstory gave them great potential, if written right and I though the actors had great chemistry. But what we got.....I don't even know what this is supposed to be. Nik can't even muster an inch of regret for what he did, which is kind of fundamental.....but then you see him crying into his drink because HAYDEN LIED ABOUT HER REAL NAME!!! and he totally wuvs her, as far as he tells Liz anyway...and then when we see him again he is all cool and collected telling her that the marriage is over and she's not getting a cent.....what is this fuckery??? Either you want to write for these 2 to be at least semi viable (they no longer really are at this point anyway) or you move them on to other things and stop wasting our time and ruining them as characters. Well, yeah, it's not hard evidence at all, but it would reopen the case for investigation, which is obviously not in Nik's best interest and he would be smart to try to avoid. I honestly am not ready for the sheer levels of "Well, I never"s and "How could you think that of me"s that well be getting from Nik's big fat piehole on Monday...I get the feeling that Nik will sink even lower than he already has. Seriously, who did TC piss off?
  7. I don't know about that. We don't really know Hayden's intentions, though we do know Hayden seems to be in love with the piece o slime. We do know that Tracy is blackmailing her to steal ELQ from Nik's, you know, the company Nik stole from the Q's himself, and she stupidly hasn't done it yet. She very well could have already milked him for his millions, and rightly so. We also know Nik tried to have Hayden murdered, and that Laura and Liz know about this, but are still trying to make HIM out to be the victim. And they're all lying....Nik, Laura and Liz.....to her....so Hayden is in good company. Hayden lies are not the problem.....it's her stupidity for Nik's peen that's not letting her rip Nik off well and square as severance for nearly dying because of him, and then telling Liz and Laura to kindly fuck off the edge of a parapeet. This sums it up pretty well.
  8. Oh, she'll use it against him if her ass is on the line. But I do think she forgave him, which is nauseating considering the fact he has yet to show an ounce of real remorse for what he did.
  9. Liz trying to accuse someone of lying when not only is that what she has very recently been doing for months, but also what she is doing to that SAME person she's accusing by keeping the identity of her attempted murderer a secret is so beyond ridiculous. I almost feel bad for Liz, her writting is just abismal. Also, did she not help Nicholas in aquiring ELQ through shifty methods....but now she is more or less accusing her of the same thing. Put a sock in it, Liz. I know you're feeling bad about yourself because the love of your life Jaysus has moved on and so you need to mark your little territory, but quit while your ahead. There's no way you're going to end up looking good here. And I don't buy the "Hayden forgave Nik for the hit so why should it matter" argument. If that was the case, Luke and Laura should have ceased to be controversial the day Laura forgave him.
  10. The worst part of it is that I'm not sure if : 1)The writers are having Laura "reverse-prop" Hayden by making her act like such an asshole towards her to garner sympathy or 2) We are actually supposed to be siding with Laura and being all "Go, girl" because we are supposed to see Hayden as trash that's going to break poor widdle attempted murderer''s heart Both scenarios are inexcusable...Laura deserves better....and while it may be unpopular, I think Hayden does to.
  11. To be fair, Sam is the only one in that room that doen't know that I feel like the're trying to give Laura some edge, which I can sort of get, but she's not coming of well at all. She's just coming off as an overbearing, hypocritical, nosy bitch. She needs a boyfriend...very very badly.
  12. This right here. Laura has become repelant, I can't deal with her anymore. Now I'm itching for the truth of her sorry son's murdering ass to come out just so Hayden can call her and Liz out on their utter hipocrisy. And Sam, you're fighting the wrong fight,
  13. Also, when in hell did Hayden blackmail Liz? Never. At most she kinda sorta blackmailed Nik for about 12 hours so she had a place to crash after she found out Nik knew, but she never threatened Liz with telling in exchange for anything. Hayden's beef was with Nik.
  14. Doesn't she though? Both lied, but Hayden isn't blaming her mistakes on Liz at least. And even if Hayden should be thankfull to Liz for keeping her alive, Hayden has no way of knowing that. Anyway, despite my problems with Liz, I hate that theyre being pitted against each other, and I have a weird hope they become friends of sorts. I'm certainly not ready to see Hayden fight with Liz over a man that tried to have her killed. I'm glad Hayden was okay with Liz staying.
  15. Hayden does know about Liz covering it up, at least to an extent. When she first overheard Laura and Nik discussing it, Laura told Nik Liz told her he might have had Hayden shot. So she doesn't know for sure Liz covered it up, but she does know Liz at least suspects it and said nothing. That being said, I don't think that's why Hayden hates Liz. I think it's more to do with the fact that Liz has been a complete hypocrite to her, and she knows it. That's enough. WTF ever on Nik calling Sam. Please tell me Sam has plans to say yes only to turn the tables on him and screw him over by investigating him.
