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Sweet Tooth

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Everything posted by Sweet Tooth

  1. The only problem is, it would have to be his kid's school, and one of them was already almost shot. His kids would never leave the house again. Totally agree with this. That in Christina's world, this was the safest bet for her situation, regardless whether that bartender took advantage of the situation.
  2. Yes. Definitely. Or where they revisit the school thing in a more comprehensive way. Deacon isn't afraid to get in touch with his feelings. Having a real conversation with that administrator would go a long way in rectifying this situation. HA. Yeah. Speaking in terms of a gentleman. That's a nice concept.
  3. That's right! Nice memory. And she was clearly getting dressed. If the bartender had just laid her down, he would have left her a note, like, "Your car's at the bar. Call me if you need a lift." EXACTLY! This was all a telling, no showing moment. A cheap and easy way of making some heavy-duty social commentary. And that they made Deacon say it just made it worse. Agree that it's starting to look like he lives in an alternate universe.
  4. The only problem is, he went to bed with a woman who was clearly black-out drunk. A rookie might not be able to tell, but a bartender would. I've mainly seen it in the vein of not calling them out for things that aren't their job. Most people I talk to definitely know how to differentiate between what a uniformed cop does and what S.W.A.T. does. I just wish they hadn't made it some tagline in the show. It would have been nice if we'd been able to explore this a little better. Have Deacon go and talk to the school and for the administrator to give him some valid reasons. Like perhaps she called the police due to an autistic student, only for them to escalate the situation and nearly get the kid killed. And then Deacon could talk about what they do and how they're trying to change things. On The Rookie they're also dealing with the issue, but what they did is have someone come on a ride-along who was dissing them, while the main characters explained about their job and how they're trying to change things. Instead, we got this surface-y "people are trying to cancel the police" nonsense.
  5. Yes. That's exactly what Street said to her. Basically...uhhhh...maybe you should look at why the bartender is your friend, while Chris was trying to make the case about how awesomely "safe" she was being.
  6. Sorry. I wasn't implying anything "elite" about them. In my above post, what I was talking about is that these people are mainly against the guys who pull people over, drag them out of cars, harass people, etc. When I say "garden-variety" cop, that's what I mean. Their jobs are different .S.W.A.T. is only called in for certain circumstances, when there's no doubt the perpetrator is dangerous. They don't patrol the streets or anything. I do not differentiate that they're elite or special in any way. What I mean is that their jobs are distinctly different in terms of when they're called in. There might be stories of SWAT shooting an unarmed person, but it's more rare, again, due to the circumstances of when they're called in.
  7. Ah. Thanks for clearing that up. Makes a bit more sense that way. But I still would think they'd know the difference between garden-variety cops and a S.W.A.T. officer.
  8. I wouldn't have minded if, say, he knew a good street cop who that happened to, and he was comforting that dude. It's not so much Deacon, it's that the show took such an easy jab at a complicated subject. The "cancel the cops" crap just made my eyes roll by themselves. I love Deacon. I will always love Deacon. I have no beef with him. My beef is with the show and that they made him sound dumb and this subject too simplistic. It's a topic I don't mind them exploring, but this was a hugely cheap and not-well-thought-out way to do it. The whole thing didn't make sense. If he was supposed to speak at a normal university, maybe. But I can't believe the parents at a richy-rich school would be that het up about it. And again, he's S.W.A.T., not your average ticket-writing cop. Dude, strap in, because they are 100% going there. This is the setup. They're going to get close again like they used to be. She'll go to meetings, get sober, and then BLAMMO.
