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In the episode right after Kody and Robin got married, the OG took all the kids for a picnic. Breanna sat down where Paedon had been. He very forcibly got in her face about “his spot.” Standing over her, talking loud, being intimidating. Bully behavior. Logan told him to chill out, and laughed off his behavior. If they showed it, I have to believe it wasn’t unusual behavior. Christine told him that if his “bad behavior “ around Dayton (code for bullying?) didn’t end, Dayton could choose to go live with his dad. At which point Paedon started walking to school with Dayton. Christine wouldn’t let Gwen stay back from the wrestling meet because she would be alone with Paedon. I think he was a bully, maybe still is. Meri nursed Madison. Gwen likes her, and can be seen cuddling with her on several occasions. Ysabelle and Breanna were over the moon when they got to go on an overnight at Meri’s, who had designed an entire room with them in mind. She has always created a special place, set aside for the younger kids. At the first house in Flagstaff, some of the girls asked which room would be theirs when they visited. Robin’s older girls chose to sit on her lap whenever the whole group was together. Does she have favorites, in a group of seventy eleven children? Probably. Are there a few she would rather not hang out with? Probably. Was she a danger to anyones life? I doubt it. Was she the strict parent? Probably. Three other adults ought to be aware enough to step in if she was dangerous. We need the Browns to define safe.
I keep remembering Noodles saying, in several early episodes, that “Comparison is the thief of joy.” Yet, lately, all he can do is compare every wife to perfect Nelly.
Wow! Just caught Savanah’s face when Kody was going on about buying Christine’s house. Standing between the two of them. That girl is a warrior. Kody better watch himself.
Loved Mykelti’s eye roll. Tony didn’t know where to look. Kody just can’t let it go for a minute, can he?
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Pictures of Logan’s wedding https://soapdirt.com/kody-brown-at-logan-brown-wedding-sister-wives/
Logan got married on the 22 of this month. Look closely at the pictures that have been posted. Sitting next to Janelle (who looked amazing, by the way) at the ceremony is Gabe. Nelly and Noodles are sitting across the aisle, behind the bridesmaids. Things that make you go hmmm…. and, in the photo Janelle titled, “my kids,” Noodles is nowhere to be seen. Hmmm….
This is the realtor’s on line photo of Meri’s back yard. Anybody else think it would have been perfect for Covid get togethers for the family? Play set for the tender age crowd, fire pit, out door kitchen. Plenty of space to gather while keeping socially distant. Even two slides - one for Truly and one for Sol and Ari. What good reason could Nellie and Noodles come up with to NOT use it? I bet Meri rented it with an eye towards having Sol and Ari come over for play dates. SMH.
Books and documentaries about polygamy: Let's gather them here!
lindalouwho replied to CouchTater's topic in Sister Wives
Stumbled onto this doing a google search on the AUB. In August 2009, the Utah Attorney General put together The Primer: A Guidebook for Law Enforcement and Human Services Agencies who offer Assistance to Fundamentalist Mormon Families. https://www.mrm.org/aub Interesting background reading. -
Kody wants 50/50 with Truley. Let’s do the math. Christine is one of four wives. 365/4 is 91. 91/2 is 46. 46/7 is 6.5. Six and a half weeks. Pretty much summer vacation. Now, let’s look at the logistics. Where will Truley stay when her sperm donor has custody? Sobyn’s McMansion? Janelle’s trailer? Parawan with Meri? Get a lawyer, Christine. Take the videos of all his interactions with your daughter. Truley’s twelve. Any judge worth their paycheck will talk to her about her preferences. My guess is that when he asks if she wants to spend time with her dad, she’ll revert to her usual answer. “No, thank you.”
He realizes he has a crap relationship with Ysabelle. It is Christine’s fault. He can’t commit to taking her to college. It’s COVID’s fault. Christine is leaving him. Because she had a bad attitude and didn’t watch Robin’s kids. I’m seeing a pattern here.
Christine watched seventy eleven kids, teenage Logan to five year old Savanah. She homeschooled them. She cut coupons. She did the shopping. She did the cooking. She canned. She ironed his shirts. She did the laundry for her five, herself and Kody. She worked nights. She asked Kody for help and he said no. Aspen stepped up, at ten years old, to help run her house. She loved Kody a lot. She created a truce between the original wives. She tried to make nice with Robin. Robin didn’t want anyone else influencing her kids. Kody calls her a Princess with pms who wants more than her fair share. He will allow her to get a new lover, she just has to bring him to Flagstaff, to be with the family. Even though most of her family is in Utah. And she has to promise that this new lover won’t take Kody’s money. Who writes this shite? Even soap operas are better thought out.
He married her for her pedigree, not love. He’s going to lose face if she leaves him. “This furniture is mine.” Explains why Christine left it all behind when she went to Utah. Breaking up what family? They’re all married, working or at university except Truley. Am I supposed to believe he suddenly wants to spend time with her? And, yes, she can take her. You’re not legally married, and I doubt you’re on the birth certificate. So busy trying to make Christine look bad he doesn’t hear how awful he makes himself look. What a complete loser.
Janelle Brown: Smarter Than Your Average Brown (Maybe)
lindalouwho replied to Rhondinella's topic in Sister Wives
That’s quite the bar behind Christine. Thought Mormons didn’t drink. -
Regarding the Faure “Pie Jesu” discussion, try to find the Victoria de Los Angeles version. Sublime.
Things that make you go hmmm…all comments have been removed from ALL her IG posts as far back as I looked. I guess avoidance is one technique for pretending you’re not a mean girl. Too bad she can’t shut down this site.🤣🤣🤣