  16. I don't know what they're going for with Laura, honestly. Like, are the writers trying to make her look good by writting her as the Mama Bear who will defend their child no matter what? Because people haven't forgotten her son tried to murder a (reasonably) innocent woman over money. I don't care if you don't like Hayden, or if you don't care about her, people remember that. It just doesnt make her look good at all. Of course Laura is going to be proven right, but what kind of win will that be when she's proven to have been the biggest hypocrite of them all by lying and keeping quiet about what her son did while calling her son's victim trash? What kind of reward will it be when she knows that her son deserved everything he will be getting, and more? Should she show concern, aprehension, sure, but having the fact that her son is marrying someone he almost killed should be her first thought, not if she's going to screw poor little pooh bear's heart. She shows absolute no concern, no guilt over what her son did to the woman. Nothing except concern for her baby boy getting screwed over. That just isn't Laura...it just isn't. I did love Tracy and Ashton blazing one up.....still kind of hoping they end up being Hayden's parents....she needs better company.
  17. I really don't think that will happen......the writers have.....issues, I'll admit, but Nik not getting any punishment for having a woman shot over money seems a bit much. Guess we'll have to see how it plays out. I do hate that they're having Tracy blackmail Hayden, because it means that what Hayden will likely do to Nik will be tainted with the fact that she has no choice, and it would not be purely out of revenge, as it should. But I'm guessing it has to do with some plot pointy reason for getting Hayden in Tracy's orbit. Personally, as much as I love Tracy, I hope Hayden finds a way to screw both of them over and keep the ELQ shares for herself.
  18. Personally, I may be alone in this, but I am pretty sure Hayden did play Nik......and very well I might add. Whether or not she has true feelings for him is besides the point. She proposed to him as a way of getting close to the ELQ shares, he initially said no, she started in on the sob story of never having been in love and not knowing if she deserved him and Nik took the bait fast.
  19. Not how I recall it, sorry. I remember her hearing a convo between him and Laura in which he denied Laura's accusations, though at one point he did sort of imply he could have ("Haven't you ever done something because you had no choice" or something to that extent ..)before denying it again. Nik definitely did not admit to Laura about the hit until a couple of weeks ago.
  20. Actually, he just told her that Shawn's bullet wasn't the one that hit her. Hayden knows there was a second shooter, but not who it was.
  21. I'm chalking it up to the fact that Hayden doesn't know for sure that Nik tried to have her killed and is trying to stick her head in the sand regarding her suspicions because of her feelings towards him. This is the only way it doesn't make my head hurt.
  22. Daytime dish...though he posted it a while back so good luck trying to find his post...you can always try the search engine, though.
  23. She could know her name without knowing who she really is...say she gave the child up for adoption...how would she know what became of that child? She could be Tracy's and Tracy could have no idea....all she has is a name of someone with a checkered past.
  24. Not OP, but RBu did retweet a tweet speculating on Hayden and Tracy being mother/daughter...she isn't one to retweet lost of stuff either, and I doubt she would do so no knowing full well that's not the case. Not saying she knows either way, but I don't think she would have done that if she knew for sure (and actors tend to have a "magical" inkling about these things). That, and the fact that HNY (the insider) dropped that that was RC's original plan, to make Hayden Tracy's. Also, the spoilers of Tracy running in to someone in her past on her trip, her having an "emotional" story coming up, the fact that Tracy started out in the show as an adult woman and was missing for almost all of the 80s, making the writting in of an illegitimate kid pretty easy, makes me thinks there are better chances for Hayden to being Tracy's than Rebecca, whose back story doesnt coincide at all with Hayden's (wasnt Rebecca a doctor of some kind) and whose character pretty much bombed.
  25. Not nearly enough nagging, imo. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that Laura thinks the bigger issue is not that her son tried to coldly have a woman killed, but that he may get his poor boo heart broken. Have we ever gotten a moment of Laura giving Nik shit for what he did? At all? At least one "How could you do such a thing"? No? Didn't think so.... Also, Laura, your son tried to have a woman murdered. Over money. There are no "fresh starts" from that, and ditching Hayden will likely not change that. And I really resent the fact that Laura somehow think its Hayden that's keeping him from becoming "the good honest man you were meant to be" or whatever such bullshit.....once again, Laura, she is NOT the problem. Hayden may not be a saint, but she was his VICTIM, not his enabler...that would be the woman that you are continually coddling and propping and enabling yourself...hint...her name starts with an L...or an E, whatever. I really hope we get an interesting backstory for Hayden, but as things go on this show, I'm expecting just another fakeout a la Rosalie, and learn nothing new, until the writers decide there's a plot point to fill. Happy for the Scrubs fan...wasn't around when they were on, but that was one hell of a montage...I'm happy at least one fanbase got some payback.
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