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Everything posted by Bawoman

  1. Best actor: JT, who did pretty well with the little that was given him HM: hate the character to pieces but I did think Bryan Craig did a good job as Morgan. Doesn't mean the character isn't annoying as fuck though Best Actress: FH. While I hated most of her stories this year, Anna still had moments that really made FH shine. Her guilt and paranoia after what she did to Carlos was hard to watch, a bit OOC, but it was so well acted. HM to Becky Herbst...not a huge fan of the character but she wasnt afraid to go down to the lowest depths of patheticness. She never phoned it in and gave it her all, despites the bus driving over her constantly. WORST ACTOR Ryan Paevey as Nathan......he makes trees look lively. HM to MB....Sonny has barely done anything this past year but lift his eyebrows. Worst actress: TC as Sabrina.......there is something about her that reminds me of a potted plant. And she has a way of always sounding insincere in her scenes. HM: Brytni Sarpy as Val.......very pretty girl...that's all I got Best Story: This ones a hard one, lol. Ummmm.....Nik overtaking ELQ didn't suck. And while its new, I am very much liking the Crimson stuff. Also, I liked the introduction of Hayden, though I really hope we get to know more about her outside of Nik's realm. Worst Story Anything Fluke/Luke related. Ouch, that was painfull. HM...the never ending Jakeson saga. No one really cared all that much in the first place, ffs Worst Couple: Michael and Sabrina (I seriously did not see the chem) HM to Maxie and Nathan...Nathan is mostly to blame here Best couple: Both controversial choices around here, but they are seriously the only couples that hold any interest to me and are not boring to me, mostly because they are new and don't have the baggage that has been thrown up, eaten up and regurgatated over and over again: Franco and Nina, and Nik and Hayden**phew, there I said it**
  2. Yeah, unfortunately I don't see Nik being tortured at all. Nor do I think we're meant to. But I do love Hayden...and I certainly find her rootable.
  3. Or stop trying to get them murdered via a bullet in the head.
  4. Is it too much too hope for that we get some actual character growth, and once Hayden does her damage, Nik won't go off bitching and whinning about yet another wimmins duping and deceiving him? Is it too much to hope for that he takes it like a grown man and admits he fucked up massively, and that it's him that is the problem, and not his "Taste" in women? Also,I'm going to start fanwanking that Laura's OTT contempt for Hayden stems from her need to deny to herself what her son did, and Hayden, being a daily reminder of it, is not helping, which is why Laura seems so badly to want her out of their home. Because that's the only thing that could make me tolerate Laura right now.
  5. Missed the Curtis/Hayden scenes too, and yes, Hayden's reaction when returning to Nik was different. I'm guessing she got confirmation, though I heard one recapper that Curtis wasnt even able to retrieve the bullet yet. Anyway, I'm glad were getting a full realization from Hayden of what Nik did. I did feel kind of bad for her there, she does seem to have some feelings for the piece of shit. Make. Him.Pay.
  6. I dont think Ive ever turned on a character as much as I have on Laura. Like I complete 180. Calling the woman her son tried to have killed "trash", just because she may or may not be duping him? She doesnt even know Hayden. What the holy fuck. Laura is being written so badly it almost seems as she's being written to prop Hayden which saddens me as a fan of both characters. Or one time fan of one of them anyway. I hope Hayden dupes Nik, and dupes Nik good. Hope she takes everything from him and when Laura even dares utter a word, I hope Hayden tells her to shut her yap or she'll get her son's ass sent to prison, quick. And that she reminds her that, while she may be trash, she never ordered a murder of someone over some money. Oh, and I hope Hayden somehow ends up owning Wyndemere and kicks her enabling ass out. She can go stay with her beloved Lizzie, and her totally not lying, scheming ass. RMFE.
