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Everything posted by rehoboth

  1. Brandi stated (somewhere?) that she appreciated it when her babysitter flaked out a couple of times and Kyle volunteered to keep her boys at her house. Translated through the Brandi-speak decoder: Brandi flagged down a guy walking by her front window and offered him some "Afternoon Delight" but she forgot it was her weekend with the boys. She texted Kyle that she needed an emergency sitter and Kyle took them for the weekend 4-5 times last summer. I'm not saying that happened, I'm just saying it could have knowing how Brandi exaggerates and belittles situations when it suits her.
  2. I think Little Kathy was included as well. Big Kathy asked her girls to look out for each other in her dying days. When Kyle said to Kim that their mother asked Kyle to look out for Kim that was the part of the pact that pertained to Kyle. Kyle was told to look after Kim and Little Kathy. I have heard Kyle clarify (I'm not sure if it was in print or on WWHL or somewhere else) that all the sisters were asked to care for each other. And Kim has stated this exact same thing as well after season 1.
  3. There are two facts that we have seen/heard on RHOBH concerning this. We have seen that Kim's children are close to Kyle. I'm thinking specifically about Season 1 when one of Kim's daughters was considering spending the summer in Texas. Kim was present but Kim's girls and Kyle were having a very natural conversation about the pros and cons and it seemed like they all forgot about Kim and didn't seem to need or want any input from her. So they are very comfortable talking to Aunt Kyle about life decisions. Secondly, we have it on Kim's word this season that she missed a lot of her children growing up due to her alcoholism. And I personally will never forgive Kim for choosing drug-buddy Ken over her children. They gave her the ultimatum if he stays in the house, we will leave and Kim chose him. (I still can't get over this.) Reading between the lines, it appears to me that one of the stable people in her children's lives was Kyle. I may be reaching but I can see Kyle being there for those kids on a daily basis during some of Kim's rougher times. I picture Kyle being the one they called when Kim was supposed to pick them up somewhere and "forgot" about them. Even if this was all the support that Kyle provided, it would be enough for me.
  4. What a letdown! We're always saying "Don't poke the crazy" but when LisaR actually follows that advice, it doesn't make for good TV. I was disappointed that she didn't throw any shade Brandi's way. Way to leave Kyle twisting in the wind. I vote for Lisa V for winning the night for her talk with Brandi. She held her ground despite the myriad ways that Brandi tried to reel her in. Eileen comes a close second just because she wasn't on that much.
  5. Monty is allowed; he's literally dying. He can have dessert first too, Good point about Brandi choosing to go to Adrienne's party over seeing her dad. I forgot how Adrienne had "wronged" Brandi.
  6. But she's not a young woman; she's middle-aged. Is she emotionally stunted or just stupid? She's been going through the same thing with people in her life (just take a look at her family connections) over and over and yet learns nothing. Doesn't try to learn anything. And Kim - she'll be getting her AARP card soon. I gave up on her years ago.
  7. I don't think Brandi has a great body for bikinis. She never had what Gigi has. But I think she had a really good body for modelling clothes. ("Hanger with a head" per Kathy Griffin. She looks so long and tall in some of her maxi dresses. She looks so happy in that picture with Eddie. It's the first time in a long time that i have felt a bit sad for her.
  8. Yes, I believe that Kyle explained (a long time ago) that Mauricio was first introduced to her family as Maurice and that he went by that name in business too. Over the years he (became more confident) and started using his given name. Kyle said that Kathy and Kim mostly still call him Maurice. I do remember when Kim first called him Maureece. It was jarring to the ear because it was certainly said by a hateful hater who hated.
  9. Last month, I dropped a container of mineral make up on the sheets on my husband's side of the bed. After washing the sheets and had to 'fess up and say to him that it looked like that stain was going to be there forever. Comes off my face, tho'.
  10. There have been speculations that Kim's childhood spent working is what is causing her present day problems and other posters have posited that bad things happened to her on the casting couch but I don't think that Kim or anyone around her has supported these notions. My own little brain keeps going back to the Davis gravy train that she got on in her mid-twenties and is still on today as being the worst thing that has happened to her. After her $23,000 per month for life was locked in, she could do anything she wanted with her life. More importantly, she didn't have to do anything she didn't want to. When RHOBH viewers first met her, she was lonely, no friends that we could see. She was anxious around people she didn't know. We now know how needy and soul-sucking she can be. She hadn't worked for over ten years. One of the reasons that Kyle wanted her on the show was to meet people (which sounded a bit strange to me at the time). When Kim is on the Davis gravy train, she doesn't have to do any hard work on these problems. (One can take pill, however!) She doesn't have to force herself to work to put food on the table. She doesn't have to make herself learn how to meet new people and keep new friends. She doesn't have swallow her pride and put up with things that the rest of us have to on a daily basis. She can afford to be continually affronted by slights that happened years ago. That's a rich man's problem. Being on the Davis gravy train means never having to say you're sorry.
