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Everything posted by lusinia

  1. Abby says she doesn't think it (impeachment) does Joe Biden any good either - that right there is a Fox News/right wing false equivalence talking point. In the first segment Abby says, "There's a long way between, like a probe and an inquiry and impeachment"; in the second segment she says,"If it is unconstitutional, why aren't we voting on it now?" That's Meghan-level nonsensical. I think Meghan actually rehearsed the Mark Kelly intro; it's the first time she's sounded comfortable reading from the teleprompter. In fact, she seemed relaxed for the entire segment.
  2. A few people were asking yesterday if what Meghan said about Obama doing the same thing as Trump in withholding aid to Ukraine is correct. I came across an article this morning that explains the issue thoroughly - justsecurity.org, an online forum associated with the NYU School of Law. This is from the timeline link in the above article that specifically addresses withholding funds -
  3. Even to the poor audience, who can't really argue back.
  4. One other oddity was when she spoke to Ta-Nehisi Coates and apologized for interrupting. It was such an awkward segue and she looked so serious, and kind of upset, that I expected her to begin grilling him about something, so I was shocked when the question was simply about his graphic novels. I guess she was still upset about what went on earlier. I don't envy anybody whose path she crossed after the show. I imagine she figured she couldn't walk off the set to let off steam twice in less than a week, so she might have been ready to blow. Meghan is really mixing up Republicans and Democrats with this and the whole Julian Assange thing from last week. It's like her fury is making her unable to see straight.
  5. Meghan must not have been paying attention to the news last night and this morning; she's behind the times. Last night there was reporting in The Washington Post that Nancy Pelosi was calling her members to see where they now stand on impeachment, due to this new Ukranian scandal, and If progressives were running the party, as Meghan said, impeachment hearings would have begun at the beginning of the year. I think she's is sticking her head in the sand and operating on the premise that all Trump scandals are created equal. This new one is much more serious, and ongoing, and is being done by and admitted to by the president. It's also more "compact" than the Russia investigation; the case for impeachment can be presented to the public in a single paragraph.
  6. I went back and checked-- I'm so glad you corrected the record; I don't like to get things wrong. When I'm watching the show and I don't quite catch something and might want to comment on it, I'll rewind and rewatch it. I really did think Bob Iger said to Abby that he knew both her father and her mother (since her family was living in China) instead of "both your fathers, by the way". After he did say to Meghan and Abby that their fathers "raised terrific daughters, by the way" he does say, "I didn't know your father" and then Meghan says "my father was thrilled you employ me". I must not have been looking at the tv and assumed it was an exchange between them, since Meghan is the only other one who has a well-known father he could know. The "I didn't know your father" was to Joy (and Joy says something which I didn't understand and which wasn't closed captioned.)
  7. ETA - It was pointed out to me below that I got this all wrong. I apologize. I thought it was funny when, after Bob Iger told Abby that he knew both of her parents, and then complemented her by saying they raised a great daughter, he immediately turned to Meghan and said that he didn't know her father, and pointedly didn't say that he raised a great daughter.
  8. SNL does have their season premiere in a week, guest hosted by Woody Harrelson. Definitely not too far away for this to still be topical. I don't see how they'll be able to resist.
  9. I'm thinking Meghan really does believe she's "royalty", and should be treated as such.
  10. I can't wait to see what next Friday will be like.
  11. I think Ana's presence must have thrown Meghan off of what little game she has. She kept saying some variation of this for several minutes. If she would just slow down and pay attention to what she's saying, she might have caught her mistake, but she equates speed and vehemence with righteousness.
  12. Maybe Ana will tell us...(crosses fingers).
  13. Why are they protecting her? I'm assuming she demanded it. But the internet is forever, baby!
  14. Either this, or I've wondered if her personal management team has told her that she needs to improve her image.
  15. I think Joy was kinda implying that it's nice to have someone else on the other side of the political spectrum who's pleasant, well-prepared, coherent, and reasonable.
  16. That "welcome back" of Meghan's to Ana was so dismissive, and meant anything but. Just think - if Ana was there more often, it might just get Meghan to L-E-A-V-E.
  17. Meghan's walk-off already has a few articles, too. Here's one - HuffPost. Her reps say that she is offering "no comment". I think she dislikes Ana because she knows that Ana is smarter than her and more accomplished, and does a better job at being a political pundit (CNN included). She also knows she can't influence Ana, and I'm sure that frustrates her.
  18. I would rather go on yearly round-the-world trips with Abby (even with all 3 kids), than go on a single quick trip to the corner store with Meghan, for so many reasons.
  19. Oh, wow. Since I started the show about 10 minutes late I fast forwarded through the commercial breaks and had no idea Meghan stomped off the set. Thank goodness someone posted it earlier in this thread. She can dish it out but she sure can't take it. I'm sure Meghan thinks since she's a full-time host that part-timer Ana should show deference to her. When Joy told Ana at the beginning of the show, "I'm glad you're here", Meghan just sat there stone-faced. In that entire first segment she was petting her hair a lot. .At least once Meghan said "a lot" of liberals agreed with what Assange did in releasing Hillary's emails. Since most liberals think it hurt Hillary, I doubt that they were pro-Assange. At one point she mentioned Bernie Sanders supporters, and while I am sure some of them were happy about it, Meghan seemed to be assuming all of them were. It must be a right wing talking point to equate the whistle blower with Julian Assange. But there are so many dissimilarities. The whistleblower, a government official, is going through the proper channels, and has not leaked anything. Assange, not involved in government at all, leaked actual documents online. As best as I can recall, the Clinton emails were at worst embarrassing; no illegal activities were exposed. This new whistleblower has information that 2 people have independently said is credible and of "urgent concern". Meghan was so mixed up for most of that discussion; when someone tried to clarify what she meant, she just said maybe she's "clumsy" in the way she said it. Abby and Meghan did keep talking about lives being endangered, so I looked it up and found this - BuzzFeed, from earlier this year, which does say Wikileaks did endanger foreign sources and informants, plus Afghans in general, with some of their leaks, but those were not the Clinton campaign email leaks. Meghan looked like she was tuned during the masculinity discussion until she mentioned Fight Club, and twice she wondered how Brad Pitt could reconcile the philosophy of that movie with his views on masculinity today. First of all, Fight Club came out 20 years ago; maybe his thinking has changed since then. Second, just because an actor plays a particular character doesn't mean that they are like that character. A second grader could grasp that concept.
  20. Meghan said that Republican presidential candidate Joe Walsh has a "disgusting social media presence", and that she doesn't like that. Okay, mm-hmm. it's good that she has higher standards for everyone else. Definitely a film noir villainess. Even her facial expression was especially stern during the early segments.
  21. Meghan thinks every single thing said in her presence must be about her.
  22. I'm going to assume Meghan is also including her brother's wife, who is African American; I know they have at least one child.
  23. The blackface incident could be one, as well as this - today.com.
  24. This is so true. I know they have their Hot Topics meeting shortly before the show, and some of the things they discuss do come up overnight or that morning, but there are subjects that could certainly be researched the day or night before. Also, if someone makes a misstatement, they're usually not corrected by one of the other hosts. I don't know if they're told not to, or don't notice the mistake, but I suspect protecting egos is considered more important than making sure the audience is told the correct facts. Since The View is under the auspices of ABC News, you'd think this would be important.
  25. Kavanaugh doesn't seem like someone Whoopie would be defending, or excusing, I guess, which is why I wondered.
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