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Everything posted by Bawoman

  1. I found that last scene with Carson on Morgans grave unintentionally funny for some reason. Both of them freezing their asses off, Carly trying to get Sonny to talk to a tombstone because her quack serial killer shrink doc told them to, Sonny looking bored and having fuck all clue what to say and wanting to gtf out of dodge. The only thing was missing was Margaux walking in on them yet again. With Sonny's scarf.
  2. Lulu was unreal in her obnoxiousness...her getting all offended for Maxie over Jordan mentioning Nathan was cringe inducing considering Maxie herself barely cared. Her mother today though was the exact opposite. Her best episode since she returned, imo. She finally got a backbone with Kevin and played her inaguration with much dignity and stoicism...and this is by someone who has never been a big Laura fan. Just loved her today.
  3. Ugh...I don't hate Sonny and actually sometimes kind of love him but the tounge bath his ass got from Laura yesterday is the exact same shit always made me resent him . Its phony baseless propping that Sonny has always depended on. Sonny is best when shown being a sweet caring dad like with Kristina sometimes or caring after Mike or kinda/sort saying he's sorry to Margaux in the graveyard..there it's character based, its shown, not told and Mo works the hell out of those scenes. Baseless kiss ups from the Pure and Sweet Fairy godmother of GH just to give the mobster a seal of approval just make him less likeable. But his zombie-d out lovers eat that shit up with a spoon.
  4. "There are some things we'll never be even on...some things you just can't take back" "Well, I'm sorry you feel that way" Really? Sonny, you think you drape your scarf over some girl and she'll forgive and forget you killing her father? Ugh....the clueless, tone deaf entitlement. Your ass knows you did so too, at least pay the girl enough respect and keep quiet. And good on Margaux for getting her spine back, somewhat. I liked Hank too...seemed unpretentious, and not in a fake soap way. Seems almost too good for this show.
  5. Sadly, though Carly deserves it, I don't see it happening considering the insistence of showing Carly so insecure about it. This is all to make Sonny look like a saint when he keeps it in his pants. And prop Margaux to, I guess, and maybe the possibility of the couple. I do think (hope) they do bang eventually once Carson implode through other means. Again Carly deserves it. I still do not get the writing for Carly last week. If they were trying to have her come off as the poor suffering wife of a cheating husband, it certainly didn't help having her male "best friend/substitute husband" rub her back and hold her hand while she patted herself in the back for being "strong", not weak like the other women who "failed" him, for being with Sonny through his difficult time, for not taking Sonny back should he ever cheat again (when he's never really cheated anyway, the vast majority of times they were on the ousts or separated when Sonny slept with someone else, same as Carly) all over one fucking scarf...it was just....bizarre. I actually would have felt something if Carly had stopped making it about her own ego and entitlement and made it more about true fear of loss because she loved Sonny that much and didn't want to lose him...but none of that was present in that scene.
  6. I doubt that's where they're going with them. At this point we'd be getting tons of clues and we've gotten nothing despite getting tons of conversation and POV from Mike. Even more so when it looks like Mike's mental capacity is dying out fast. And maybe I'm putting too much faith in the writers but I think they might not want to cheapen Mike's Alzeihmer storyline by tacking on a long lost daughter story right when he's about to go senile. I wouldn't put it past the writers but I don't think Mo would be game considering how he seems to cherish that story. That's HIS Emmy bait baby after all. Also, didn't Mike say he'd have liked to share a double date with them the other day, lol? Seems like a weird remark if they were going there. I definitely do see Carly blowing things out of proportion and messing things up with Sonny herself without reason though. I don't see him cheating...I see Carson imploding before that's even necessary. And they really need to at this point. Judging by Carly's crippling insecurity the other day, Carson won't need Margaux/Sonny to happen to do so....
  7. She won't charge him regardless. She'd be implicating her mom in it if she did.
  8. I did much prefer it when they were addressing the issue and Margaux was shown trying to deal with it and holding Sonny accountable. But suddenly the scarf incident and she folded like tomorrow's laundry and got all star eyed. So I get it. I would have liked something like Sonny finally breaking down and admitting to her what he did out of guilt and asking for forgiveness....a guilt ridden heartfelt and selfless admission of guilt and apology to me could make a difference between implausible and wrong and a decent redemption story. Have her process this and have her forgive him (or not) as is her pregorative, if she thinks their love could save him from continuing to lead a lifestyle who's beginnings a long time ago caused her so much pain in her life. Or something. Sadly on this show though you get either wrong and chem-y, or tepid and vanilla. And if made to chose my mind will always wander to the 1st. Because it's true soaps have never been or will be a place for viewing healthy relationships or looking for moral or ethical guidance.
