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Sweet Tooth

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Everything posted by Sweet Tooth

  1. I feel so bad about this, because since he officially joined the team, they stopped making him this kooky conspiracy theorist. The subject of his book diminishes him as a character they've tried to get people to take seriously. A huge misstep.
  2. That could be as well. However, if that's the case, then they must be exceedingly naive not to realize that putting two ridiculously attractive people in close quarters who start out hating each other but banter playfully, wouldn't result in some kind of sexual chemistry. And yeah, whether they meant to or not, they have the handbook down pat, as Abby can already see she has one foot out the door. She will be the first victim. If they go the usual route, we'll have at least a season or two more of them trading off having a partner, the other being jealous, the partner recognizing the heat between these two, and walking out the door, ad nauseum, until they understand they're meant to be together and live blissfully ever after, totally forgetting the string of people they decimated.
  3. Did anyone else think they were testing West? That he really got a high score but wanted to find out how he reacted to something like this? When he got called into Grey's office at the end, I was sure he was going to tell him he got like 100 on the test, but since West placed such a high importance on test scores, they thought maybe it would throw him off his game. I don't know. I was pleasantly surprised to find out it was his actual score, and he had to go back to training. I think he was right and that he'd gotten overconfident. Looks like they're going to be tanking the Shahi relationship already. We'll see. It was funny that Nathan lost all that weight, but the ambulance scene was supposed to be right afterward. It's really noticeable. I thought Bradford was being an ass to Chen because she'd sent food over and that maybe she was seeing him as weak and getting too comfortable with him, so he wanted to assert his power again. I liked the Lopez stuff. That she's so good on the job, so when she gets home, she doesn't want to care about doing everything right.
  4. It's because, except for Catherine, they just keep pairing him up with really bland, interchangeable women. At least this one wasn't in a bikini for every scene, so there's that. She's had a recurring role on Arrow, and I can say that her exceptional martial arts skills have been on display in every episode she's been in. I'm sure they'll put that to good use. Scott's hair is ridiculous. I'm noticing they're giving Adam more to do, at least. Making him more a part of the action.
  5. It's in the man/woman partners/buddy cop handbook. There must be season upon season of throwing in seemingly acceptable, attractive partners who, while being fabulous in almost every way, are merely cannon fodder for the destined relationship.
  6. This is what I was talking about. By just kidnapping these politicians and killing them, without humanizing themselves, they made the Emancipators the blatant bad guys. It would have been way more interesting to humanize everyone. Make it a gray area. Maybe have the Emancipators do a Robin Hood thing where they stole from these politicians and gave to the poor, etc. I believe with El Chapo, and others like him, there was rioting in the streets, because they poured money into these impoverished communities. What good would killing all those people do? Nothing. It wouldn't teach the next person who took that politician's place a lesson, except that they should make stricter laws to hurt the very people The Emancipators were claiming to want to protect.
  7. Perhaps then it would have been more effective to put them in the same living conditions they put their constituents in. Like, make them feel the results of their choices. Making the politicians the victims...martyrs...doesn't do much for The Emancipators' mission. They stop being the good guys when they put hoods over these peoples' heads and hang them.
  8. Only "killing the bad people" and making that okay, would be a dangerous slope. There needed to be more gray area, and showing that killing the people who make the bad policies is the way to get things done, is probably not the message the show wanted to send. As @Danielg342 said, it would have been nice to have "civilians" at this "trial." And maybe to have the politicians be forced to listen to how their legislation affects individuals, so maybe they would go back and think about what they do a little bit more. The people holding guns to their heads saw themselves as heroes, but killing these politicians would have produced a brand-new crop even more hellbent on making even more stringent policies.
  9. I think that's what the guy's end speech was going for. That there are still a bunch of believers out there. Whether they follow through or not remains to be seen. To say I was annoyed by this is putting it mildly. They had such an easy friendship/chemistry they could have gone back to, but instead Chris has chosen to make it awkward as hell. There must be some payoff to this, and after seeing Chris glance jealously at Street flirting with Hicks' daughter, and that she's now going to be based in L.A., I have a feeling this is why Chris is acting so aggressive and that we're going to be in for even more weirdness, so that should be fun.
  10. Jerry literally walked right into it. No way he wasn't the one who was shot. And what a great mom, leaving her child parent-less. Your thirst for revenge superseded your love of your child and showing him the true value of forgiveness. What a sweet-faced little boy who will be scarred for life. But maybe now that he's rid of his two hateful parents, he may have a chance to grow up and be a good person. Perhaps Steve can adopt him as well. And WTF Junior's dad? Seriously? You have one child left, and you're disowning him? If there were an award given for perfect child, he'd win it. I do hope Dad comes around and realizes his hate only hurts him. But it was an interesting contrast with Junior's dad/the mom who did take revenge. Both of them letting their hate eat them up inside to the point they were ready to kill for it and ruin their own lives, as well as their family's. I also thought for sure Dad would at least attempt to kill the guy, and Junior would have to get in the middle of it, so I was relieved when he found his dad.
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