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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. Whoever the mother of Carly's first grandbaby is I really need it to piss her off. Id rather Brenda come back with a Mikey spawn than Ava conceive a Morgan spawn. Either way, we must eventually have a SOARSed Joslyn sleep with and get pregnant by Jason. Carly's daughter having Jason's baby when Carly never had a child with him is the perfect cumupence for her.
  2. I might be coming back from the barge later this week becsuse according to my cableguide, on THU, "Carly attacks Ava". I kinda want Carly & Ava to get into a fight at the top of those stairs at the nurse's station and for Carly to "push" Ava down them, causing her to loose the baby.
  3. I am genuinly baffled that they arent doing Samtrick right now. The soapy gpodness that would result when Robin & Jason return, especially given Patrick knows Jason is alive, is too good to pass up. So of course Cartini aren't doing it. Just like they aren't exploring new familial connections.
  4. Did anyone see what the actual at post at TWoP was? The last one I saw was a beautiful rant by Box. Poor TWoP; lured down to the docks, shot in the back and kicked into the icy harbor to die. Unfortunatly there's no super sekrit spy organization waiting to retrieve the body.
  5. My spec is that this week, TJ will learn the "truth" that his mother was a drug dealer simultaneous to the audience learning the truth she is actually an undercover agent.
  6. Does Jew-lee-ehn know that his daughter & Sonny had a child that died?
  7. According to my cable guide, on Wed Jordan meets with Anna. So I definitely think Ulkis is correct and she is undercover.
  8. Can someone explain to me like im Sonny how Dr. O now owns the hospital?!?
  9. Actually, TJ's last name was "Ashford" before Ron took over. So at least in this instance he's not the name saying "f you" to the fans.
  10. Oh yeah, I guess Michael is running that restaurant with three tables and two barstools. Have they even talked about or shown that since last fall though?
  11. They don't actually have to show Keeks, Maxie, etc working. Just make some comments as to having one. I think TJ is the only one of the teens and young adults that actually works. Molly, Rafe, Maxie, Keeks, Mikey, Morgan, Lucas and Lulu are all unemployed. Pathetic. Jordan may or may not be a drug dealer and Shawn may be a hitman, but at least their son has a work ethic!
  12. Honestly, given Ron's total disregard for continuity, characterization and general realism, I wouldnt be surprised if "Luke" was revealed to be Mary Mae Ward!
  13. There is no "alleged" about it. Franco ordered one of his minions to rape Michael in prison. He also personally allowed Sam to think he raped her. I don't care how many tumors and videotapes Ron pulls out of his ass; I know what I saw on screen.
  14. Considering how many actual politicians and beaurocrats actually do have criminal records, ex-con Victor as head of the WSB isn't that far fetched. Did Victor ever kill anyone? If so, im sure the voters of Massachusetts would elect him to the Senate!
  15. If the show lasts long enough, Sonny will probably shoot Rocco, screw Joslyn, and turn Danny into his newest hitman.
  16. I would definitely come back from the barge if Ingo Rademacher came back and Morgan changed his name to "John Jacks". Heh, Dante and Kristina don't use Corinthos. Itd be awesome if Michael changed his to Quartermaine and Morgan changed his to Jacks.
  17. I really hope "Luke" isn't Papa Z for a number of reasons: For starters, it would be pretty difficult to retcon his death. Second, the character had reached his expiration date by the he was killed. And lastly and most importantly, while Papa Z was lecherous, creepy, and evil, Bruce Weisz brought a bizarre likeability to the role, something that Tony Geary just isn't bringing at all.
  18. Seriously, there is nothing lower than fucking your son's girlfriend in the crypt of the man you murdered in cold blood. As much as I hate Sonny, I never fathomed that he'd sink this low.
  19. Its a good thing I didnt see Sonny in the Q manse yesterday or I may have thrown something. Its bad enough the bitch has 7 sets of his own, now he has to infest the home of the woman whose children he killed. Yes, I know Jasus and Emily didnt die by his hand, but they were killed because of Sonny. I also think there is an argument to be made that Alan's death is also Sonny's fault.
  20. I wouldnt be surprised if "Luke" murdered Ned, but Cartini would have to be incredibly dense to kill off Tracy and/or Monica at this point. I expect both to exit stage left sooner rather than later, but I think they'll both leave alive.
  21. I think itd be awesome if the sonava(bitch) sex sent ratings low low low. More importantly, I hope that the embargo on spoilers actually hurts the ratings. I get not wanting viewers to know every twist and turn, but teases and hints are fun. If the viewers don't have any idea at all as to what is coming up, what incentive do lapsed viewers like me have to tune back in? Its like last summer when I came back from the barge for Figment!Georgie, the show was pretty bad at the time but I stayed because spoilers had some great some coming down the pike and then in August, the show starts getting good again.
  22. Lillybee, I think your auto-correct changed "shitty" to "shiny". I remember last fall/winter-ish, Keeks asked Silas for a job; did she ever get one? Is she at least taking classes at PCU? Not that I actually need to see these people in general working or going to school, but at least give the characters a purpose and direction. A simple line about studying for semester exams would satisfy me.
  23. I guess Nathan Varni really did clamp down on spoilers because beyond the NB taking place generally sometime in the next few weeks, it seems nothing is known about the show. During the Guza years, I swear we would know exactly what was happening in May Sweeps weeks ahead of time.
  24. I wouldnt classify hating Sonny as an "unpopular opinion", but still, welcome to the fold! Your No Upper Limit on Sonny Hate membership packet will be arriving shortly.
  25. I really like KG and BH, and I could begrudgingly except Dr. O doing a number with Nurse Vebber if one hadn't just shot the other! What is the following act going to be, a comedic re-enactment of the time Sonnny shot his son in the chest?
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