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Everything posted by OhYouMen

  1. Yes, this is my thinking, too. In the world that the show presents, with a situation that "deserved" punishment, there really wouldn't be an expectation of needing consent, right? I mean, it's not my favorite scene from the book, but it does shade Jamie's character a bit and gives the reader/viewer a chance to be frustrated by him. The show probably played it too much for laughs, but since this episode was his POV, I was more ok with it. The scene with Laoghaire, on the other hand, really made me irrationally rage-y. I really can't stand when heroes/heroines are tempted to cheat with characters who seem to exist solely to mess things up for other people. Granted, I do think the fact that he didn't blow her off right away was probably realistic and right for the show. And it seems like the show is trying to flesh out the character a bit so that we don't just see her through Claire's eyes. But I could definitely feel my blood pressure rising during that scene. I think we also missed a bit of Claire's fretting over Laoghaire and the nature of what her marriage with Jamie will be, since we were in Jamie's head and not hers. It seemed like the show could have taken its time a bit more with this part of the story because it's a real turning point in their relationship.
  2. Forgive me if I'm forgetting one of Char's looks, but I'm not sure I see the connection between her output and the Tom Ford... I really wish I did see a bit more ingenuity in Char's looks. I like her spirit. But I don't think she has a specific enough idea of who her customer is. Many of you are bringing up "Fly Girl." I wish she did that and could be that zeroed in on an aesthetic. That would probably be amazing. I just don't see it in the ill-fitting romper with the Italian fabric or the sheer panels. I think she needs some time and guidance to find her voice, whereas I get the sense that the other three designers seem to have more specific POVs.
  3. I was rooting for Char until, at some point, I realized that Char is not a good designer, nor is she a good stylist. She has two looks (too-short romper and one-shoulder dress), neither of which have anything to do with what is going on in fashion today. She is somehow able to style herself pretty well, but everything she has presented on this show has looked like it came from a mall in 2005. She just doesn't have the visual vocabulary of a designer, which you can maybe get away with if you're an outsider artist (like Patricia Michaels or even Sandya) and have a strong point of view that has nothing to do with the fashion industry. But Char doesn't have that either. It's almost like her references come from Bebe or even the clothing section of the Victoria's Secret catalog. What Char needs is some formal training, maybe a scholarship to FIT. She has a great attitude and a lot of potential, but she's not ready for a collection at Fashion Week.
  4. Aside from the ridiculousness of a sudden "honeymoon tour," which y'all have already mentioned, one thing that really annoys me is the cheap way the concerts are staged. The screens in back literally just say "Luke Wheeler," as if a sixth grader was fooling around with a wacky typeface in powerpoint. That is not how arena tours look and it really wouldn't be that hard to create some kind of vaguely realistic look for a tour that is featured on screen so frequently. The art direction on this show is just sad sometimes. Also, what in the world is happening with Scarlett's hair/wig? She'd look so much cuter with a bob or something. I was pleasantly surprised that they cast an older actress as the backup singer, but I find it hard to believe that Luke Wheeler would hire her as opposed to some young thing. She is probably age appropriate for Deacon though.
  5. Did I read too much into Sansa's badass makeover, or did something happen with Littlefinger after that conversation about why she helped him?
  6. Yeah, you know, I think that character could be so much more effective if written just a bit more sympathetically and acted by someone else. The combo of blandly evil Hudson + cartoonish writing is just over the top and charmless.The character needs either a) sound business sense or b) at least one (non-physical) attractive quality. If he doesn't have either, I don't buy Jeff as a person in this world at all.
  7. Right? Last time, the producers clearly went after the women who would have to deal with risks to their careers by assigning them to pose nude. This time around, Andi has no issue with the coerced nudity and is whooping it up?
  8. Okay, so what is Luke's game at this point? It seemed like he was up to something for most of the season, so his actions in this episode just didn't make sense. Is it possible he was being sincere about his feelings? Does he have the time and inclination to run an incredibly long con on Rayna for some reason?
  9. This show is so freaking lazy about creating a sensical world. The writers are just insulting our intelligence at this point. Scandal makes The West Wing look like a documentary.
  10. The Mickey Mouse lady is a classic. There was a couple looking for an investment property in New Orleans where the interior designer wife was obnoxious. In the last segment, when we saw the result, there was an enormous pop art style portrait of each member of the family -- exactly like J'aime Private School Girl. There was the "downsizing" couple who were obsessed with "private potties." A particularly annoying lady was fixating on a house that already had a doggie door, as if installing one would be a deal breaker. One of the most jaw dropping HHI episodes was a couple moving to an Asian country where the guy completed railroaded his girlfriend into choosing an apartment very far from her work. Her commute ended up being something like 2 hours each way and the guy simply didn't care. He just wanted this particular apartment, despite not needing to commute anywhere himself.
  11. Is it just me, or was it hinted a long time ago that Layla knew something was up with Will? Around the time she tipped off the media to Juliette's affair, I assumed she was also using Will with a plan to out him at some point...maybe to use as blackmail/leverage with Edgehill? I get that the show is about as realistic as Scandal, but how are these performers just deciding to "go on tour" at random times with zero planning? Or was this latest tour with Juliette the remnants of the tour that was ruined months ago?
  12. Seriously. Aside from that one time she was a playwright, all of her plot lines revolve around a man falling for her because she's so...? But yeah, taking someone out to dinner to announce your engagement is a bit awkward. That's a phone call or a quick meet up for coffee, dude. Why aren't Sydney and Victor meeting with a therapist? Why isn't Max meeting with Dr. Abbott but Hank sees him regularly to talk girl problems? I am seriously disappointed with the way this show presents a scenario where there's no support for these kids other than their crazy parents.
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