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Everything posted by Leilani

  1. Stephanie's friends are as awful as she is.
  2. Well to be 'clear' David was all over the place on the 10 hour leak saying he never gave her any money during their 7 years of knowing each other but then would drop giving her $3k over the course of their relationship/friendship, not a relationship, off and on relationship.
  3. The same 300 men in everyone's comments on Instagram about love spells that work and how to trade Forex.
  4. David warning Yolanda about being scammed, irony thy name is a smelly pleather coat.
  5. Erika looks really pretty. It's cringe having all these delusional idiots comment about each other.
  6. Let's not forget Rose sleeps on the floor on a thin mattress with fat rodents, takes cold showers with a bucket, and washes her clothes by hand on the street and has a young son to care for but is still willing to walk away from Ed. He must be horrific behind the scenes.
  7. Tita in pidgin: Definition: an attitude or way of life where a local woman acts very rough or masculine. Pidgin is her first language
  8. How is Rose poor and has better teeth then all the people on Mama June.
  9. So what if Rose is bisexual vs Ed and his supposedly 26 year celibacy.
  10. For Yolanda I'm gonna need receipts that she was on a venilator or that there was ever a Williams and not just her and a friend she asked to go along with the charade so she'd have a storyline.
  11. Pretty sure Lisa is on this chat right now, lol.
  12. Xfinity scheduling has PILLOW TALK for PART and Par 2.
  13. David and Cesar admitting they are sex tourists lol Yolanda and Cesar out here thinking they're better then David and that HE'S the one that's delushional. Oh the irony. Usman's was hard to understand. BGL a bitch. David is retiring because after the slow all this customers will be dropping his services.
  14. When you think of Narcisstic Personality Disorder, you don't think it would look like Lisa, but I'm pretty sure that's what's happening there. I'm bored and looking for the link to that 10 hour leak, anyone know if one is still working? Nevermind the link at the top works! Thank you.
  15. God Evilyn is such a bitch which does not mean I'm a fan of cuckold Corey. They both suck and are toxic.
  16. Sorry quarantine has made me brain dead,
  17. Brittany did she say she was dating 85 year old men and now dating a foreign one younger then her? And the old guys like her braces makes me wonder if she was a sugar baby.
  18. I like these couples, they seem more genuine then fakey mcfake Yolanda and cross eyed Ash and pleather David and fake bisexual Stephanie. The 56 year old gay man looks great for his age and his grown invitro children all seem normal and happy. Armonda is only 5 years older then his girls I think.
  19. Here's a recent photo of Justin from his IG.
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