  7. I know it's against soap rules to defend a newbie against a soap vet, especially a highly popular one, but I swear, watching Laura treat Hayden as the villain in this is making me so damn punchy. Every damn thing she said the other day sounded more stupid, and ooc. Her murdering, bordering on the sociopathic son is too good for a somewhat scheming woman? And what has Hayden done, really? Nik is the one who wanted to keep all eyes on Hayden and invited her destitute ass to stay at Wyndemere, not the other way around, Nik is the one that didnt care about the consequences of Spencer getting attached to Hayden. Most importantly, Nik is the one who HAD A BULLET PUT IN HER BRAIN and left her in a coma over some business deal. But the problem is Nik's taste in girlfriends? Are you on fucking crack, Laura? You best thank your lucky stars Nik ran in to someone like Hayden who doesn't seem interested in putting his ass in prison for years, because the "nice girl" you want for him would do it in a heartbeat. Its funny because as much as Laura may say she wants to save her son from himself, all she keeps doing is coddling him, and enabling him and Liz. I hope Hayden raining doom on Nik's sorry ass ends up being more of a lesson to him than that pats on the back and booger swipping coming from his mommy.
  8. Exactly this. She is doing the same thing Hayden did, keeping Jason from his family and pretending to be the love of his life, except Hayden never knew for sure Jakeson had a family, and Hayden hasn't had years of history with him, or his friends and family, and is not supposed to care about them because she was basically a stranger. If you couple that with knowing her bestie Nik TRIED TO HAVE HER KILLED, in part because of her, and had her put in a 3 month old coma, and that she's keeping quiet about it, the fact that she has the gall to be smug and bitchface Hayden at all really says it all. Sam already tried that. He still gives no fucks. But I'm sure Nik will get his due soon enough.
  9. I'm the same, never watched AMC or saw RBu in anything, so I'm not tainted, I like her alot, she's what my grandma would call "fresh".
  10. I see your point, but that's not really what is being written though. It's all about Hayden lying about the amnesia and daring not to tell the truth about the mighty Jakeson. The fake marriage thing has barely even been mentioned. It's funny, because it's what Liz is basically doing now. Claiming Jake as her own and keeping him from his real family. Yet the bitchface to Hayden remains,
  11. Laura has been written so WTF, it's beyond me. First, side eye-ing the woman her son tried to have murdered, and actually put in a coma for 3 months. You don't trust her, Laura? How about that attempted murdering budding sociopath you have for a son now? Why don't you explore the trust issues you should have with him? Laura should be kissing Hayden's ass and praying she doesn't know (though we know she does) what her son did, and have his ass sent to jail. She should be worried about his Cassadines genes not rearing their ugly heads again and him hurting Hayden, or anyone else, again. And if Hayden ever does anything to Nik, which she will, and deserves too, then tough fucking shit, because he has it coming. Second, propping Liz's sorry ass. Yes, what she said was true, and right, but it's still propping, and Liz is 100% undeserving of Laura's sympathy and well meaning advise, especially after the emotional blackmail she pulled on her regarding the Hayden hit. And what on earth made her think she could ever actually get through to Liz? She's about as delusional when it comes to Liz, as Liz is herself. Just...damn.... Third....you have a heartbroken daughter out there somewhere, Laura...her name is Lulu, and she needs you. It hurts to say as a Laura fan, but the return has been awful (cleaning up after Jiz's jizzed sheets?) but I will try to put the blame on this god forsaken, shitty, pukeworthy and never ending Jakeson storyline that needed to die months ago. Thank the Soap Gods and Angels its coming to an end soon and people will stop being written around this crap, and, hopefully, more in character. Also I may be outing myself as a bit of a Hayden fangirl, but I have my balls up to here the way people treat her. Sam gave 2 shits about her before the coma, and now she's always in her face about her faking her amnesia. So what if she did? Maybe she's, you know, trying to protect herself because she received a bullet to the head when she was trying to tell the truth.? Or maybe she just decided it really wasn't her business? Then Nik being all "I can handle Hayden" as if she was some sort of pet...ugh. Then, of course, Laura, but we already talked about that. I can understand Liz's animosity to a point because of the fake wife scam, but still, you're looking in to the face of the woman who was shot and put in a coma by your bff, and you're keeping that secret yourself, so please, less snark and bitch face and a bit more humilty. Hayden's no angel, and is very much sharpening her claws, but she is not the villain here. On a side note, Scotty is the only character on the show that manages to make Ava tolerable. Love them together.
  12. I liked Gives-no-fucks-ELQ takeover- raw steak for breakfast Nik. And I'm not invested in Jasam, so I can't truly loathe him for keeping the Jason secret (I mean, its still shitty, but I can let it pass). That's where they should have stayed with the character. The hit was just too fucking much. Thanks, Ron!
