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Sweet Tooth

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Everything posted by Sweet Tooth

  1. Ray definitely said there was another guy. He said, "Leadership" and then Jason said they didn't have time to track down HVTs, He knew his former cell mate was dead. He wanted all of the dudes who messed him up.
  2. Not meant literally. Just meant that they were going back in time. I used it as a catch-all phrase. That they weren't going forward in time, but back, and that they made it clear at the beginning this is what they were doing. Yes, he was. Here he was trying to warn how bad it would get all the way back on March 29,2020. Fauci
  3. I don't know if this was an S4 or S5 episode. I just know that they flashed the date on the screen as the episode began. It read that this was March of 2020. Not that this is when the episode was filmed. It was just a flashback episode.
  4. Well, yeah, except this one let everybody know upfront that they were going back a year in time to when the virus first started, so probably not much confusion there. That's why all of the jokes about the toilet paper, etc.
  5. I was also dismayed, as instead of making it nice and clear for Riley, they're intentionally going to make it really messy. The only reason I can think that they did it out of order is to address Covid, maybe? Like, they didn't want a bunch of episodes in a row where nobody brought it up? And maybe they also wanted to get to the making up quickly, since people would have been wondering why it's taking so long to address the elephant in the room. But it does mess with things in the sense of the relationships and how weird things were left after the whole Codex fiasco. But if they air S4 episodes, and things are still weird between everyone, then yeah, that's going to mess with the whole storyline. Like, "Didn't everyone already kiss and make up? I'll be interested to see, because these two had been hooking up for some time, and she seemed to target that room, like she knew what she was doing. I guess we'll find out when they come back to it. But it was nice seeing Taylor at home and hearing her assessment of him as someone who has no attachment to his own surroundings.
  6. I believe they made reference to how Desi was jealous and it had to be pointed out to her why it was Riley on the date and not Desi, since they needed her skills. Desi was skating on thin ice the minute she was fully on board with Mac going bad, whereas Riley knew for sure he hadn't. I think Desi's guilt is driving some of this, and that they hashed it out as best they could in the present. She did apologize and seemed to recommit to Mac. But I still think the loyalty thing will be the ultimate way Mac makes his final choice. They not only had the "moment," but it remained in Mac's brain enough to bring it up to Bozer and try to toss it aside. However, I can't see how they could continue to work as a team if Mac does choose Riley while Desi is still in love with him.
  7. It's been a year, and they've had no contact, so I'm guessing she got close to him specifically to get the information she photographed, and it has nothing to do with Codex. Otherwise, she would have just kept being with him, with him none the wiser. Like, she took the pictures and fled, so mere nosiness wouldn't have been her goal. And they wouldn't have made such a big deal out of it. It was the whole plot of his story, so I can't imagine it didn't mean anything. I think his initial overreaction was to throw us off. Show what a jack-ass he was being, so Maddie had to kind of scold him, and then his mea culpa of pouring his heart out, only for her to actually be spying on him. And speaking of the fake date, Desi was pretty jealous.
  8. I absolutely took it this way, especially when he was speaking to Bozer at the end about their "moment" and then shook it off and kind of made a joke out of it. Definitely whistling in the dark. Can we talk about what happened with Taylor?
  9. He was supposed to be the persnickety healthy one, while Dean shoved double bacon cheeseburgers in his face. Jensen said it was ironic, since Jared was the one who could really put it away.
  10. HA! Mitch went from playing his grandfather on Supernatural to playing his dad on Walker. I think the guy who played their dad on Supernatural was only like ten years older than Jensen or something. Nice that Padalecki got to use some of that hand-to-hand. I don't see Walker as a jerk. I see him as troubled. He's lost his wife. The undercover work also seemed to mess him up. He spent nearly a year not being himself, and I have a feeling it was emotionally taxing. They keep bringing it up, so I'm sure we'll find out more about that at some point. He took his mom's advice to heart and showed appreciation for his son and told his daughter he wouldn't take the undercover work. The show ended with his children around him, which is a good sign. I like that the partner is a bad-ass, but not in an overblown way, where she's tough as nails all of the time. She kind of takes a "mothering" tone with Walker, which is a lot better than her talking in bullets. Also love that she has a smoking hot, funny, and awesome boyfriend, and they seem to adore each other, so I'm hoping that will put an immediate kibosh on the two of them getting together. The whole cast is great, and yes, the captain being reasonable is a refreshing change. Oh, and I'll bet Padalecki is glad he could eat now, since on SPN, he could only eat salads. I honestly would not have watched this if it had starred anyone but Padalecki, but I have to say, I really enjoyed it. I was wrapped up in the characters from the get-go.
