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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. Felix Spencer Sean ETA: at the beginning of each round, can we get a list od who has been killed already?
  2. As I have said before, they shoumd just re-dress their existing apartment sets and explain that thess other people moved into the respective buildings. For example, if Dante could afford his loft on a cop's salary, then Nathan should be able to afford a place in the same building. Just swap out the furniture, maybe put in a smaller bed and put in peice of exercise equipment.
  3. For some reason my dvr recorded Days yesterday, so I watched, and wow the acting . . . Aside from Alison Sweeney and "Kate" it was just horrific. The guy with the plastic face from TPiR makes Jimmy Deshler look like Jason Thompson. But seriously, aside from AS and "Kate" all of their actors were horrifically laughable. Maybe KA should go to Days becsuse shed look like an Oscar calibre actress in comparison.
  4. Cableguide spoilers: Mon: Maxie makes a startling announcement. Tue: Patrick faces questions. Wed: Nickey is suspicious of Jordan. Thu: Patrick puts his life back together. Fri: Nickey warns Julian. *Im guessing Nickey is that guy from L&O?
  5. In case anyone was interested, we ended up hiring Bobbie. To make sure I wasn't being clouded by the GH factor, I had one of my colleagues interview her too and she liked Bobbie just as much as I did. And yes, her parents did name her after the GH character.
  6. Where is this new opening credits we were told about?
  7. Im really digging the Nathan/Dante bromance, especially the fact that they are bonding over their shared dislike of that douchetastic oompa-loompa with the cheap weave.
  8. Oh and I love how the US Dept Labor would have a huge problem with a nurse working a triple shift, but no agency, board, department at the federal, state, or municipal level has any problem with an international terrorist serving as Chief of Staff!
  9. I enjoyed Patrick & Anna's conversation and then them mixing it up with Dr. O at the end there, but I give total credit to JT, FN and KG. These awful writers certaintly don't deserve an ounce of it. The rest was, as Americans say, complete horse shit.
  10. When did Keeks cry over there Rafe? I havent seen KA crank out a single tear. She didnt when coleandhope died, and she didnt when Rafe died.
  11. I thought up some more character thread titles: Felix DuBois: Even Less Sex Appeal than Dorothy Zbornack Olivia Falconeri: From Bensonhurst, with Marinara Dr. Liesl Obrecht: One Bad Mutter (Shut 'yo Mouth) Dr. Monica Quatermaine: It's Her house; Alan Gave it to Her Epiphany Johnson: Black? Fat? Sassy? Of Course She Sings!
  12. Okay I remember Jax serving Carly with the papers last year but I cant recall her actually signing them. I know for sure they were still married when Jerry poisoned the water.
  13. Today's show was pre-empted nationally? is it just going to be skipped or aired tomorrow?
  14. IMHO, Rosalie comes across as, 'as long as I get paid, I don't give a damn what you do, and I don't get paid if you go to prison so shut-it'.
  15. The bottomline is that GH will remain on the air as long as it is the most economically viable option. The View is very expensive and is about to get a whole lot more so if Rosie gets what she wants. My personally theory is that ABC is setting the new View up for failure and then they'll lame the blame at Rosie's feet, cancel it and replace it with a third hour of GMA. So I figure GH is definitely safe at least another three seasons. They'll continue to cut the budget, and if ratings remain strong and it continues to be the most economically viable option, it will stay on the air.
  16. I am getting ridiculously excited for Comic-Con next week! My gf and I go every year and go a few days early and hang around San Diego and it is literally my favorite week of the year.
  17. Oh Molly, he definitely did deserve it. Rafe is finally dead, Sonny AND Freakco were off-screen, ME actually worked, Josslyn continues to be a total bitch, and we saw signs of the real Tracy. So all in all a good episode. That said, Keeks at the center of a love triangle is just laughable. I could buy Cappy & Mikey fighting over Maxie, Sam, Liz, Britta, Epiphany, Anna, Liesl, Magda, Rosalie, but Keeks? Witch, please. And who the hell stands around in their sleeping clothes with your ex-husband/new boyfriend's brother, especially when he is shirtless? Keeks, that's who. KT looks great with the shorter hair.
  18. Paul Lee is an idiot. He has publicly stated that he makes decisions based on what his wife wants to watch. In fact, he cancelled Reba McIntire's show Malibu Country in favor of that insipid show about the aliens, even though MC was cheaper, brought in higher ad revenue, and had better ratings in a lower HUT timeslot. Allegedly Mrs. Lee watches GH. As for Paul Lee talking about Cartini re-inventing GH, I think he is talking about the way they produce the show and the budget. Phelps notoriously ran way over budget and it took some crafty accounting, at the direct expense of O LTL & AMC, to make it look not so bad. Valentini has a much lower budget than Phelps did and he is bringing the show in under that budget.
  19. In regards to a primetime episode, there were discussions about airing one back in Sep 2012, then again in Apr 2013, but both instances involved plucking a regular episode and simply airing it at 10 as opposed to 2pm. In regards to Apr 2013, at one point an episode was tentatively slotted in place of a Castle repeat, but ABC ultimately went with the Castle repeat. That said, the fact that the network paid for RP & KSt to attend the Summer TCA speaks volumes about the support being given to the show. Additionally, the show is clearly doing an uncharacteristic slow-burn to a Nathan & Maxie pairing. So if we do actually get a primetime episode, I expect those two to be front and center.
  20. Well apparantly Chew & GH MAY be doing primetime episodes on Tue, Sep 16.
  21. As much as I like seeing Jew-lee-ehn interacting with his kids, can this show please stop having a parent & child discussing each others sex life? It was creepy with Sonny/Dante, Luke/Lulu, and it's creepy here. Lucas should have had that conversation with Lulu or Maxie, hell even Morgan since I believe they are both living at Carly's. He and Julian could have talked about Lucas finding a jov, Tony, Cheryl, really so many topics. Anyway, i really need a hellmouth to open up in Port Charles and swallow up Levi, Sean, Freakco, and Sonny.
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