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Sweet Tooth

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Everything posted by Sweet Tooth

  1. Let's review: Adam sucks at being going undercover. Adam sucks at his job. Adam sucks at being sneaky. I will give him credit that at least his plan worked. And the bad guy bought Adam's tough-guy routine. But they're willing to shrug off everything that happened because the kid hacked the HPD? And Danny, the one who's suspicious of everyone, isn't even a little curious about Adam's strange behavior? Thank goodness at least Steve and Lou are a little suspicious. But seriously, they have to figure out who Adam is, right? Is he a bad guy with a heart of gold? Is he yakuza going undercover at H5-0, or is he H5-0 going undercover with the yakuza? The plot and pacing this week, at least, was a nail-biter and had everyone working together to figure stuff out, so I did like that part, at least. I mean, how long has it been since Danny both appeared on the show and was active in the current investigation?
  2. DATE NIGHT: Here's the thing. I give a lot more credit to the CM episodes that don't make me watch t0rture pron. And where the profilers actually profile and don't stand in a line saying one line of dialogue each. I figure this episode was necessary to kind of up Max's emotional value. The only thing is I was robbed of seeing Cat's face when she found out she was the one who'd been played. RUSTY: Lordy, Garcia is exhausting and annoying on her off-hours. COTW T0rture pron Everyone standing in a line giving a line of the profile. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
  3. Geez, is Scott leaving the show or something? I mean, with him appearing in fewer episodes, and then when he does show up, not having one scene with them except a phone call...only for them to have this horribly depressing episode. It just seems like it's an excuse for Danny to quit. Because otherwise, I can't think of a good reason for this to happen. The only message received is that Danny can't have nice things.
  4. Why someone didn't send her out for therapy or some kind of training to not act SHOCKED and HORRIFIED every time she has to give a briefing, is beyond me. In real life, her boss would tell her to get some therapy and/or find a way to deal with doing her job.
  5. I'm not much into conspiracy theories. I just assume in a TV show that: 1. They're not going for realism 2. They talk about a g*n everyone knows about to take a shortcut. Much like they do with amazing facial recognition software, traffic cameras, and other technology-related stuff they depend on to hurry the process along. I don't care what kind was used in a killing on a fake TV show, especially one in which the "good guys" also carry them, and they're not seen as bad or wrong for doing it. I thought the person who played Cleo did a really good job. She was tiny, but when she commanded those big dudes to do stuff, they did, and you believed that she had the presence to do it. I like LaCroix and his daughter. Also Barnes and her family. So many of these shows depict broken relationships because of the work they do. I enjoy an ending where people come home and appreciate the normalcy they have there. It humanizes them.
  6. The amount of moving pieces was insane. Copycat. Kill a bunch of people. Kill them faster. DON'T kill the two people you're taking revenge on. Keep two trained agents chained together. Simmons' character took a hit. I realize that the bad guy was a bad guy, but lying about him, knowing big bad guy would probably kill him, wasn't cool. I understand law enforcement lies to get confessions and stuff, but he didn't bat an eyelash when the dude was killed in front of him. And to make up for last week's lack of jibber-jabber, this week it was OMG, LOOK AT THE HORRIBLE PICTURES-SAD FACE! Iwilltalkreallyfastandandthenhitthephonebutton thing is going to be there until the bitter end, I see. Garcia, you are not twelve. And if I had to stare at that face EVERY. SINGLE. TIME someone was presenting a case, with frowny frown and their near-tears delivery, I'd get someone else to freaking do it. Because every time is like the first time for Garcia.
  7. I also thought the SWAT team coming in there and cowboying it up, all like "GUNZ!" and talking down to the police chief was also a little too on the nose. But otherwise, after some really heavy episodes, I enjoyed this. I was also entertained. Oh, and I know Street and his new GF are really pretty, but I'm not sensing the chemistry, no matter how hard they try to push it.
