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  1. one more observation is the last scene Colter running with his surf board towards a very calm lake , not a surfable wave in sight lol
  2. Another Taylor Sheridan Drama
  3. I agree with you there , no way raylan would hook up with her, his history of women were southern blondes. just no
  4. It's dark and moody hard to see, well Detroit is dark and moody lol, but in reality this was filmed in Illinois not Detroit no doubt better tax write offs there. None of the original cast except Timothy is in this so no surprise cameos sorry. I do miss the snarky talkback Nick Searcy and TO had in the original though. Hopefully this isn't a one season only but with the strike and all who knows.
  5. wow this show has really gone downhill what a complete mess, no wonder Henry Cavill wanted to leave. His duel was a complete ass whipping on the Witcher he is suddenly weak in his own show lol. Not looking forward to the end I fear disappointment will be in abundance. PS. Won't Watch the Liam debacle whenever this strike is over, im out as of 3rd season final scene.
  6. so this is supposed to be pre james kirk years, and its the same ship but this show it looks nothing like the old enterprise in fact it looks like twice the size and the engine room looks like a totally different ship. its not scottys engine room lol. apart from the sets not fitting its still got the star trek lore, finding civilizations and when needed help them out.
  7. yea my bad i didnt mean dennis miller brain freeze I meant Leary. Thinking leary's song Im an ass$%le LOL
  8. I don't get Pedro Pascal even being connected with this show. he pretty much never seen, so his actual participation is meniscal. I know the lore is the never take your helmet off but come on, alone in your space ship, by yourself at your new home, and (Gus) Forces the helmet off katee sakoff but doesn't Pedro? new flash he isn't even behind that so why even use Pedro in this show? Not seeing Pedro in this show that's what ticks me off.
  9. Diane Farr was in another firefighter series called Rescue me, starring Dennis Miller, remembering the way they mixed drama and action was pretty good, to bad Fire Country can't get some of their writers to help this show out.
  10. Tom Selleck really got to show some very good acting between him and Joe Hill, showing emotion when talking about his deceased son, you could see him near tears but not quite, a true actor he is. Need more emotional scenes, don't see that so often on bloods.
  11. I am still amazed at Tom Selleck still at it, but as I watch Bloods it seems he always looks so tired, am I wrong? Don't know how much longer Tom can keep working on this series.
  12. How convenient that drowsy Driver just happens to pick the Firehouse to Crash into, of all place in town lol. Oh yea also he happens to have the same issues the Cap has working OT to make ends meet. too funny
  13. It cracks me up so many of you here Hate Watch this show so much. Guess you all get a kick out of that, me, if I hate a show as much as you all, id have quit by now. Being a long time watcher of Medical shows, it's not up there with the ERs, St. Elsewhere, or Chicago Hope's but between The Resident and this show, I ll take it . Glad your Journey of hate watching it almost over. enjoy.
  14. Didn't see this show on Forums so thought i would start it out, Tension filled action drama with excellent cast. A Woman is Kidnapped while doing research in Columbia, Military brother and her Military husband try ever trick in the book to get her back.
  15. Sure enough I was right Apple just Cancelled it, This forum is officially closed lol
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