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Everything posted by CrazyMoon

  1. I hated that dress the first time i saw it....the stones look tacky...the dress itself is quite nice, but the embellishment is just not sophisticated or attractive
  2. Holly was asked to resign or be dismissed. Resigning looks better on your resume. Jenna acted like a spoiled child and should have been dismissed as well IMHO. She whined on about 'still being punished' and going behind K&J's backs...when she should have been fired.
  3. Thanks...it was a long hard road, he battled cancer for nearly 10 years until his body just said ENOUGH! There weren't battles, because I would allow anything to escalate. His sister claimed he'd confided in her...no, he never gave her an original thought in his whole life...she is a real manipulator but I was already very wise to her crap and didn't engage. She wanted to be central to all the things happening...I just ignored most of it. One of the things she wanted was a cookbook that had belonged to her mother...I told her I wasn't sure where it was then dropped the subject. I have since given it to my step-daughter, who treasures it... There are several red flags in the Enloe story...
  4. When my hubby of 30 years passed, his oldest sister tried to undermine some of the process of moving forward. Apparently I wasn't doing things the way she thought the should be done. What she didn't know was that he & I discussed everything all during the 30+ years we were together. Where his stuff was going, what I was keeping, etc. She kept at me over the first few weeks....until after his celebration of life, which was perfect for him. If you aren't sure how things will go down after a death GET IT IN WRITING...
  5. I am so sorry! My #3 grandson had tetrology of falot...a congenital heart defect. He turns 13 in March and about to have his 26th surgery (there is systemic fallout from this condition) and there is another open heart surgery on his horizon (within the year, it's the 3rd). We treasure everyday...he wasn't supposed to live to a year.
  6. So do I...however, part of Dr. Lee's lack of diagnosis is based on the negative biopsy that effectively ruled out dermatologic cause. The patient understandably wanted and answer.
  7. You've had a serious struggle! I'm so sorry. And you are right on every point....Except! The itching/scratching were only in areas she could reach. The patches kept her from scratching the current lesions, but as soon as she took it off she was scratching (caught on film by her daughter). She denied scratching and we all saw it!
  8. My son is a Navy Chief....he also barks....he ran a 'fat camp' for six months while his boat was in dry dock. They hated him...but he took 70# off one guy in that six months...
  9. I saw that Lazaro gown up close. It is spectacular. And it seemed to look great on everyone.
  10. I recently updated, which did take for damn ever to install! I've been away for several days, we'll see if it gets bigger, better, faster!
  11. I thought "hollow" but vacant works just as well...her eyes look dead. Her dancing is great but the sparkle is missing...especially surrounded by Jalyn & Cici...who both look so invested in what they are doing.
  12. You aren't alone....however, those 'grapes' are saturated with the oil then harden somewhat like a dry sponge...can't squeeze anything out like a regular 'pop'
  13. Kash was a size TWO during her DCC days...(it was mentioned in a uniform fitting segment). She's probably a 6 or 8 now, perfectly acceptable...just not what we're used to in a room full of 0-2 dancers Singer Carrie Underwood was a size 8 when she won "American Idol"...her team had her diet down to a 4 during her first year...She's since gone vegan and is a 2....her legs are too skinny
  14. Dr. Lee s amazing with the rhinophyma cases. Tony seemed like such a wonderful man...all about helping & giving...and he is so thrilled with his results...only 8 weeks out his nose looked like it was recovering from a sunburn...by now it's probably perfect. I was very sorry to see that Kevin had died. He seemed like such a sweet soul...peacefully & unexpectedly....he died in his sleep. So many congenital cardiac conditions are not able to be diagnosed even with a family history.
  15. During the hubby's prolonged cancer battle one of his proposed tests/treatments was denied...and I called the insurance myself (I have a medical background and always talked it over with someone 'in the know' before proceeding). The authorization clerk said there had been some confusion with his case because it was 'such a mess'...I got the procedure approved then reported her for being so incredibly unprofessional in her dealings with me. Never be too timid to ask for a supervisor or other higher-up...call the insurance yourself. Keep your voice professional and neutral...stand firm.
  16. As well as not having the confidence to disagree with the doctor to his/her face. There can be a real intimidation factor in dealing with physicians...Some can't even say they want a second opinion.
  17. I saw that episode also this week....every time I see it I want to smack that snarky bridesmaid...she's no friend. And she had the nerve to blame Lisa rather than take responsibility herself for bringing the dress in without letting anyone check the price first. She complained some of the lace on one gown looked cheap, claimed it wasn't Chantilly and on and on....Randy would have spoken to her...'let us do our job'....seems to settle them down. I loved the way Gok treated the visually impaired bride. The fox in snow was a great metaphor...She wouldn't look bad in anything...and looked spectacular in the gown she chose... Colorado bride could have been a little more subdued, but she wanted her mom...and I get it....Love the gown Ms Extra chose...loved her confidence.
  18. when I click on it from notifications it goes to the most recent post, not to the top where the 'unaired' is. I didn't see it...no need for snark
  19. Is this the UK showing? If so, we could be having serious spoiler alerts...doesn't resume in the US until March/April....
  20. There it is! Exactly what I was thinking...very poor taste...and likely to cause a rumble within the organization...
  21. I didn't think he used implants this time....thought it was all reconstructive with native tissue. Regardless, looked fabulous
  22. Not all surgeons are willing to be exposed like that...I used to work for a group of vascular surgeons...the "face" of the practice did all of the PR stuff...sometimes they would pose for a group photo, but it was usually the 'face'...and they were all very personable and pleasant, just not into publicity.
  23. I remember her...the girl hasn't enough self confidence to tell him that "you knocked me up, but we'll never be a family until we're married" No way I'd be having kids without an external commitment....
  24. For this job it's ok...as long as it's well fitting and things aren't hanging out...body con doesn't usually ride up, so mid thigh stays at mid thigh.
  25. The Chinese bride's mother must be a monster...this poor girl has her mom's voice echoing in her head to the point all she can do is cry with anxiety. And the Georgia bride...geez, I haven't heard screaming like that since the 12yo were screaming over the Beatles.
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