  11. Ah but we see as mean, Brandi sees as playful. And if you can't see that Brandi is just joking around, you must be old and out of it - perhaps your period is a distant memory.
  12. The "You Stole my Goddamned House" story was rehashed over the years on the TWOP boards and I don't think any facts ever came out that were in conflict with the basic outline of: the house was left to all three girls, Kim 'needed' money and Kathy didn't want to be a co-owner so Kyle and Mauricio offered to buy them out at fair market value. With the sale being run through two realtors (Rick and Mo) whose livelihoods depend upon a sterling reputation it does not make sense that anything shady was done. Also especially with family involved because you can never run away from a shady decision at their expense. Kim tried to buy her way back in with 20K but the co-ownership ship had sailed by then. (Can you imagine making decisions with Kim and getting money out of her? I cannot fathom that it would be a pleasant experience.) I think that one of the most shocking things to us on the old boards was that Kim needed money because she was still on the Davis gravy train ($300,000 per year for alimony and child support?) and had been on it for years. It was shocking to my middle class mind anyway. What was new to me here was that Kim's mother bought her a house. Where's Kathy's house from Mom? Where's Kyles'? And the posters on here who have said that Kim apparently lost that house over the years and has been a nomad ever since have just cracked me up. I picture her literally losing the house. Wandering the streets of PS, looking for her house and asking people "Have you seen my house? I thought it was over here but now I'm not sure. Where did I leave that?" To me the important thing about the house story was where it came in the evening. Kim didn't want to answer to Kyle about Brandi's loose lips and deflected to the old YouStoleMyGoddamnedHouse! story. She seems quite practiced at this deflection thing. I was actually following the house story because of Kim's THs that had her really pissed off about being invited to PS until I realized that all her talking heads were filmed much later and they were emphasizing what she wants us to remember from that night.
  13. Kim does have 'dead shark eyes.' Amazing to see these scenes again. In the bottom scene, Kim has also told Kyle that she thinks that she may be pregnant. I think I would have lost total control peed my pants right there. Luckily Kyle knows not to believe a thing she says.
  14. I have a different take on Kyle's reaction to Kim. I think that Kyle has seen Kim on drugs for so much of her life that Kyle is asking not "What's wrong with you?" but "What's wrong with you (this time)?" Kim is always on something and I do think they are (mostly) prescribed by her doctor(s) whether they are for anxiety or pain for cosmetic surgery. Kyle stated after Poker Night that Kim was acting the same way that night as she did when Kyle knew she was using (abusing) Xanax. And I think that is why she was really scared of Brandi's involvement with Kim. I picture Kim as having a vanity table full of pill bottles that she sits at each day and figures out what she will 'need' to use. I imagine that when she was drinking in combo with her pills, the family was in constant worry about finding her dead each and every day. At least now she is presumably only using drugs that have been prescribed to her and a doctor is sharing in the responsibility that is Kim Richards. Kim is a habitual liar. I think that affects her kids as much as anything she does to herself. And the fact that she may have told the truth about taking Monty's medication is a small step forward in the grand scheme of things.
  15. The funniest part of the show tonight for me was the fact that they captioned Kyle's 'cry-talking'. Maybe it's another language that only she and Kim understand.
  16. I think that Beverly Park and Bel Air are ritzier than Beverly Hills but BH is much more known to the rest of the country. And I think I gleaned this info from comments from the guys of Million Dollar Listing LA.
  17. Sorry, I did not see the posts above which have Kim's alimony payments laid out. I believe that Kim gets a substantial alimony payment from husband #2 for life or until she remarries which is why she never married the father of her youngest. I don't remember the sum but the number $25,000 per month sticks in my mind She's losing her last child support payment but maybe she could, I don't know, live within her means from the alimony. RHOBH is not keeping the wolf from the door for Kim. I think that Mo and Kyle have been there for her when she mismanaged her money. She has always made good money from her exes. Since Mo is in real estate, what popped into my head when Kyle made the statement that MO was like a husband to Kim was that he took care of Kim's bills and houses when needed. Such as "Kim, you can't ignore these letters from the IRS" or "Kim, you need to take care of your cracked sidewalk before someone takes a tumble and sues you. I know someone who can come out and take care of it."
