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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. I'm enthused about what Nymphia Wind will bring to the competition. She showed off her versatility tonight- both comedy and beautiful talent emphasizing her culture. Her promo and Meet the Queens looks were stunning. Can't wait for more. Plane Jane achieved something with this episode--- we are all talking about her. She is definitely giving the "villain" character, especially with her rate-a-queen strategy...and this is after saying she is going to rate them by fairness/talent. OK, girl...
  2. The surprise would be if this group DOESN'T end up in a brawl.
  3. According to the upcoming scenes, more fussing and fighting is coming up. Do we watch this show so we can feel good about OUR lives? 😉
  4. I can't blame Blaine for being depressed. He's hitched his wagon to Lindsay. ugh
  5. Oh-uh, Shavel has the worst taste in fashion. What will she pick for her wedding???
  6. So, they consider their relationship "damper-free" right now?
  7. Chance sure talks tough in front of the camera - where's Bobbo when you need him?
  8. How can Chance get any work done if he is texting 171 messages per day? Oh, I see he is still sweeping the same room- kind of answers my question.
  9. Question: Are Melissa's taking head interviews post- surgery?
  10. Sorry to hear that. They say laughter is the best medicine, so hopefully you will make an amazing recovery tonight.
  11. I've got to say this is the best I've seen Tayler's bedroom looking. It's usually a disaster.
  12. The only thing funnier than Chance's phone just a sitting in the toilet would be Chance's head in the toilet.
  13. That happened to me a minute ago. Try refreshing your page or going out of this forum and back into it.
  14. I couldn't believe he brought up "high maintenance" vs PTSD...and then production came though with the video receipts!
  15. And, as we all know, the esophageal strictures (narrowing of esophagus) IS a thing. Many posters here have attested to that fact. My own uncle has regular treatments to dilate his esophagus. So, to have Annemarie double down and outright accuse Sutton of either faking it or having caused it through a history of an eating disorder is beyond belief.
  16. Kyle wasn't feeling any pain during the crew night out, either! He was partying it up with the rest of them. He's a slacker and a faker. He deserves all the online vitriol .
  17. I'm sure going to a play is now on Robyn's list of must-do items. A play that is bigger and better than Christine's.
  18. Monica had some good comments, like when she said she had gone to the feds with info about Jen Shah and the other ladies should have done so also, BUT she does herself no favors with her intense anger and the resulting blow ups. Once she is challenged, she blows a gasket and digs herself deeper and deeper into a hole. She will name call, age shame, spew endless profanity and even go so far as to insult her employers (show had low ratings, was about to be cancelled...) It seems she has uncontrollable rage and her mouth keeps going while her brain cells take a break. This behavior has plagued her all season and it is probably deeply ingrained from her childhood.
  19. Angie and Meredith are still going at it with full force! I couldn’t believe the list of things Angie called Meredith. Meredith initiated the idea of rumors about Angie’s husband, so she is trying to redeem herself by reading those statements.
  20. It sounded like Christine's dad was telling her that "he" (I'm assuming Kody) called him, crying about how he has lost her. Wow. That certainly doesn't jive with his current narrative, but it makes sense since we have seen several years of anger, angst and obsession over Christine leaving.
  21. Just putting this out there: Denise did not have 4 years to complain to Erika about her behavior toward her and her kids. Denise was bullied off the show by the Faux Farce Five. She was invited back for a few appearances this season, probably, in all honesty, to confront Erika about the past situations. Either she, or the producers who hired her, wanted more closure or to speak her peace. Unfortunately, Denise isn't good at presenting her side of an argument. I like Denise, but I would have preferred her to come back in a happier, more light-hearted way, proving the saying that the best revenge is a life well lived.
  22. And Lisa definitely over tans. She's had some crazy moments at the reunions, where her hands were many shades darker than the rest of her. (So it could be Donald Trump hands, too! 🤣 Shipwreck, apparently!
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