  11. I can also see both sides. As a leader, you're there to set an example, so if you go rogue and then yell at other people for doing it, that would be hypocritical. It might have been good if someone had said as much to Hondo, and Hondo copped to it. Like, he knows he messed up, and he would set a better example. I would assume in a job like this, when adrenaline is running high, you have to expect that there are going to be times when they will make rash decisions. Tan and Street seemed to have learned their lessons, but yes, it would be nice if during this incident, Hondo acknowledged that he may have set a bad example, and that he, too, would do better. It would at least prove he's self-aware.
  12. There is a maddening trope, dating all the way back to at least the eighties, where everyone knows the two leads are destined to be together, and then they throw someone together with one (or sometimes BOTH) of these people who is good-looking, awesome in every way, nice, intelligent, and completely the right fit, but nobody takes them seriously, because they might as well just label these people "monkey wrench." It's silly and time consuming, and nobody really gets attached to/likes these characters, because they will be gone once they've served their purpose of getting the person to realize that they've made a horrible mistake getting so serious with MR, because they're in love with their partner. I really like the doc and think he's adorable. I wish they'd introduced him as a semi-regular instead of Juliet's one wwu wuv.
  13. I think they said the reason they didn't pull guns and go all hero is due to the amount of people around, as well as them being kind of locked in there. They figured since the guys seemed to be waiting it out, that they would as well, and hope that things wouldn't get weird until the storm had died down.
  14. I was SURE Juliet's dude was a goner when they spent so much time humanizing him. I think he knew what he was doing. Once the guy left and tried to go to his car, they would have been able to nab him. Thomas was just trying to get him to stop pointing the gun at them and go. He had no intention of letting the dude leave. He was trying to lure him into a false sense of security. I was glad Rick told T.C. the truth and that T.C. talked to him about it, like they were adults. Loved seeing original recipe T.C.
  15. I guess someone was paying attention better than I was. Thanks for the explanation. That makes it a lot clearer.
  16. Ugh. Yeah. Now that you mention it, that really was not the best choice. But horror movies are notorious for this. They really could have been clearer as to what this competition is and why it's so important to her. Like, all of a sudden they bring this up without going into much detail about it, while making it a centerpiece of multiple episodes.
  17. I was going to ask who played Street in the TV show, because that might explain it, so this definitely makes sense.
  18. I really liked this episode. There was a lot going on, but I felt they did a good job with it. At first, I was kind of pissed at Molly. Not that she answered the phone but that I felt she was judging Street without knowing anything that went down with his mom. So I was glad when, at the end, she said she'd asked him about it a bunch of times, and he'd shut her down. Also, that when he said he wanted to tell her, that she didn't stomp off. They've been pushing Street/Chris pretty hard, going back to it in the previouslies, so I was surprised when they reconciled at the end. However, we'll see how long it lasts, as I doubt they've brought up Street's mom if she's not going to become a thorn in his side again. Or maybe she dies, and he gets riddled with guilt and turns to Chris for comfort. Will be interesting to see how that plays out. I was also glad Chekhov's jealousy went off in this one episode, and they didn't drag that part out, at least. Agreed that it had to come down to Street and Chris. I was also pleasantly surprised that with a sniper episode, nobody died. You really felt for the fire chief, and they managed to make all of the firefighters real people who you could relate to and care about. And I must admit, because I have no idea what this competition is, that when Street won "Master Gunner" I thought he won the whole shebang. Like, I kept wondering why all of those letters when they could just call it the Master Gunner competition. Or even M.G. But now I get that it's a series of tests, and so this will be dragged out for a while.
