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Everything posted by Diane

  1. Really liked it. Loved that Dean was texting Mom. Surprised that Magda was alive too. So sad that damn BMOL guy killed her, get rid of them. Ugh. I also enjoyed that we stuck with the one story and didn't bounce around. Also loved that Dean said yes we know God (because you know they do really well). Good episode.
  2. @Mick Lady so glad you are joining us this week, we have missed you!
  3. Crap, I know this, but I have pink already. I shall wait to give @SueB a chance to come up with it. @SueB it is during the Bobby years.
  4. ++ Hello, Cruel World ++ Born-Again Identity -- French Mistake 35 - Weekend at Bobby's 25 - Slash Fiction 19 - Time After Time 17 - Born-Again Identity 09 - Hello, Cruel World 03 - Appointment in Samarra 01 - French Mistake Sent to Purgatory to hunt more monsters Mommy Dearest Meet the New Boss Frontierland
  5. Yep, I have to say it was the most diverse crowd for a concert I have ever seen. Wide range of age groups and both sexes.
  6. I did too at a Billy Joel-Elton John concert at the Razerback stadium in Arkansas.
  7. I don't think this was negative in anyway for Dean, but then I don't see the show as a negative as it at least seems that you do. I don't think that the show favors Sam over Dean so I am going to leave it at that.
  8. I agree, I don't think anyone was calling Mary a thing. Dean was just for once can't something just be good, just make us happy without all of the baggage. This I totally disagree with, but obviously YMMV here.
  9. ++ Born-Again Identity ++ Hello, Cruel World -- French Mistake 35 - Weekend at Bobby's 23- Slash Fiction 19- Time After Time 15 - Born-Again Identity 11 - Hello, Cruel World 03 - French Mistake 03 - Appointment in Samarra Sent to Purgatory to hunt more monsters Mommy Dearest Meet the New Boss Frontierland
  10. No clue, here. Wow that is way to detailed, also glad I have orange.
  11. I like Hello, Cruel World, it brings back in Jody, it shows us what the Leviathans can do. It has some really wonderful brother moments and some great lines: DEAN: Whoa, whoa! Sam! This discussion does not require a weapons discharge! DEAN: Hey. I am your flesh-and-blood brother, okay? I’m the only one who can legitimately kick your ass in real time. You got away. We got you out, Sammy. Believe in that! Believe me, okay? You gotta believe me. You gotta make it stone number one and build on it. You understand? And then, DEAN (on phone) You cannot be in that crater back there. I can’t... If you’re gone, I swear, I am going to strap my Beautiful Mind brother into the car and I’m gonna drive us off the pier. You asked me how I was doing? Well, not good! Now you said you’d be here. Where are you? Born-Again Identity because we get to really see just how bad it is for Sam, yet he holds it together just enough to save someone else. Meg, comes back and I am probably not supposed to like her, but I do and I love her with her Clarence. Castiel has remorse and takes Hallucifer for Sam. Two of my favorite episodes from season 7, but then I really liked season 7.
  12. ++ Born-Again Identity ++ Hello, Cruel World -- French Mistake 33 - Weekend at Bobby's 23- Slash Fiction 17 - Born-Again Identity 17- Time After Time 11 - Hello, Cruel World 07 - Appointment in Samarra 05 - French Mistake Sent to Purgatory to hunt more monsters Mommy Dearest Meet the New Boss Frontierland
  13. I love Born-Again Identity and Hello,Cruel World. But I also really love French Mistake and Appointment in Samarra. This one is just really hard, I can't imagine voting off Jensens first directing episode either, ugh.
  14. ++ Born-Again Identity ++ Hello, Cruel World -- Weekend at Bobby’s 31 - Weekend at Bobby's 21 - Slash Fiction 17- Time After Time 17 - Born-Again Identity 13 - Hello, Cruel World 05 - French Mistake 03 - Appointment in Samarra Sent to Purgatory to hunt more monsters Mommy Dearest Meet the New Boss Frontierland
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