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Sofa Sloth

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Everything posted by Sofa Sloth

  1. She’ll be looking a while. 🥁Ba dum chish
  2. I think it’s ‘self(ie) obsessed eye’* whereby you go slightly crossed-eyed when highly focused on the small image of yourself in the phone screen on the selfie camera instead of looking past it into distance. *Not a legit technical term Often Aspyn looks like that to me though, so maybe she has a lazy eye or something.
  3. Sticking with the Brown tradition of filthy soled feet then. Dare I say though, this is a nice picture of her, it seems more candid, less posed and she looks happy. Still with the ‘aren’t I a cute wee toddler’ hair twist, but slight improvement. I’m also glad she finally learned how to crop a bikini selfie flatteringly too. My eyes thank her for this new found skill.
  4. I don’t think she is? She is doing the sticker nails with Mykelti it appears and is also available if the price is right, as an ‘influencer’ like Mariah 🙄
  5. Yes good point this makes total sense. Smart girl, She’s obviously out of it now anyway as her Instagram sales page was abandoned start of Jan 18 and we’ve been spared the gazillion stupid #Lula’insertgenericgirlnamehere’ hashtags lately
  6. True, not sure about that either. I have a theory maybe Meri was on her own with Lula (then Maddie joined just as an ‘employee’ to help her maybe not as selling her herself yet), when she moved back home pregnant as she was shown ‘working’ with Meri on her clothing business while in labour. Not sure on who sold next in family, but I believe whoever it was, they saw how well Meri did and maybe signed up in direct competition and created their own downline (as Meri doesn’t share her profits) and then the others followed that person. (hence Meri’s rage and Maddie’s response above) Just my opinion as Meri also doesn’t follow lularoe with Christine or Mykelti lularoe either which I find odd. That may have also contributed to the awkwardness and Meri being left out in the birth episode but I’m not sure of timeline? Audrey, I’d bet is in Meri’s downline.
  7. I see those blonde roots Mykelti! Could this mean she’s finally going to grow out the bozo clown look and embrace her natural beautiful colour!? (She’s probably just too lazy to dye them but I can live in hope) 🤞🏼
  8. I dunnooo. This is the man who suggested Kodouch remortgage his house to pay for his daughters wedding. When Kodouch shows more financial smarts than you, that’s not a good sign for your money management abilities. That said, ‘if it was a do as I say, not as I do’ situation and Tony was not the least worried about the reckless state of Kodouch’s finances and how irresponsibly he sourced the money, just concerned about himself enjoying his 4000 Tacos on Kodouch’s dime, (most likely scenerio) then I’d say you may be right. They also negotiated a paid honeymoon for waiting until December to marry. He may soon be the richest one in this family with self-serving grifting skills like that.
  9. Agree. If they are being fair then it’s Robyn’s turn, she’s the only one of these grifters not to have filed yet. That said, I assume since king Kodouch is married to her and liable too, he’ll try to get a non-legally married wife to take the debt on and take another bankruptcy for the team, so the power couple don’t go down again for 8 years (nicely played Robyn. I see what you did there). My moneys on the outcasted Meri then being the chosen one, she’ll probably have enough personal debt acquired to go down on her own separately anyway, without the show’s help.
  10. I totally agree on it’s because probably she signed under Christine. ‘Loyalty goes to those that were always kind’ points to Christine being her second mother figure and maybe she chose her Lula downline based on that. We all know Meri most likely keeps her profits whereby Christine is more likely to distribute to family pot so maybe that played a factor? ‘Abusive human’, ‘being scared her whole life’ and ‘monster’ = Meri ✔️ We know the shoe fits there. ’freedom to have nothing to do with’ unfollowed on social media. Its Meri, case closed 👩🏼‍⚖️ haha.
  11. Ok just a warning everyone, tonight we’re finally airing season 10 in Australia, so I’m getting ready to settle in my favourite sofa spot and try to get through the entire show without starting to play candy crush out of boredom. Pray for me. I’m nowhere near as excited for the show, as I am to finally start reading the s.10 threads snark, so while I’ll try my best not to comment and bump the old threads up as I’m sure that’s annoying, you can probably expect lots of reactions to your old comments coming soon! 😂
  12. Sorry to rehash the old news again and I’m sorry if it’s been covered before, but my sleuthing skills uncovered that Maddie doesn’t follow Meri on Instagram nor does she follow Lizzie’s heritage inn. Meri in return doesn’t follow Maddie. This is suss as literally all other the Browns follow each other, they are the only two not too. My moneys on it being about Meri for sure.
  13. True. I think she’s been taking her style inspo from her brother-in-law (or vice versa). Let’s play a game of who’s who? 😉
  14. Well believe it! I feel her pain. It’s so frustrating to be on the receiving end of these ridiculous self serving requests, day in and day out! I work in the beauty industry which is a favourite target. I often work alongside a reputable plastic and reconstructive surgeon and she is inundated with requests for free cosmetic procedure work (upwards of $20,000+) for showcasing her work. Laughable. 1. She is a renowned expert in her field booked out nearly a year in advance and has performed countless surgeries. I don’t think she needs your ‘mention’. 2. It is completely unethical and wrong to provide such procedures for free advertising in the medical field. 3. There are people with medically necessary conditions, such as breast cancer and skin cancer, that require her time for urgent reconstructions. She cares little for you wanting a non- necessary facelift right now, especially when you want it for free. I have developed so many snarky yet professional responses to slap them down over the last few years, but now they are simply ignored due to volume of them. A little perspective is warranted for the majority of these entitled posers.