  9. Well, I might be in the minority here but I could actually see what would draw Margaux to Sonny.....she obviously has daddy issues up the wazoo, she's seeing a more beaten down vulnerable Sonny who's dealing with a dead son, a senile father and is actually the only one of his godawful clan to show her some sympathy and kindness. and honestly, as much as Mo may not be liked here I much prefer to see EH with someone that tries, sometimes, even if only until they're bored, than the likes of BM who acts like he's doing every woman (except KM) a favor by sharing the screen with him and looks either nonplussed, bored or like someone said here a few days back, like he wants someone to murder him, EH and Mo have chem and I like were they're headed. They look good together. I too, like Mike, wish that him, Yvonne, Sonny and Margaux could have stayed around the jazz club and made a night of it. Pretty much sums it up. And if Carly is right as others say, then go to your husband about it, don't ask your bff to be a spy and bottle all your insecurities and distrusts. Honestly, watching today made me question whether Carly was just looking for a reason to sabotage that marriage herself. It's almost like she wants Sonny to cheat so she can blow him off. But god was it sickening watching herself pat herself on the back about how Sonny goes after weak women. Meanwhile her stupid ass is crying over a scarf and Margaux just save her FIL not only from possibly disappearing forever but also getting his possible criminal charges dropped. And topping it off by flirting with her husband. Jason needs to either fuck Carly which we all now it's what she wants, or he needs Faison's swift, leathery boot to kick him off the harbor. Does this man have a personal life?
  10. She seems ok to me..a little over zealous sometimes about the show...and about her cushy job boyfriend (though she never put a gun to anyone's head) but nice enough. Who really cares anyway? She ain't a character on the show, she's an actress trying to do her job.
  11. Oh boy....were to start. Jarly need to just fall of a fucking cliff. They're so threatened when someone dare take away the attention/feelings from the moobster that should be reserved for them and only them. it's just so pathetic. "She's just trying to exploit his feelings"...meanwhile the DA is now running around feeling bad and apologizing to everyone in town for daring to put a little pressure on the Carson family because she was seeking justice for the father Sonny killed in cold blood. God I wanted to smack her when she said that...but it did make Jarly look tremendously stupid. so there's that. Carly Margaux did not send you to Ferncliff, your stupid life choices, starting from the man you married, is what got you there. And Sonny, Margaux did not tell you she was cold. You did not offer her your scarf. You draped it on her without asking like you were marking new territory.....which you totally were...and Carly has it coming because she still can't manage to open up her mind or her soul enough to understand the man's guilt in leaving a little girl fatherless.
  12. Barely watched the show but Ryan's glee at being described a serial killer made me chuckle. They should play up a more dark comedy thing with the murders because as is, it's already stagnant.
  13. I'd really wish he'd just admit the truth to her and apologize. THAT would actually show growth more so than childhood sob stories. And it's not like she'd be able to do anything about it seeing as there is no evidence and even if there was, she'd have to implicate her mom which we know she won't do now.
  14. The first time I have ever felt anything for Griffin was in his scenes today. Finally, the man has a pulse (I found both him and Ava OTT yesterday). Fanna still look like bro/sis, but the moment at the end was kinda not bad. Anyway, I'm still certain my girl Hayden had nothing to do with that letter shit. She's not pinning for Finn's ass anymore than she's caring for the ratling he saddled her with. Because he/she went down the river like Baby Moses , I'm sure. Ava is a moron for going along with Kevin's alibi. They're bound to catch her in the lie and it will be a hundred times worse when they do. I'm ready to get the murder shit over with though..I loathe Ava but seeing her screw the man who killed her daughter gives me the heebies. Damn it Sonny why do you have to almost make me like you when you're with people that aren't Jarly or Michael? Still don't get where they are going with him and the DA....but I like them. Which I hate because I know the Mickey Mouse Mobster is going to end up fucking that up. Just go back to your italian leather sofa mumbling out orders like a corpse to your sycophant cheerleaders so things stop being weird. Minor goof, Margaux ended her scene with Sonny draped in his scarf..the next scene it was nowhere to be seen. Not on her, not in her hands, not stomped on on the ground. There's someone people hire to take care of those things..just sayin. Eta: rewatching her alone scene, Margaux did tuck the scarf into her coat at the beginning. My bad.
