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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. Donna will stick that wooden spoon where the sun don't shine!
  2. Maybe WWE will pick up on that idea and schedule a wood vs wood cage match.
  3. Melissa was so in love with Louie, yet she trashes him to her family and they have absolutely no respect for him because of it. For his own sobriety and sanity, he needs to leave her in the dust.
  4. I'm sure it's all done by now- and resembles the Taj Mahal, if I know anything about Chance's enormous talents. 😉
  5. That was one of the worst looks in the history of LAL, and yes, I know, that is saying A LOT!!
  6. I love Moscato. I can't drink now, though, since I'm doing the healthy recovery from surgery thing. I'll have to buy some cranberry juice and pretend.
  7. Maybe she will break tradition and wear a skin tight paisley wedding jumpsuit.
  8. Quaylon's mom with the diss at Shovel's mom: you and your SpongeBob shape! I died!
  9. I was curious to know what you all said about their dresses last week. I was gobsmacked. And, I guess I need to start buying my dresses 3 sizes too small to fit in with this trend...
  10. Whoah, that was really rude of Melissa's dad. I would turn around and leave.
  11. I thought the olive green jumpsuit was a vast improvement over her pink dress.
  12. Hi Bunkies, I'm finally back and here for the new, recycled Life After Lockup. I even watched last week's episode so I would be caught up!
  13. I was side-eyeing Sutton so hard at that moment. I kept waiting for her to say that she totally empathizes with Denise's communication style. They are both equally bad at expressing themselves while under pressure (or while high as a kite!)
  14. I definitely think Sandy has been lying low this season for a redemption arc. Now, she has to deal with Natalya leaving and disciplining Kyle for his "screaming matches" and "bullying." I think both Natalya and Kyle were guilty of introducing drama and backstabbing to the interior. I would prefer they were both gone. I'm hoping Sandy is true to her word that she would never have Kyle as a chief stew. Unfortunately, as a second stew, he causes problems for the chief. We know Bravo loves him, for some reason...
  15. Heather knew exactly what she was doing when she gave Lisa all that info about Whitney. Heather wants to be Lisa's bestie, (why? impossible to know!) and she was trying to stir something up between the two. Or, should I say, "fan the flames," since Whitney and Lisa were already at odds. Well, mission accomplished, Heather. Hopefully you are happy with the result! ps. can't ANYONE get along in this show???
  16. You and me both! Many people are upset with Christine for sharing Meri's ring story. And, I agree that story should have been Meri's to tell...but she didn't! The viewing audience has been bamboozled for years as the Browns served up their version of a happy polygamous family- one that we now know isn't true. I'm all about Christine or whoever (even Meri with her promise that her voice will be heard) spilling ALL the tea. We deserve it and they signed up for this exact thing.
  17. That might prove the rumors that only a few of the captains actually captain the yacht. The rumors have said that Lee and Sandy are mostly there for the show.
  18. Haven't Meri and the rest of the adults been going to therapy for years? Remember, she even has the language down pat- putting up walls, not safe... I know the story arc now is to feel bad for Meri, and Kody melting down his wedding ring was a horrible move, but I'm not drinking the Koolaid completely. Meri was HBIC until Robyn came around (supposedly at Meri's invitation). It was actually Christine who was the basement wife. I'm not going to let recent events color the narrative I have viewed from the beginning (although I will admit it the whole story was crafted by them and is probably very far from reality).
  19. My husband's ring also had 5 diamonds, channel set... maybe it was more popular back in the day. You are right about that! It's a wonder how dense Kody is that he doesn't understand the "speaking Kody" is Robyn manipulating him. To anyone else, that would be infuriating, but Kody probably thinks it's cute that Robyn has a special communication skill that works only with him! Joker.
  20. Yes, they've all been manipulating the audience for years. I guess they were willing to sell whatever dignity they had for the TLC paycheck and just outright lie and fabricate most of their lives for our "entertainment." I wish reality tv producers would learn that the audience really wants reality, not a made-up version of events. The melting down of Mary's wedding gift/ring just goes to show how much juicy stuff actually happened that nobody would fess up to. If the truth had been shown all these years, the ratings would have been through the roof!
  21. This!! Heather is being pretty judgy about Monica, whereas with Jen, she was "ride or die." I wonder if Jen had something on Heather or Heather was afraid of her. Anyway, I guess it is good if Heather can see more clearly these days, but she is still trying to suck up to Lisa, so that hasn't changed...
  22. Sometimes, people do whitening or refinements after their Invisalign regime is completed. Maybe she is doing that.
  23. Yes! Kody is only just now admitting (and using as an excuse) that he married the OG3 for other reasons than love. He treated them all, children included, like second class citizens, and then was mystified when they all left his ass. Since he could no longer keep up the act of being the loving polygamist husband and father, he came up with this pitiful excuse. Not being "in love" with three women he spiritually married and had children with does not excuse him of the responsibility of the families he created. Every time I hear him start to explain himself, I think he will be human and say that he regrets his actions which have alienated most of his family members, but instead he doubles down and acts the victim.
  24. Yup, we did it every year around Thanksgiving time in my kindergarten class (I was the teacher) and never had an issue. Maybe the kindergarteners have more energy and motivation than a group of rich housewives. I thought Heather's question about who would you throw off the wagon was really bad- it only serves to single out the less popular people and hurt feelings. Even though it was probably thought up by some production assistant, I wouldn't have gone along with that game. I'm just glad it didn't continue so more of the group would feel hurt..
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