  18. Yes. The outfit itself looked fine on her. It didn't swallow her up or show too much cleavage or any back fat. But if you lined up all the ladies in order of most fashionable, Kyle would be last. A miss, but not a big miss. I said she gets Most Improved, not Best. It's a process, people! (Ha!)
  19. Here's the vibe that I pick up on: I think Kim is a soul-sucking person who would like someone to be at her beck and call 24/7 every day except for the times when she doesn't want you involved/checking on her. It's a tightrope that Kim wants you to walk. The vibe I get on the 2 am call: if it was about a child and it's an emergency, Kim needs to be on the phone with the child's father not Brandi and not Kyle. If Kim just needed to blow off steam/have someone listen to her concerns then Brandi is as good as any at 2 am (she's probably up since according to Adrienne she sleeps in some/most days til 3 in the afternoon). My vibe on Kyle's involvement in general is that Kyle has been there 100% for Kim's children. I look at the way they act around her and ask her opinion on things going on in their lives. To me, this is more important than anything Kyle does/does not do for Kim. The children are the victims and Kim is the perp. The important thing is the kids and I think Kyle comes through there.
  20. I'm giving Kyle Most Improved for this season. She has always been very hit or miss and this season has been mostly hits. ( I know, I know gladiator sandals were a Big Miss.) I think that maybe she lost some weight and has the confidence to ditch the mumus. Even her face and makeup look softer and younger. Maybe she has finally started to listen to us.
  21. For me the galling thing about Kim is her attitude and certainly not the fact that she has "slipped" once or twice (or over and over). Her constant proclamations of "THREE YEARS SOBER!!!!" is just ridiculous because we have seen her impaired (Paris, Puerto Rico, limo, etc....) and we know it isn't true. She treats us as if we are really stupid and that we'll never figure out that she's gotten one over on us. The lack of compassion is for a liar not a addict. How different it would be if she would just answer everyone with "I've had my ups and downs over the last three years and every day I am trying to do the right thing." That shuts everything down. And an apology to Eileen, Vince and LisaR would be nice. So different from proclamations of "THREE YEARS SOBER!!!" and nothing else. I agree that Lisa's toast was rude. Her "joke" fell flat but I do like that she was letting Brandi know that even though Ken/Bravo invited her the party, nothing between them has changed. That bridge has been burned.
  22. Besides making Brandi sing, Lisa's "Emmy speech" was great. So good to have the old Lisa back! The other thing that made me laugh tonight was Brandi pointing out that she still gets her period. We Know! She's such an ass. Brandi is famous for being left by her husband and being so drunk that she didn't know that she was showing off her tampon string to the world.
  23. Lisa for the win!!!! Making Brandi sing "I'm Sorry" was a move worthy of her Bobby Fischer status. A lot of Lisa's jokes have fallen flat this season and last but she was spot on tonight. Poor Kyle will always be the Dr Watson to her Sherlock Holmes. Regarding Yo's recent health decline and the fact that she's on her fast again. It seems to me that your body needs nutrients to run efficiently and effectively in combating disease. Do you think it has occurred to anyone in her circle that her cleanses are a really, really bad thing for her to be doing?
  24. Besides using her hands, what made it even better is that she was making 5 lbs of chicken salad for two people to eat before they went to the prom. As I recall, the kids did not eat anything because they were going to have dinner at the prom. Ridiculous every which way.
  25. I want to thank everyone for posting here - I really learn a lot from all of you. Your comments make me think deeply about some things that don't come up/aren't discussed between me and my family/friends. Two questions about Kim: 1) By bringing Brandi to the Hilton family Christmas party, isn't she trying to recreate Gay Mixer Night? Why bring a "date" that your sister doesn't get along with to a fun, relaxing holiday event unless you are trying to stir up trouble? At least Kyle was smart enough to stay away and not feed into this. It looks like a giant FU to Kyle from our sweet little Kimmie. 2) There was a post about three pages back that quoted a friend of Kyle's saying that Kyle has been worried, not about Kim taking Monty's cancer medication, but lying about the scenario and being back on Xanax. Reading between the lines, it seems that Kyle has seen Kim acting/looking that way before and that was the cause. I don't know much about Xanax except that it seems to be a drug of choice in BH and that Brandi took/takes it for anxiety about flying (Hawaii trip?) and washes it down with champagne (not recommended? Ha!). Could Brandi and Kim be Xanax buddies? Is this why Kim claims sobriety because she is not drinking but taking Xanax doesn't count because she has a prescription?
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