  8. My. Favorite. Episode. Ever. By far. What I loved: 1. Eighty percent of the show NOT dedicated to the unsub/t0rture pron. 2. Though Garcia DID mention the word "icky" when I was giving her credit for not saying it, I felt this was the most I've liked her throughout the run of the series. Rather than her just talking fast and having an over-the-top reaction to the billionth horrible crime scene photo, Alvez was there to kind of stop her in her tracks, get her to calm down, and have her explain why she freaks out. She was able to slow down enough to have a REAL emotion that didn't involve a horrified stare and jibber-jabbering. I felt they really connected. I was actually choked up during a Garcia scene, and I don't think that even happened when they dedicated a whole episode to her being in peril. Also, also, her computer wasn't just used as a magical deus ex machina. There was actually a practical reason for her to use it, and she didn't come up with the guy's hair color and shoe size in three seconds. Even Billy had kind of an evolution. 3. They got to explore how affected Simmons was with having another kid, rather than just a tag line. The chemistry between him and his wife was so much better than, and I'm sorry to the Hotch fans, as I was one as well, Hotch and his wife's angsty, guilt-ridden relationship. I understand they wanted to explore the toll this job can have on someone wanting a normal relationship, but I prefer to see some balance. A person who CAN make it work because they see their family as a port in a storm. And I LOVED the red crib. I love that color, and I love that it was unconventional. 4. REID. I adored the chemistry between him and Rachel right off the bat, as they both usually do quirky really well. The two of them together, rather than being twice as annoying, was twice as adorable. Matthew made that scene in the elevator like 50 times funnier just from his expression as he hit that elevator button. And he was HAPPY. Throughout the episode. No moments of him feeling horrible about himself. I even loved the therapy session. Just that little part where when he felt uncomfortable, he switched crossed legs. AND they managed to wrap up the Reid/JJ awkward horribleness in one scene, hopefully never to be mentioned again. 5.I'm not a JJ fan but really liked the way she and Tara played off each other with that dickhead. Maybe I'm partial to people being in their street clothes. I felt it worked. 6. I thought the Prentiss story was awesome because it was short. I don't like seeing people aggravated and banging their head against the wall for an entire hour. The way they shortened it up was by her and Tara using their PROFILING SKILLS. And...Paul wasn't just used as a punchline, where they send him on his way and joke about what a weirdo he was. They made you sympathize with him and got him the help he needed, which I don't know would have happened if he'd managed to make me hate him throughout the episode. I liked a more lighthearted approach with a hint of seriousness underneath. 7. There was more profiling in this episode than I've seen since maybe the first season. Actual profiling. With them using their profiling skills for real practical purposes. All of my favorite CM episodes have had to do with just focusing on the team rather than the unsub, and this was no exception. But at a time when I feel that many shows are totally messing up their last season, wasting it totally on a COTW, CM finally got it right by showing us the human side of the team and their relationships with each other. P.S. I think the location they used for Reid's and Max's "date" was a local park near me, and I wish I'd known about it.
  9. I agree. I don't know what they're trying to do with Buck's character here, but I have a feeling all of that goodwill he's shored up is about to be tested. Him trying to blackmail Deac into taking the deal sent up a huge red flag for me. But Deac was too nice to tell him to stuff it.
  10. The woman dated Damon after he left delusional woman, and delusional woman wanted to know where Damon was, but she couldn't tell her. I think that was the long and the short of it.
  11. I'm glad they didn't drag it out. I was hoping that the show wouldn't do the same exact plot. They were hitting the "Street is at it again" pretty hard, so I had to believe that at least the captain was in on it. I'm just afraid now Chris is going to do something incredibly stupid due to everyone involved playing this off so well. Chris is the real wild card here. In her effort to "save" Street, she may ruin everything.
  12. If it's Friday, Adam must be getting kidnapped... He's going to mess this up so bad.
  13. As they're getting ready to breach the bad guys' house, and the C1A steps in all macho-like, and Grover immediately backs down without a fight...I thought to myself...if something doesn't blow up the second that door opens, I'll be shocked.
  14. Totally agree. Sorry. I was agreeing with your original point. Yes, one important thing I learned from my writing classes is that the villain doesn't think they're a villain. They think they're the good guy. There has to be a reason behind what they're doing, or they're a really boring bad guy. Oopsie...my bad. That day was a long day. If there's one thing Shemar Moore isn't it's "subtle". I'm not necessarily saying that's a bad thing- it's just Moore's style. He likes it loud, he likes it flashy and he likes being the centre of attention- meaning if you're casting someone to pair with him, you need someone who plays it straight with him (which is what Matthew Gray Gubler did so well with him on Criminal Minds) or you give him someone who's equally bombastic. Nikiva Dionne's Nia Wells was the latter while Rochelle Aytes' Nichelle seems to be the former, as Hondo tries to play his game but Nichelle doesn't react the way he thinks she will- and thus keeps him guessing. Shemar just stands there and SMOLDERS. He has a quiet intensity about him, which fits well with the "holding back the monster" thing they've portrayed him as. The other thing about MGG is that he has his own set of distinct characteristics. He's never wallpaper in a scene, even if he's just standing there saying nothing. I agree they worked well together in that way. Agreed that most women he comes across just kind of melt when he turns on the charm, because let's face it, that much pretty and charming is hard to ignore. So I do like it that they have someone who's kinda, "Yeah, I've seen this show before."