  13. Lol, pretty much. We know how soaps work. It would make even more sense if Hayden turns out to be Paul's.
  14. It wouldn't be it for me either, believe me. And I think Nik is in for a WORLD of hurt. But I want Nik to start feeling shame and guilt BEFORE his comeuppance..before people tell him what a shit he is to his face, I want him to realize it on his own. That would truly let me know if the characters is salvagable or not. I still have a fantasy that Hayden frames, or at least makes Nik look guilty for Sloane's death, though I don't think he actually will be guilty. The three just shared too many scenes for it not to mean anything. Hayden knows Sam and Jake know about the election tampering, and that he and Nik were in cahoots together. And in the Floating Rib scene, Hayden certainly made it a point to say that everyone overheard Nik and Sloane arguing. Nik would make a very, very viable suspect.....
  15. Nik's a hot mess...I'm not even sure he is capable of knowing what exactly he is feeling, so who knows. And this show always has a problem with telling, and not showing, thats for sure. That being said, I think somewhere in Nik's scrambled mind I do see genuine affection. I saw it during the dance, I saw hints of it it in the whole scene with him and Hayden at Kelly's, I saw it yesterday before she went to see Patrick. I don't think he's in love yet, or even that near to it just yet, though. I have noticed that since the new writers have taken over they somehow softened Nik a bit..it's not much, but it's there I think.
  16. True....but I still think he is majorly trying to justify in his head that somehow Old Hayden was the Shrewest Conniving Bitch that ever shrewd so he doesn't feel qualms about having tried to off her, especially since now he is starting to have feelings for her. Also, the Britt comparisons were laughable. Hayden did a little light blackmailing just so she could have a place to crash after being kicked out of the MC, and it lasted a total of 1/2 days before she was ready to let the cat out of the bag anyway. I'm not trying to say Hayden wasn't a shaddy character, but what Britt did to Nik was 100x worse.....and what Nik did to Hayden was 100000000000000000000x worse.Squared. Times infinity. So basically, the whole Lulu/Nik scene seemed like crazy talk to me, though I can't blame Lulu since she doesn't really know anything. Well, tbf, he did say he would put a stop to her if she ever hurt anyone he cared about, and it was in direct reference to what Britt did to Lulu. So that didn't shock me all that much. But I do agree that some private self loathing is needed before he can be remotely viable as a character, let alone as part of a couple.I truly hope the writers are holding out on us, and it will come.
  17. When I said I felt sorry for Nik, I meant more along the lines as feeling a pathetic pity towards him and his self delussion more so than sympathizing with him. I dont think I'll have an ounce of sympathy for him until (and if) he actually starts showing some regret or develops some self awareness. And even then, only if it makes him go through living hell.
  18. We all need to talk about Nik, y'all. It's funny, but I feel more disdain and pity for Nik's ass, than anger and disgust. The guy is a mess, and I'm glad we are starting to slowly, slowly see him unravel at the edges. I basically made up my mind that Nik is actively blocking out some of his crimes from his conscience...so much so that he can say, with all 5 senses clear.. that the woman he had SHOT was somehow undeserving of him because she had done a little light blackmailing on him for a total of a day and a half (and really only because she needed a place to crash) before she was stopped by a bullet. Is Nik really this self deluded? Does he really have no qualms with what he did, or is he just blocking it out because he can't deal with the fact that he tried to murder a woman, a fairly innocent one. Does the love of his life Emily's demise at the hands of a murderer have any bearing on his conscience at all? And lets not even talk about his whopping Madonna/Whore complex. When Hayden put out, and was the sexual aggresor, her life was basically meaningless to him, but now that she's keeping her legs shut, he's all making googly eyes and talking about how smart and independent she is? Though part of me thinks (or at least hopes because I still have not lost faith that Nik does have a very small, if someone blackened heat in there somewhere) that this is all just a repeated and pathetic attempt at justification of his crime. "It was a-okay that I tried to have this woman killed because she was a conniving bitch" The more he starts developing real feelings for this woman, the more he will likely continue to justify , in his mind, that trying to end her life was all on "Old" Hayden, the one that at her worst wasn't even a fraction of what he has turned into, and not on his cowardly ass. And this makes more sad for him, than angry, though still angry, have no doubt). I just need SOMEONE to shock him out of his stupor and hold the mirror back at him properly. I am still hoping beyond hope that once the truth is out, Spencer catches word that this pretty, nice woman who helps him with his homework and with who he watches movies until late in the night, had a bullet put in her brain by his daddy. Maybe that's the only way someone could break through to Nik, and maybe he would finally have no choice but to show some shame? All this being said, I'm finding Nik by far the most interesting (as in fucked up in a way that should be studied in the textbooks) character on the show right now. And I do like..scratch that..LOVE...scratch that...am in LOVE with the chemistry he has with RBu. I think TC finally working against a more experienced, stronger actress, as opposed to the ingenues they've always seemed to throw at him is working wonders for him. Which makes me, as un PC, and unpopular it may be, to still want the writers to make the couple viable in some way, at some point. Not now, certainly, especially considering how oblivious Nik is being to his own actions, not while he keeps lying (though I do appreciate he has lowered down the b.s a bit these past few days, and is almost starting to act human like), and not while keeping ELQ/Jason's secret seems to be the most important thing to him in his mind. Once he's able to take a good long look into himself, accepts what he did without pathetic justifications in order to save his conscience, then maybe there's a chance for him, and maybe a chance for them.
