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Everything posted by lusinia

  1. I wasn't sure and had to check - it's been 4 weeks. Rand Paul was a guest on the show October 11, and Meghan wasn't there. Meghan also wasn't there the next week, when it was Sunny's birthday. Ana wasn't there last week; Whoopie was hosting and Meghan compared herself for the first time to an Oscar winner being played off. I'm so glad you posted the link; I was sorry I missed it, since Stephanie does have a way with words.
  2. Everyone went all out (staff included) for the opening taped piece except for Meghan, who just kind of said her lines, and didn't try to seem scary at all. She's no Jack Nicholson, but we know she can be dramatic. I bet she didn't want to do it. In her twin costume, Meghan for once was dressed appropriately for her age. I'm so glad Sunny didn't leave in those teeth. They were hard to look at. I don't remember if Meghan said she invited Kyrsten Sinema on the show, but she did say she had invited Liz Cheney to come on the show and hasn't received a response to any of her emails (ha!).
  3. She would storm off the set.
  4. Joy loves to be sarcastic, like a lot of comedians do. Some people might interpret it as bitchy, but there's a difference.
  5. Whoopie looks lovely in her shades of purple. In that picture Abby's sister looked a lot like Elizabeth Hasselbeck. (It looks like Abby's had a haircut; it's a little shorter and layered. I like it.) Not only was Meghan getting distracted by who knows what while Joy was complimenting Liz Cheney and Mitch McConnell, (and Abby complimented her) she looked pissed that Joy said, "When you (Republicans) do something right, I will tell you". I wonder why they decided to talk about one of Arizona's senators...hmmm. (I haven't seen this story mentioned anywhere else.) Baby Meghan has no problem being nasty to so many people, but if she thinks somebody's nasty to her - waaaa (Was Beto nasty to her? I know Seth Myers wasn't, and she said he was). Oh my gosh! She's insufferable. Whoopie - "...we're going to have the rest of this conversation when we come back." Meghan - "No we're not. That's fine."
  6. Even when they had the segment where everybody was in a good mood (bets about third party candidacies and Joy's lasagna), Meghan's all loud and shouty and still interrupts. She must be so exhausting to be around irl.
  7. Did she mention him recently? I don't know; I don't usually pay attention to that. If someone hadn't posted her tweet here I wouldn't have known what their ratings were.
  8. Isn't it interesting that the show played video of Laura Ingraham and her guests when talking about people questioning Alexander Vindman's loyalty, but only included Sean Duffy (who was recently on the show with his wife Rachel Campos) in that category by showing his picture? (He's a new CNN commentator and was on their New Day program this morning discussing the issue.)
  9. Gosh, after reading the Daily Beast article, you can clearly see Meghan's word salad was especially bad today - She says "people" are criticizing veterans; she mixed up the information she gave about the twin brother of the man who's giving the deposition today, giving the witness's information instead; then this entire paragraph is confusing - Maybe she meant "lobbed" instead of "lauded", which is something positive. Next she seems to be saying that her father did say he had committed war crimes. You would think on this issue, at least, she would speak more carefully. Then she implies that no one should be accused of war crimes (did any of the hosts use that term today?). And it's interesting that she said she's still dealing with the accusations against her father. Then she says "it's been thrown around bipartisanly on both sides..." and goes through a list of people who deserve "better respect". Until today I've never heard those two words used together like that. I still don't think you can equate bipartisanship as being one prominent Democrat and many prominent Republicans She doesn't mention that all of the other Democratic presidential candidates who've commented about what Hillary said have not taken the bait and have instead praised Gabbard's service.
  10. Or watch a network other than Fox News
  11. Abby - Sunny's right -Trump did thank Russia first. On tv. Sunny didn't have to be in the situation room when information was coming in. Plus, Trump spent 45 minutes telling us detail by detail what happened (and probably made some of it up) - And the reason that more people aren't celebrating - I think there might be a growing rift between Meghan and Abby (after pretty much saying last Friday that she was weak). (But who thanks "the flag" (except Meghan, of course)) Saying that 41,000+ lobbyists and people in D.C. who could afford to go to the 5th game of the World Series were there - so what? Meghan is trying to make it sound like but for the fact that the game was in D.C., Trump wouldn't have been booed, and that those who booed don't count. Meghan thinks Katie Hill should have resigned weeks ago? The story just broke a few days ago! btw - I already have a Gleener fabric shaver offered on View Your Deal, and highly recommend it. I've only needed to use it once - it saved a new pair of heavier knit pants that I forgot were "wash separately". They ended up covered in pills, and this took them off. It comes with 3 different edges for different gauges of fabric, and that did make a difference - only one worked with the material I was shaving.
