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Everything posted by Leilani

  1. This is Angela with the cameras on. There is no doubt in my mind she is more physically and verbally abusive off camera.
  2. Pillowtalk is unwatchable with Ed and his mother. I do like Tim and Veronica.
  3. Michael out here willing to be a cuckold for a green card.
  4. Someone explain to me what Andrei needs to apologize for, I'm totally lost.
  5. Oh I see no court, just silk blouse and black leather pants in the married attorney's office.
  6. Jess: Bye Debbie, Thanks for coming! Debbie: mmmm..hmmm.
  7. Andrei probably left over a woman and doesn' want to go over the details because Libby would pout even more.
  8. Dare I say Debbie looks moderately feminine in this blue sweater versus her regular flannal.
  9. What would induce Libby to select such an ugly color to wrap around her head.
  10. This angle they have of Libby's dad makes him look like he's Ed's father.
  11. All you need is a glass of water and the flies will all fly right in and drown.
  12. These friends look like they're paid actors, especially the one in the hitler mustache and nazi jacket. How very South African.
  13. These two look like they want to stab each other.
  14. Larissa the self proclaimed virgin with two kids.
  15. If your boyfriend needs a penis warmer, maybe he's just not that into you.
  16. Angela's heart necklace is too small, I can barely see it. #sarcasm
  17. WTF is Andrei in the wrong here in anyway? This is gaslighting.
  18. Not for tyrice and shavell. Oh I never saw this, now I'm going to have to go back and rewatch.
  19. Still can't grasp the twisted logic that Andrei is the one at fault for the craziness at the dinner table. What's wrong with Karine? The footage where she's wandering away and doesn't want to talk to anyone? I think at the tell all the doctor diagnosed it as pregnancy psychosis.
  20. Love that Pillow Talk is on right after the main show.
  21. I thought Jihoon said 'my fart' and not actually my 'fault'. 🤣
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