  19. I don't know. I think it was all part of the "gotcha." Like, all day he was saying that they were "partners" and pretending they were equals and that he was just this kind of dorky guy who had good intentions. He even stopped to help that guy fix his car. I think he wanted to lull Jackson into a false sense of security before dropping the b*mb on him. Then when he talked about the tattoo, it made Jackson pause and feel stupid for like five minutes, before Bradford let him know it was old school. Essentially, he wanted to make Jackson believe, and Bradford backed this up, that his background is in gangs, and that he had it much harder than Jackson as he climbed up through the ranks, so he doesn't do things or see things the same way. But now that he's shown his true self, and from what I saw in the previews, I don't think he's going to be wearing the mask any longer, and will no longer be treating Jackson with respect. I also agree that John just kind of tries to figure out what people need and tries to please them without asking first for what they want. I think he wants to surprise them. Like, for it to be already done, so they can be happy. It is very much in his character. I like that they took a positive trait and made it something that can absolutely backfire on him.
  20. I just watched it after reading here, so I paid attention. 100% there were THREE shots.
  21. I'm going to wallow into the shallow end here and ask who I have to thank for the Hondo and Deac shirt change at the beginning of the show. The key to good storytelling and good character development is to give your characters weaknesses. If they're right all of the time, they become unrelatable, and worse, incredibly boring. The only way for a character to grow is for them to make mistakes, like he did with Nichelle, etc. As long as he learns from them, which it appears he has, then it's great. A backslide is fine, as long as it doesn't seem like they've forgotten their important life lesson every third episode. I think at first they were intentionally making Leroy menacing and trying to undermine Darryl's growth. I also want to see where they're going with him. I think he just feels betrayed and hurt by Hondo. If he doesn't intentionally mess up Darryl's growth, then it should be fine. Right now Hondo's just coming off like an over-concerned parent who doesn't have control over a situation he perceives as dangerous. I'm hoping they do strike a balance at some point. Chris was really great in this episode. And to be fair about the "detective" comment, Chris immediately called BS on it and how often they've gone out on a limb for people they cared about, and Hondo shut up. Zoe's boyfriend was cast really well. He wasn't hysterical, and you could tell he was desperately trying to contain himself with a situation that was so far out of his hands and his power. It shocked me that he was dead. Holy crap! That was awful! I liked that the brainwashed couple realized right away that the situation with the wedding was messed up.
  22. I was actually pleasantly surprised when he stopped brooding and came up with a great solution to the problem. Rather than coming from a place of superiority and yelling about it for episodes on end, he set about figuring out how to work well together with others. I thought it was a tremendous step in Hondo's growth as a character. And when I say solution, I don't mean that it will end the LARGER problem, but more like, as he said, taking the same path they did in '92 didn't help then, so it surely wouldn't help now. Hondo understands it's baby steps, but it's steps forward, and that's always good. Agreed that Erika, coming into this with fresh eyes, has helped him to figure out alternatives to just bitching about everything and saying how ineffectual people are and that they just don't understand. Because yes, that can get old real quick. I'm glad the Master Gunner arc is pretty much over and that Chris, while kind of lamenting she and Street had traded places in their lives, did show maturity in saying she was happy for him and genuinely meaning it. And Deac was able to talk about his feelings. All in all, great character growth all around, where people started down the road to moping and then turned it around and dealt with it in a mature way. FYI, you might be able to tell, but I had a bunch of episodes backed up and have been going through a couple a night.
  23. I took it a bit differently. She let both of them know, beforehand, that she wanted this, and it was important to her. Now, according to them they weren't listening too closely, as Street didn't think it was a big deal, and Tan was like, "Oh yeah...you mentioned something..." And from what Chris later said, she saw them as intentionally forgetful, so they could also go for it. Now, it probably is an honest mistake, but if I told people I trusted that I was going for something that meant a lot to me, and suddenly they're putting themselves in direct competition with me without giving me a clue they were going to do it, I'd be PISSED.
  24. I need to know this. Should I make a poll? DOES THE WARDROBE DEPARTMENT HATE RENEE FELICE SMITH????? I liked the Deeks/Sam moment. They need to dial Eric waaaaaaaaaaaaaay the eff down. They've taken his usual brand of annoying and pumped it up to eleven.
  25. I know this is probably old news, but while looking up recaps, etc., I discovered that Jim Caveziel was supposed to play Jason. I never knew that. https://deadline.com/2017/03/david-boreanaz-star-cbs-navy-seal-drama-pilot-recasting-jim-caviezel-1202048676/ So, Jason has a growth spurt with admitting his feelings, and Sonny backslides. Then repents. Let's hope this time it sticks. And Sonny and Davis aren't dead yet. Neither are Stella and Clay. Interesting.
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