  15. Pop AND son Corinthos are getting it this week it apparently. Didn't the Jasam stuff happen 2 weeks ago. If they're going to go there with SoDA (I'm sorry I had to) they might as well gift Parking lot Pete to Carly and unsaddle Maxie. Carson can both go slummin it up with the youngins and the show can avoid accusations of ageism/sexism, etc.
  16. He so does. I don't blame him. I think Drew could somehow manage to fight him off though. Wimpy useless Griff though? Have at 'im, Ryan.
  17. The problem with MW imo is that she can't do subtlety...she's good at the big scenes where you know exactly what's she supposed to be playing, and she was great on Thursday..but nuance is not her strong suit...nuance and vulnerability, since she comes across as less self loathing , as she should, and more self pitying. She plays all her cards up front, so she doesn't surprise or intrigue me. Actually, LW is sort of the same, though she sometimes manages better with vulnerability. Not that most, if any, on the show fare much better. Sbu, Kemo and often Mo when he's bored, are the other extreme..they try to pass of bored/sleepy face as subtlety and comes across as ..well, bored and sleepy.
  18. I don't think Sonny/Margaux will be happening at least any time soon. They'd need to bring in someone from Carly, for one (I vote LW be forced to carry the burden of Parking lot Pete, because wtf should Maxie be forced to). I do like their dynamic. though..alot actually. The actors have chem and seem alive in their scenes. So I kind of hope they stay in each other's orbits, sex or no sex. Margaux serving as Sonny's non existent conscience works for me. Maybe she could counteract the toxic influence of the 3 dumb blonde cheerleaders of Carly/Jason/Michael. Likely not happening though. They'll either do a sleazy hook up or kill her off because she dared to go against the trio from hell.
  19. Is that about Ava or Margaux, I wonder. In any case, Carly's look of joyous glee made me wretch. One woman just lost her daughter (and this is coming from someone who LOATHES Ava) and the other never had a father because Snarly's husband killed him. You really can't take the trailer park out of the girl, can you? Dear god I hope not. I still pray for a late miscarriage. Harsh but Hayden was a fave of mine and the fact that her womb had to be sacrificed to accomodate ME's 69th character will never gel with me. And I still hope she's screwing her Notdead husband Nik somewhere in the greek isles.
  20. Didn't the same mag have a quote saying that afa Mo was concerned, Carson were "rock solid"? Not that I think what either he or what Shelly said amounts to a spit of truth. Both Margonny or Margrew could be screwing in 2 months because the writers/actors LIE.
  21. I hate to say it but Daddy issues? Though I can only see her sleeping with the guy if he ever owned up to what he did and begged her forgiveness and spent the rest of his days kissing her ass....maybe. It wouldn't hurt if Marino didn't end up being her dad, but Scully. And if he grew the beard back. And got rid of his appendages called Jason and Carly. And no longer used that shoe polish for his hair. So it's likely it won't happen at all, though to me it's a shame cuz to me those 2 have angsty chem up the wazoo.
  22. That dream was....something. I know Sonny was supposed to sound like the Byronic anti-hero of moobies because......whatever stupid reasons. But what would possess them to show Sonny not having any other epiphany other than, "Well, alot of people I knew would have been hurt anyway, so , eh" immediately after showing him watching a woman drunkingly cry herself to sleep in large part because he filled her father with bullets at the tender age of 16. Why did they even bother to have Margaux there in the first place? That just made things worse.
  23. Well, it's dirty, no doubt, but alot of good stuff can come from self examination. Maybe even redemption? I don't know. And Margaux can take it. She knows what she's doing. She's not scared of him and never has been.
  24. Why go there? What is wrong with hoping for a little freakin growth, I mean, I know I'm likely not going to get it, but still. No one for now is sleeping or bedding anyone, no one is calling anyone a whore. Hell, they aren't really playing up any overt sexual tension with them 2 yet. And whether they do or not will not change the conversation they had today. All I saw is a scene between a man and a woman, in which the man came in all fueled with bravado and threats and manipulations until the woman finally shoved a jagged broken glass up his conscience and he left a frustrated, choked up mess. I saw a man being tested, and imagining his daughter going down the same hell whole he just put the woman in, I saw how it hit him, and I hoped that could mean change. Why dirty that up?
  25. Another thing I LOVED about Margaux/Sonny . This was the second time they showed Jason like a little lap dog waiting for his master's orders and his master blowing him off and dealing with shit himself in regards to Margaux. Could it be showing some sort of growth from both of them? Margaux calling it out only made things better. Not for nothing that Jason was able to sit his ass down and focus on what he always should have focused on the beginning, Sam.
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