  9. I thought the same thing. Like, seriously? You JUST killed off Erika. Ugh. But I guess nobody's life is changed for his death. Deacon's issue with the school was a total joke. That hoity-toity school would not be acab. No way. And second, he's S.W.A.T.! He's not dragging people out of cars during a traffic stop. He's not scanning the streets and racial profiling. That was completely ridiculous. "Cancel" the cops. UGH. The worst thing that was ever done was the phrase "defund the police," which completely misrepresents the actual meaning. It doesn't mean they don't want cops responding to violent crime (as Deacon pointed out about them calling the police if they were in trouble.) It's about not calling them for people who are not well mentally, etc. I can't believe this show is perpetuating that nonsense. Reducing a complicated subject to that one scene made both of them sound not bright. I'm hoping the other dude comes off better in future episodes, because I wasn't too impressed with him. And the show having the school cancel Deacon, a freaking S.W.A.T. officer, was plain dumb. Totally agree here. He just wanted to get away, he hired freaking mercenaries for the job he couldn't control, and things kept snowballing. He wasn't a total monster. Just a desperate man who wanted to hold onto his freedom. Of course, now he's responsible for the death of a law enforcement officer, so he's going away for life. Whenever I watch Investigation Discovery, and someone's committed a crime they may go away a short time for, and then they commit all kinds of atrocities to get out of going to jail, I'm always amazed by the stupidity. The dude hired mercenaries. What did he expect? And Street. I was glad when she finally admitted she had a problem and let Street help her. Because if they'd drawn this out, it would have gotten tiresome real fast.
  10. Sweet Tooth

    Season 03

    Totally agree with this. At first, I thought Scola was being a pretentious jerk. But then as the show went on, I realized Tiffany was being a giant brat. She was letting her relationship with Dixon cloud her judgement. She kept making excuse after excuse and not backing up Scola. She chose sides, and it definitely wasn't with her present job and partner. Scola could have gotten in HUGE trouble if he didn't pay for the coffee. Tiffany's insistence that he hurt the cop's fee-fees, at first seemed reasonable, but again, as the show wore on, I realized she was not thinking like an FBI agent. Her allegiance should be with her partner. He has to know she has his back. They're in life-or-death situations. She was siding with people who were possible suspects and refusing to admit they might be involved. And she nearly compromised the investigation to do it. She was told NOT to let Dixon know what was going on, and yet the first chance she got, she was ready to spill the beans. Scola saved her AND the case by reminding her they WERE NOT ALLOWED to let the SUSPECT know what the deal was. Tiffany nearly killed their whole case at every turn, and Scola's adherence to the rules saved their a$$es time and again. He even told her that if Dixon wound up being guilty, he didn't want it to blow back on her. His only concern was saving her and the case. He had his partner's back. She didn't.
  11. HAHAHA. Nope. They had the actual street blocked off with security standing around making sure there aren't any lookie-loos. I would be honored to be a background person. So much stuff films around there. It's really hard not to wait around for the action to start.
  12. This makes a lot of sense. No way the show is going to throw away that kind of chemistry, but it was funny with Lucy basically saying what the fans have been talking about and toying with us that way. And Tim rarely gets flustered, so it was awesome to see him blush and be at a loss for words. It does show how much he's come to care for her that he wanted to let her down easy. At the beginning of the show, he would have reacted entirely differently. The preview faked me out.
  13. I can see that as well. So...I just had quite the difficult task. I'm in L.A. Where I walk every day is a really nice neighborhood. So nice, in fact, that I see production trucks there nearly daily. Usually it just has the production company but not what they're filming. Today it had the show. THE ROOKIE. I stopped dead in my tracks for a moment. Took everything I had to keep walking.
  14. I would absolutely put all of my money on that bet.
  15. Did Chen just shoot down every fanfiction written this past year? I was glad they had Nolan looking a little wistful as they walked away. Like, we need to see this is affecting him a little. I loved Harper being supportive. I love how her character has evolved. They really do take the time to give each character their own arc. If you look at how far all of them have come, it is interesting.
  16. Okay, so now we know that at least Desi has her feet firmly planted on the ground, and we were right that Mac was rushing things because he's scared of being alone. They were "barely dating," so it seems the show isn't trying to make this a great love story and is indeed trying to tip us off that Mac may not be in the greatest place mentally. This is 100% happening. Ah, well, if you were in the nineties, you'd understand it perfectly. I didn't recognize Russ's girlfriend until he mentioned about her ditching him. And I guess she really wasn't working him for info about the treasure. I am surprised this got resolved in the way it did, with her coming clean like that.
