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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. I was going to say, there are lots of restaurants and businesses that have that industrial look with the exposed vents, etc, around here.
  2. Chance saw long ago how vulnerable and gullible Tayler was. He chose her for that reason. Now he wants to talk her into "forgiving" him. He is not good for her or her family.
  3. Sounds miserable. You can only go up from here. Maybe you can call Chance to drop off some hot soup as part of his delivery empire...
  4. And yet the organization continues with the name! Believe me, it's not just the cast of the show that laughs at the name. It's a ridiculous name and needs to be changed STAT. Many of the posters here came up with wonderful alternatives last time Dorit featured this charity on the show.
  5. Yes! Kyle played the innocent in her talking head. We ALL saw you instigate the whole thing, Kyle. Sutton was unaware of Kyle's role in it, but I wonder how she feels watching all this now. Yay for Crystal! She stood up to Annemarie and called her on all of her inconsistencies. It's terrible that AM accused Crystal of saying that Sutton had an eating disorder. And it looks like next week, she is going to accuse Crystal of saying more things about other HWs. I hope Crystal stays strong and defends herself.
  6. After reading all of your astute comments, I do have the feeling that production wanted to film the tension of the guests being "stuck" at the dock with limited options. There were so many possibilities for them to do touristy things off the boat. The lackadaisical pace that Tumi and Luka were attempting to come up with ideas seemed completely set up. Sandy had her big monologue about all hands on deck to entertain, but didn't follow up at all. The insanity of seeing wealthy neurosurgeons aboard a luxury yacht playing dollar store dress up was so bad it was good.
  7. Mary adds absolutely nothing to the show and she is a terrible, mean spirited person. I feel bad for her parishioners. She takes their money and blows it on designer clothing and accessories. Some of them probably have trouble paying their bills, let alone buy an indulgent gift for themselves.
  8. This was a real feel good episode and I am so glad that Christine is finally getting her fairy tale ending. I loved the message from Annie. Christine has a very upbeat, positive and fun personality that we have got to know over the years and it was so special that her mom shared that heartfelt message. I wish the bride, groom, and their huge family happiness and joy!
  9. That's true, with the exception that the revelations about her MADE this entire season! There is more buzz about RHSLC and people are tuning in again, post Jen Shah. However, I don't see how she could continue as part of the friend group in the future.
  10. I'm a big fan of Great British Bake-off where the prize is a cake plate! Such a difference between the competition shows here. 😊 I do like a cash prize for the contestants, though. I would even love to see compensation for each contestant who participates, with those lasting longer into the competition earning more. Since they base the win on the final bake, I feel Ashley deserved that win. However, I would like to see track record feature more prominently into the final choice, since there is so much at stake. I really enjoyed Kevin and Toa's bakes throughout the season. Ashley was reminded not to bake so many cakes, but Justine was never cautioned about using cookies as her primary decor. I completely agree that blind judging may be the way to go in the future. Nancy's favoritism is not a good look.
  11. I'm enthused about what Nymphia Wind will bring to the competition. She showed off her versatility tonight- both comedy and beautiful talent emphasizing her culture. Her promo and Meet the Queens looks were stunning. Can't wait for more. Plane Jane achieved something with this episode--- we are all talking about her. She is definitely giving the "villain" character, especially with her rate-a-queen strategy...and this is after saying she is going to rate them by fairness/talent. OK, girl...
  12. The surprise would be if this group DOESN'T end up in a brawl.
  13. According to the upcoming scenes, more fussing and fighting is coming up. Do we watch this show so we can feel good about OUR lives? 😉
  14. I can't blame Blaine for being depressed. He's hitched his wagon to Lindsay. ugh
  15. Oh-uh, Shavel has the worst taste in fashion. What will she pick for her wedding???
  16. So, they consider their relationship "damper-free" right now?
  17. Chance sure talks tough in front of the camera - where's Bobbo when you need him?
  18. How can Chance get any work done if he is texting 171 messages per day? Oh, I see he is still sweeping the same room- kind of answers my question.
  19. Question: Are Melissa's taking head interviews post- surgery?
  20. Sorry to hear that. They say laughter is the best medicine, so hopefully you will make an amazing recovery tonight.
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