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  1. I'm pretty much hate-watching this show now. Dear Gary: EVERYONE knows what a mucus plug is (or can figure it out). How stupid can this guy be? He was too busy stalking potential friends in childbirth class to learn about mucus plugs and braxon hicks. And how many people does it take to (take apart and) put together a crib? They just took it apart, yet now they can't reverse the steps? So they are FINALLY having Eddie miss his daugher. "I can't even guess what size she is now." Probably the same. The writers probably kept her as a baby still. Thank God that Gary and his therapist were able to convince Maggie to go have her baby! (eye roll) This plot was so silly. Any first-time mom having contractions is going to get herself to the birthing location ASAP. Of course the whole gang stayed for the birth!! The bit with Alexa and the playlist was funny though. It was really wrong of Regina to postpone their Hawaii trip by using the points! She should have asked Rome first. I KNEW it was a bad idea for Tyrell to surprise his girlfriend! I predicted that ending. As a proud Beetle owner, I loved the blue Bug. The proposal was very sweet and romantic. Best part of the episode. But why did they cancel their plans to attend the birth?
  2. I loved the twist of Marienne faking her death! I did not see that coming. But how did Joe get out of the hospital and back to his flat in time to catch Nadia? I'm glad that Phoebe and Marienne got good endings. (for now?) Anti-Hero is the perfect song for this guy.
  3. 100% This was the case 20+ years ago when my children were born. I used a certified nurse midwife for three out of four births. One was in a hospital and the other two were in a birthing center (medical building) that was right next to a hospital and connected by a hallway. I loved having a midwife because they are with you during the entire labor, not just the end when you push the baby out. The midwives I had were excellent at their jobs. I can certainly see the appeal of a non-hospital setting for Maggie, who associates hospitals with her cancer treatment. My mouth dropped open when Gary "put his foot down". OMG Hell no, Gary. You don't get to decide where Maggie gives birth. This isn't the 1950s. I live in a large city and I also almost never see people I know, UNLESS it's 2 a.m. and I'm at the pharmacy in my pajamas, buying cold medicine. (true story) As for the show, I've just assumed they all live in the same neighborhood.
  4. So far, this season is boring me and I can't remember who all of these new characters are!
  5. (Patient's son is yelling in rage) "Hey, we have grief counselors!" She should have called security. I agree. How would he even be able to find the exact OR that Billie was in, much less get to it? Most hospitals have many locked doors that you need ID badges to open.
  6. I can't get past the ridiculousness of the childcare sitution. AJ just takes the twins to the hospital daycare without enrolling them first or filling out any paperwork? He doesn't even know that they are too young? Then his solution is to have his coworkers watch the babies all day at work, while they are ALSO doing their jobs as doctors and nurses? Have the writers ever taken care of a baby before?
  7. Did anyone else notice the piece of popcorn in Dan's lap when he was giving Darleen advice? It kept appearing and disappearing. Oops.
  8. Serena slept with Fred at that house in the country, right before she turned him over in Canada. So it's pretty clear that Fred is supposed to be the father. Good point! Maybe they don't know that Serena was responsible for Fred's capture.
  9. Yeah, June should say "Hey, let me know when you get your tormentor to no-mand's land and I'll be there!"
  10. My thoughts while watching: I'm confused. Serena lured Fred to Canada and helped them capture him. Wouldn't Gilead view her as a traitor? Why would she go back there? Now he has no husband and is about the give birth to a valuable child. If they don't punish her for betraying Fred, it seems like they would give her to another commander as a wife or handmaid. June agrees with me! It's interesting that Nick's wife (CC says her name is Rose) seems to know everything. Nick must trust her. So Janine and Esther will end up at the Putnams' house. I almost forgot that they have Janine's child! Aunt Lydia must have allowed Janine to go as a reward to her, to be able to see her child. It seems like that's the last thing the Putnams would want! Esther = June Jr. Commander Putman should worry about her biting off his fingers. I like the friendship between Janine and Esther and how Janine is teaching her how to stay alive. I think Janine really does like Esther and was trying to help. OMG. Poisoned chocolates?! Nick did get to see his daugher in person, not that long ago when he gave June the files about Hannah. I bet Serena wants to invite the commander who has Hannah to the funeral. (was that Commander Scott?) It will be broadcast on TV and Serean can subtly threaten to hurt Hannah. That will get to June. Wow, they went through with the funeral. I kept hoping that it was all a ruse to trick Serena and surrender her to Gilead to hang for treason. And I totally called it about Serena giving June a message about Hannha! Not subtle though. That was a huge F.U. (It's a great opportunity for Nick to grab Hannah and get go to Canada with Mark though!)
  11. I knew it!! I guessed that Victor's son grew up to be Vecna. I also thought the orderly was probably One. The surprise was that they were all the same person. I did notice that the Hawkins Lab victims looked the same as Vecna's victims. I should have put two and two together. I'm waiting for them to toss Max's headphones through the gate so Steve can blast some of Nancy's favorite music! Was anyone else yelling at the teens to hurry up and go through the gate?! They were just standing around, gazing up at their friends in a slow, casual way.
  12. You can use a hair dryer to dry paint quickly. We do it all the time at the craft studio where I work. I'm not sure if Kevin would have known that trick though.
  13. The Lumberjack Games look fun, but $5 for a plain hot dog? Wow!
  14. Subtitles said the guardian's name was David.
  15. I'm rewatching this season in preparation for Season 4 at the end of the month. I am noticing SO many details that I missed the first time around! For example, Commander Lawrence's Martha, Beth, makes a comment to June about having her tubes tied and it's a good thing she can cook or she'd have been upstairs at Jezabel's instead of in the kitchen. Wait, what? Sure enough, there she is in Season 1 at Jezabel's. She's the Martha that Nick talks to and she tries to kiss him and he says "not tonight". In a later episode, Beth cooks him dinner while he waits for Fred and June to finish at Jezabel's. She notices that Nick likes the handmaid. So she must know who June is, even if June never met her. And they've both slept with Nick. Interesting.
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