  17. That infuriated me. I thought at first it was Mirror Joe. He not only shrugged it off, he was a bit condescending about it, despite her saying how real it was. But at least bravo for him putting 2 and 2 together the next day and figuring out it wasn't a run-of-the-mill nightmare. Cisco is 100% lying about his vision, especially since his was the only one we didn't see. Here's the thing. Whenever a new cop character comes to town who's ready to bring in their criminal at any cost, it quickly turns into a sh*t show of epic proportions. House was the granddaddy of this, but Oliver had one on Arrow, and boy was I glad when that was over. We know KF isn't going to jail, so we'll probably have to put up with quite a bit of hand-wringing and angst until this is resolved. Let's see what happens...
  18. I just think if you're questioning things to this degree, you need to take a step back. Mac claimed they were "happy," but how happy can he be if he was questioning Riley the entire time they were away. I just wonder what would have happened if she'd told him she still had feelings. If Mac proposes at this point, it doesn't paint him in the best light, and things are bound to get really messy. The Riley/Mac thing is faaaar from over. It will probably be Desi who pulls the plug, to not make Mac look like a total creep. She'll see what's going on with him and Riley, even if they can't admit it. I like that they've made Bozer competent at his job.
  19. The lack of communication on both sides was crazy. Lauren not going, "Huh, I wonder why she was so confident to pick up that needle" or "I'm arguing with an Uber driver over treatments. Maybe I need to look at that" is just insane. For it to take that long to sink in...I mean, c'mon. And for her not to say "How do you think I know so much" and just let Lauren continue to demean her, was also like...really? And yes, I figured the "something that you want" would be "to become a doctor in the U.S. so I don't have to live in my car." Perhaps using your power to put in a good word? A shower? Well, okay. I mean...
  20. Here's the thing. If they want to keep this woman as a permanent part of the show, they can't just keep having people be in the same room with her and be unable to arrest or kill her. Kate is gone, so the whole arc they were going to do with Alice seeking revenge, is gone. There is no Kate. So, what would be her purpose? The only thing they can do is do a redemption arc. The thing is, she's killed, like, everyone. I mean, she's killed more than one mom. There are some shows that lock up their villains, and then they drag them out every once in a while, when their "expertise" is needed. But they can't do that with a regular character. Now, with all the weirdness, they could pull a timey-whimey, which is the only way I can see that she can possibly get redemption. We've gone too far at this point. Even if they find out she was hypnotized, nothing can be done about the string of dead bodies. And really, once she regains a conscience, how would she live with herself? So, I'm pretty positive this is leading to some kind of redemption, but I'll be damned if I know how they're going to pull it off.
  21. Yeah, some things seemed a little fishy, so I wasn't entirely surprised to find out something was, indeed, fishy.
  22. Yes. She called the bf as a backup, not knowing that Cordell called his parents and arranged for them to take the kids. It really seemed like they were setting her up as an eventual love interest for Walker, so I was extra surprised. Here's hoping it's not what it looks like, because yowza. I really do love their relationship. Up to this point, she's had kind of a mothering influence on him, but here, he kind of taught her a lesson as well. I also like they've put her in a relationship with a fantastic guy, so there's no potential love relationship brewing here. Just a solid partnership. It usually takes a couple of episodes before they tone someone down, so I was pleasantly surprised that it happened within the episode. And just in time, too. Yeah. I was shocked when they came up with a simple explanation. Oddly enough, I was just a tiny bit suspicious of Geri, because she knew a lot and was one of the first people to come up with explanations for stuff Walker was trying to put together. It looks like they may be giving Hoyt a redemption arc. But I like how they're using him in prison.
  23. Me, too. What I like is that this looked like it was going to be Walker going rogue and hunting down the clues, with nobody believing him, which is so overdone. I like that it's not only his brother, but his boss who's actively tracking down the clues. I'm really hoping it's this scenario, since he didn't go in there in the first place to trick her. He was genuinely surprised by Walker. I want Trevor saved here. I don't want him to be the bad guy or that he's being duplicitous. Maybe he's just loyal to his dad and doesn't realize how far he'll take it.
  24. I think Walker keeps trying to do the right thing, backslides a bit, realizes it, and course corrects. For most of the show, you wanted to throw a rock at his head, but then he came around at the end and apologized for being a jerk and tried to make it right. He's learning. And they're showing him as being human and making mistakes.
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