  19. IDK, of course Hayden is showing major attraction towards Nik, but she herself isn't letting it get physical. If there is one thing keeping that couple viable, imo, is that she isnt being written as a clueless waif. She's falling for him, but with one eye open. And she's never bought in to any of the lies he's told her.
  20. I think the TC comparison was clueless. Different times, and different crimes. That being said, if the writers are up for it, and devote the time and energy to write the couple with depth, and write their story as actually character driven to make them more viable, I'm not opposed. I like their dynamic, and I like their chemistry, and honestly, Nik falling for Hayden would be perfect schadenfreude, but these types of couples only work if the writers take them seriously, and write for them seriously. Don't gloss over their (well, his, mostly) dysfunctionality just because they look cute together, but address it. And for fuck's sake, don't rewrite it, like RC would likely do, and have Nik be brainwashed into doing it or some shit. Have the character fully realize what he has done and go through living hell every day, and see if he can grow and develop from it. I mean, if you're going to do it, do it well. Time will tell if the writers are up to the challenge. I hope so, because I do think there is serious potential between those 2.
  21. I sort of miss Hayden's sexual boldness, but I think it was a little OTT, and for the long run it wouldn't work. I do think she will regain at least some of it after her memory comes back. But I do like the character alot. It sounds cliché but I find her refreshing. Her character seems less convoluted than most of the other newbies. She has a brain and isn't letting Nik feed her pap, she speaks her mind, seems like she has a good enough heart, yet there is still a bit of a kink to her, mainly in her snark, and in the way she seems to be more and more attracted to Nik the more of a bad guy she finds out he is. She is the quintessential "good girl with a streak of naughty" which I think the show is missing.
  22. The Jakeson convos are, I agree. I wish they wouldnt have to prop that storyline. But I do like the rest.
  23. I thought their scenes, especially after Sloane left, were a little too heavy on the "love" foreshadowing, but I've been shipping it for a while now, so I won't complain. But I do think most of their other scenes have been written well. I loved that Hayden doesn't stop asking questions, and is making Nik sweat. I like that the sappiness of the "love" conversation is counteracted by a vive of suspense, almost of danger, in their dynamic. It's kind of goth, I have to say. Julian has proven to me today that I can only tolerate him when he is with Alexis. Not a fan of Sonny, or Morgan at all, but his cockiness today was almost cartoonish. OldNew Sloane is starting to grow on me. Maybe it's because, while I could never stand him, he does seem to have genuine feelings for Anna, and her being my Queen makes me appreciate that. Also, I'm pretty sure we wont be seeing him for long, anyway.
  24. I couldn't deal with another amnesia/plastic surgery story. Of course, that could be because I have no problem with RBu, or the Hayden character at all. She's smart, and isn't making it easy for Nik to fool her. I like the fact that her attraction to him is there, but it isn't overriding her desire for the truth. She IS keeping Nik on his toes, which is exactly what he needs. I do think she will be Quartermained, though. But I'm thinking more along the lines of her being Jimmy Lee Holt's daughter. If Hayden really is from the more blue collar town of Beechers Corners, it would make sense.
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