  15. *Shallow*: Shirtless Deac. *Not shallow*: How they're not sweeping the house being shot up under the rug. I think that's SO important. As long as they don't drag it out, I approve. I've seen too many shows where kids of cops, etc., get kidnapped, and then the next week they're quipping away as if nothing ever happened. I'm going to trust that the show wouldn't go down the same avenue with Street. I guarantee that robbery was for show, to get his brother out of the mess and for the owner to be grateful for saving his life. Great episode. I like that the wife wised up in the end.
  16. OMG. Hondo's slow-mo, swaggering hero walk. with the helicopter taking off in the background, followed by the GROUP slo-mo, swaggery hero walk at the end. *Chef's kiss.* I hope Bulgarian guy comes back.I liked him.
  17. I've actually been happy that at least with this turn in Chris' relationship that Deac was her sounding board and that Annie was there for her as well. It really left a bad taste in my mouth after their judgment, so them coming through for her when she needed them was great. But yes, I really hope Chris has a chance to be happy for five minutes. Sometimes in certain series, there's one character who has bad thing after bad thing happen to them. She needs a real win here.
  18. She must have been flat. I have no memory of her on the show, though from what I've picked up here, she'd been paired with him. I think Shemar is so dynamic, you need to be able to carry your own when standing next to him. I found her likable and charismatic and agree they had chemistry. (Oh, and it's "rein." Sorry.) And I don't mind generic bad guys. It's better than the all-knowing, all-seeing villain. I also appreciate when the bad guys use a huge lit-up digital timer to let us know when the big boom is coming. Look, we all know we're headed for a Street/Chris endgame, right?
  19. I kept waiting for that reveal, especially after the sister thing. Nolan being all nice and kind to him. And then when Rue knew him, I was confused, until he talked about his crush on her, and I figured it was some kind of stalker situation. And yes, cramming a ton of backstory made me think all of that would be important later. I'm glad he wasn't.
  20. Spoiler alert: That's totally happening, so gear yourself up for it. I liked the chemistry between John and night guy. I felt the had instant chemistry. But maybe it's because the actor built up goodwill for me already from other roles. Though it was unrealistic for John to work the case, I liked that they didn't make him a bumbling idiot. They did that so much on Castle, where everyone was his parent, so watching him be competent is refreshing. I also like that they're keeping with him getting emotional when things happen but that he's not letting it affect his work. I like that Nick focused John and made his choices clear.
  21. I was not impressed with the "acting" talents of the chief's daughter. Her face barely moved. I do hope Street was doing it because he's a good guy and was in an abusive household. Also agree that Street and Chris are endgame, but shows always have to do this dance, so here we are. Usually, with the ex-military guy, they've just gone nutty/have PTSD. Here at least they gave him a deeper reason. I was also a little confused as to why they went to where the injured people were. They couldn't administer aid, and I would think their first priority would be catching the guy who sent the drone. It's not like people could identify who did it. Interesting that they have their own Q now. As usual, though, it was the character moments I liked the best. Dad coming back really throws a monkey wrench into the family dynamic. Hondo is really getting a chance to deal with all of his baggage. And the kid has been a nice addition. I'm also glad they won't be concentrating on Deacon's financial woes. While I know it served a purpose, it was pretty tedious. They addressed it this episode and let it go with one line. I'm fine with that.
  22. I was sitting there staring at my TV screen when the majority of Tani and Joon's original "helping" was to say, "Get out of the car, and go that way." Eddie saved the entire episode. When I first saw Rob Morrow, I knew he had to play a bigger part than, "guy who got his car stolen" but still thought he had little screen time. Now I see he's going to play a bigger role, which makes sense. I think it's good when they split up the team, so Adam is actually a part of the team now.
  23. Yeah, you're right. That's only marginally better. Maybe others will point this out to them, and they'll redeem Jerry again. I can only hope. Because while at first he'd been super annoying, he came to be a much better and more well-rounded character, and having him backslide for a joke, is bad form.
  24. I believe Lucy stated that both she and Nolan thought they got the 91, so I don't know if anyone picked themselves as the 81. Both thought West got the 97, and I'm assuming West also thought he got the 97. I don't think Tim thought she got the 81. I think he was scared that if she got such a low score, it would be a poor reflection on him. He's been having some doubts in himself and had recently been in a weakened condition, which is I think why he went so hard on Lucy, asserting his dominance, and that it didn't have as much to do with what she left off the report. Because as she pointed out, he didn't mind it so much when she left out how much he did to protect his wife.
  25. Wow. That is WAY worse and much more damaging to the character than I realized. It makes me so sad that this show often takes the lazy way out or goes for the easy joke rather than thinking about the character. I so believe everything should be character instead of plot-driven, that I'm pissed they didn't treat Jerry with the respect he deserves.
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