  15. Haha! Yep It’s totally a thing and I’m the epitome of that fed up old lady ragging on the youth of today (just in a 32 year olds body).
  16. Forgive me, I may be in the minority, but I’m jaded and cynical. I work in a business who is approached daily by these influencer and bloggers types wanting pro bono or freebies for plugs. Their sense of importance and self entitlement is mind boggling! They truly think the world owes them something due to their following (mostly brought). I have no problem with celebrity endorsements and even legitimate influencers honestly, if they’ve earned their celebrity fan base through talent and being outstanding and business approach them and people want what they’re selling, good on them. I dislike the many wannabe bottom feeders, that jump on the bandwagon. The special snowflakes, that think they have something special and because they alone discovered yoga or avo on toast or insert other latest interchangeable fad, blah blah. Especially when they’ve done nothing to deserve that idolised leader role. It just makes me despair of humanity and for the younger generation that this is where we’re at and how we put stupid people on a pedestal by giving them a platform to spout meaningless inspirational platitudes and hawk dangerous crap detox products.
  17. I absolutely agree. 😔 When did this become a legitimate form of marketing? It’s the narcissistic, talentless and selfie-obsessed dimwits of the world, that are making millions hawking stupid products and our celebrity worshipping culture seems to lap it right up. Notice it is always the reality stars doing it, the Teen Moms, Kardashian’s... it’s always that genre of tv drawn to it. They sell their souls to tv and then to social media to extend on the gravy train. No talented, self-respecting celebrity needs to go down that path. I will say this for Mariah, at least she doesn’t have the level of pretentiousness and the professional gloss of ‘the rich perfect polished Lamborghini life’ that the Kardashian types can afford and portray. I’m so unimpressed by that kind of fakery, abuse of wealth and self obsession. In contrast though, I find Mariah gone too far the other way, in the sense she appears so lazy and entitled she feels she doesn’t even have to TRY create a decent atheistically pleasing picture, which could be as simple as cropping, or editing the lighting (AND of the Browns are guilty of this), or even come up with an professional polished look to sell herself as ‘wellness blogger’. She’s like: ‘Finding a real job hard, so I’ll just present my stringy haired, unkept, sloppy self to the masses, looking pensive while brunching on activated kale and quinoa in hip coffee shops, resting on my other career as a reality star to ensure I’m already well known and besides even if they don’t know me, they’ll surely love me anyway as a blogger, because I’m so studious, consciously enlightened and inclusively intersectional and insert other buzz word here’ 😆 ‘Hee hee, Audge! grab the camera and shoot me right now by this public toilet block wearing my sweaty yoga gear and Casio watch for the website!’
  18. So much this! It’s so sad, as they have the most glorious natural colouring and the dark severe hair ages them and doesn’t flatter their skin tone. Maddie and Mykelti’s orange roots truly hurt my heart to look at knowing they have such beautiful natural blonde underneath. Just look at nice she looks with a flattering tone more close to her natural colour. (Posted a flashback/side by side in the Mariah thread too of her pre bad box dye, but can’t find any of Mykelti pre the bozo look)
  19. Yeah definitely, that’s what I was trying to say, there are companies out there that you pay to give you (say 1000, 20,000 or whatever amount depending on what you pay) fake accounts that will follow you. If that makes sense. I’m not sure how they do it. That’s what I was suspecting Mariah may have done to give her more clout with companies who want to use her for marketing. That said, some small businesses will request to follow you to get a follow back. They just have an employee looking after their social media who’s job will entail doing that based on your hashtags or location or whatever. That might be what’s going on for you?
  20. Some influencers or businesses request to follow you or will follow you in the hope you’ll follow them back. They just go on random sprees. Another trick to collect people. But I’ve been told by someone who’s done it) that you can purchase followers (fake accounts that follow you and like things and write generic ‘great post’ stuff) to increase your following and make you look more popular than you are. Sad. It’s easy to spot them commenting on accounts as they are usually all in broken English, generic, full of emojis & bad grammar and completely over the top ‘This is the gratest post I’ve EVER seen! I like The photo very so MUCH!!!!! 👏🏼‘ etc.
  21. Given she’s a sell-your-soul-for-a-quick-buck Brown, I’m sure she’d hawk anything if the price was right. 😉 PS - thanks for the mental imagery there!
  22. Oh thanks! I WAS inspired by her, being up to my armpits in couch & avoiding physical activity is also a favourite pastime of mine! 😉 The only exercise I get, is if I lose the tv remote and have to get up to manually change channels haha.
  23. Be a ‘wellness blogger’ apparently.
  24. Yeah means nothing, you can pay to give you ‘fake’ followers. The more following you have improves your influencer status and negotiating power if a company wants to ‘collab’ with you. While she is on a tv show that airs internationally, I wouldn’t be shocked if this was happening here. Anyone checked out the website yet? I feel like she’s out to take on Gwyneth Paltrow with her ‘consciousy setting intentions’ psychobabble. https://www.mariahlianbrown.com/about-1
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