  12. I wonder if Meghan thinks we're all like the president, and that our opinion on an issue will be most influenced by the last person we hear speak about it.
  13. Yeah, if they didn't make everybody wait for their turn to speak, none of the viewers would understand anything anybody was saying since they'd all be talking over each other (which still does happen on occasion). We just have to face it -- Someone at ABC likes big names, talent be damned. They've had a movie star moderator for 12+ years who can't really moderate and a famous family co-host for 2+ years who's terrible at co-hosting. They are gonna be there until they choose to leave. (I'd rather watch View Your Deal as well.)
  14. Before I rewound to check if the announcer said the show was live, I thought it was pre-recorded. So Meghan's been off the past two Fridays. I hope she hasn't given an ultimatum of 'It's me or Ana'. You would think she would have been in a better mood with Ana not being there, but she was clearly po'ed at the producers for trying to go to their regularly scheduled commercial break. Someone who's been to the show mentioned here that there's a clock on the camera(s), and since Meghan looks towards them more than any other host, surely she knows when the breaks are coming up. I wonder if someone tells her in her earpiece how long she has to talk. Or maybe they need to change the speaking order so she doesn't feel rushed. But then she wouldn't get the last word, which I'm sure she thinks matters. (I actually thought she spoke last because she was the newest host, but then Abby joined the show and disproved that theory.)
  15. Or have no other way to stay warm during cold weather.
  16. It's likely the main reason Abby has gotten calls from the White House and Meghan hasn't, is because Abby was a reporter when she worked for Fox News, and probably knows several people who work there (she also, at some point, co-hosted the weekend addition of Fox and Friends).
  17. Meghan, don't you "just want to be on tv" like you say Jim Acosta does? How the heck can Meghan know if those kinds of phone calls are highly unusual? You're criticizing the reporter for publicizing it, so wouldn't it figure that these kinds of conversations aren't talked about by those who receive them? Elijah Cummings was an "absolute icon in industry on Capitol Hill"? Well, before he was in Congress he was an attorney, but not "in industry". (The closed captioner even stopped and left a gap at this point.) Boy, Meghan was all 'how dare anyone interrupt me. I will not deign to speak again after being treated so rudely'. I hope someone here knows what she meant by her Oscars reference, because I have no idea. eta - I get it now - the music was playing her off. I didn't catch that. I, too, thought someone in the audience was talking (but she usually just yells back at them, doesn't she)? Well, if getting distracted throws her off so easily, I guess we should be grateful that she's not in a job where someone could get hurt, and that she's simply a talk show host.
  18. I would bet good money that Paul Ryan hasn't seen a single minute of Meghan on The View. That's what made his video so over the top.
  19. Did Meghan mention that the sit-in was because they wanted her boyfriend, then-Speaker Paul Ryan, to allow a vote on gun control, because of the Orlando nightclub shooting which occurred 10 days earlier? At least the Democrats' sit-in wasn't illegal or even against the rules (which have since been changed). Wikipedia Funny - Meghan correcting Abby, when she herself hates to be corrected. Oh, Meghan. Saying "won't impact families of notoriety" while gesturing towards Michael Douglas. I don't think that's what she meant to say, but it was cringeworthy. Jane Seymour! I haven't seen her in forever. I'd watch The Kominsky Method if I had Netflix. But I already have a watch list as long as my arm of things I already have available to watch.
  20. So I watched the preempted part of the show that I missed. That was funny, Meghan saying to Shooter, "Tell everybody where they can get it" (his album).
  21. I wonder if she thinks this kind of behavior, similar to not being able to smoothly segue into a commercial break, or not realizing that the audience doesn't need to know when she's being spoken to in her earpiece, humanizes her, and solidifies her supposed status as just "one of the folks", unsophisticated, and not citified at all. Or - In the past she's expressed scorn towards certain news media outlets and reporters. Maybe Meghan doesn't really want to consider herself to be a member of the media and figures if she doesn't learn how to behave professionally and competently on tv, she's not one.
  22. And this way Joy doesn't have to hear about not having made one of her lasagnas as Meghan's birthday present.
  23. Going by pre-prison photos, he picked up the look of an ex-con, too, didn't he?
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