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Everything posted by neona

  1. it cracks me up that they dug up and read Barnicle's vintage movie review like it was a Dead Sea Scroll. it was beautifully written tho. I'm still sending telepathic waves to get him to move his damn head, this torturing of art geeks is not cool The backdrop grass is green again!! this literally cheered me up. i love spring and light and colors. it's been the shittiest winter in the history of winters. So nice to see Elise Jordan back, where the hell has she been? she's one of those contributors, like High-lemann, who has great insights but also has a personality and a sense of humor
  2. i'm easily entertained and possibly also a bad person but the Dog Jesus thing cracked me up ahahaha. I think Mika is right, it's the juju... when Biden moved in, after they did the deep covid cleaning, sweeping for Russian bugs, removing big mac grease smeared on the walls and other, uh, questionable stains, dismantled the miniature golf course and replaced the red plastic toy phone with the real one for adults, they SHOULDA ALSO DONE AN EXORCISM. And Major would have been just fine. i liked the Hemingway segment. I wanna know what they actually mean by vaccine passports?? i'm generally for that, if it's like showing your paper vaccine card (or electronic version) like showing your ID at the door. buuut if it means some compulsory big data app you have to download where you click "I agree" to share all your medical data in all perpetuity, with third parties, etc, etc I'm against it. probably some of the skepticism would vanish if they actually clarified that, idk.
  3. yes i think this is established YMMV territory re: Mika, which is totally fair. I still think she's been screwed over in the past year, with being moved out of the main box, having to make her comments off-camera most of the time etc... but you're probably right she's the one who shoulda objected to all of it... But beyond that, it's still a lil rude to the other female guests IMO. Katty, Claire, Kasie etc are all interesting and multidimensional humans who should be included in sports, literature, movie discussions etc
  4. It kinda annoys me how Joe's fun small talk always excludes the women on set? he was like, I'm gonna ask everyone what they're reading! *only asks men*... I'm gonna do a music segment with Nichols, Pierce and High-lemann..! *dismisses Mika*... then the soccer segment he always excludes Mika even tho her trolling Roger is literally the funniest part. I mean, i'd like to know what Katty and Kasie and Errin are reading and listening to as well? Also Kasie is the hands-down biggest Star wars aficionado on msnbc and Claire McCaskill gives better and more punchy sports commentary than any of those word salad dumbasses Joe, Lemire and Barnicle...just saying..
  5. one frustrating thing is they kept removing the little clock in the corner! damnit MSNBC, I need that thing!! when i walk past the tee-vee i don't have time to stop and count to five and wait for it to reappear, ugh
  6. well, on the bright side, at least Willie is back!!! tho instead of hey, Willie, how are you? he gets Joe yelling at him...and us... while the people who actually deserve the yelling are the people who don't watch this show gaaaah ETA: seriously, who's "you"?? it's. not. us.
  7. on the "I can't"....this is basically short for "I cannot handle this", which in turn is a polite way to say "what the fuck" 😂... IMO a totally appropriate response to all Ted Cruz-related incidents, but ymmv. It cracks me up that he's basically a Disney villain brought to life. You can't make it up.
  8. omg I miss this!! and at some point there was also a "Hollyweird" segment. Oh and a hilarious segment where they sat at a smaller table and read random news headlines. And the "what did we learn today" thing where they all stood up and said ridiculous things. this is random but I need Barnicle to move his beautiful self a few inches to the right so I can look at his painting. It's been bothering me for like nine months!!! All I can see is the black background and the top of a head, sometimes a bit more. My best guess is a...baseball player, maybe a Norman Rockwell reproduction?? but I really have no idea bc I can't see it, dude move your giant head out of the waaaaay
  9. hmm I don't know much about how ratings work, but for my part it would help if it wasn't so low-energy and boring...siiiigh. At least we got High-lemann back today!! surrounded by flowers! To complete the picture I think he needs to get a laurel wreath and put it on his beautiful bald head. "dumb-assery" hahahaha, I love him!! I'm glad they finally got to the Georgia story, it took 45 minutes, yikes....
  10. It cracks me up that they all kept hyping this press conference like it was some kind of dramatic event. Dude. We all knew it was gonna be boring - and that.is.a.good.thing. I fucking love that Biden is a dull-ass, his absolute boringness is the most beautiful and reassuring thing ever.
  11. it's probably because Nicolle has been on vacation. Kemper you need to get a dog and name him Simon, Duke of Hastings, and then when you go for a walk in the park you can shout "your grace! your grace!"
  12. a lot of msnbc ppl are out this week, I think it's spring break for schools?? Willie, Nicolle and Joy etc have been off...though it's not like there's anything to do or anywhere to go gaaah. most likely they're all drinking wine and eating popcorn in their pajamas buuut they all kind of deserve that, it's been a rough few months tbh willie vacation speculations: - laying on floor taking deep breaths, being fed through tube - 2-week stay in sensory deprivation floatation tank to relieve stress of dealing w Joe and Mika - 2-week internship in accounting firm, where co workers are boring and nothing ever happens - intensive meditation spiritual retreat in Bhutan ETA: i just saw this new msnbc ad - https://youtu.be/iPvgZpJckS4 , Ali and Katy are so cute and funny they should have a shoooow. a bit like when MJ used to be cute and funny. I still remember their late-nite election coverage with ayman, it was so funny and smart
  13. i thought Mika did well with Gina Raimondo, she had stats and asked relevant questions, tbh she could be doing more of that type of prep for other guests too, i think that works better for her than freestyling the q's like joe. not gonna lie tho, it was a lil cringey when they all started praising her, yikes. But people like Nicolle and Kasie etc are always saying she helped them a lot, and i actually believe that's true I have to say these border discussions the last coupla days have been baffling to me. Joe kept talking about people "coming here illegally" , but Senator Murphy just came on and said these are kids who have presented at the border and claimed asylum, well doesn't that mean they're not coming illegally? and I saw on twitter ppl like Heidi P and Soboroff basically saying the increased numbers are a seasonal thing... idk, I mean it's totally legit for joe to be calling for immigration reform and have his opinions about what it should be, but why be so confusing about these basics, it makes the whole debate confusing imo...
  14. unpopular opinion buuuut i like Donnie Deutsch I feel like we'll hit peak normality again when he goes back to just gleefully and unselfconsciously doing crazy shit and not caring hahahaha.
  15. This Alexi McCammond shit is fucking nuts. tbh I almost wonder if she dodged a bullet - when I was a teen I religiously avoided any publication with the word "teen" in it, including this one, because that was a universal guarantee that the content would be dumb and condescending as fuck. So yeah most likely the demographics are the ones who aren't that smart anyway, lmao. I used to catch Alexi when I woke up early for the axios part of Kasie, and omg, she was speaking coherently and precisely about foreign policy, domestic issues, etc, with fluency and professionalism....oh my fucking god, MSNBC if you have any balls, bring. her. back. This. is. insane.
  16. anyhoo, sorry for ranting. Lemire made me laugh today first time in like years with his "soul of a yankees fan" comment to Richard Haas ahahahaha and Clarie McCaskill is awesome, except when they block her beautiful face out with vomit-inducing photos of Trump and Barr, seriously who the fuck wants those when *Claire* is talking??? It's like those reports we always got of intelligence briefings etc where they'd have to include DJT's picture on every page so he wouldn't lose his focus......stop.indulging.him.... gaaaaaaaaaaaah I like Dr B Mini Me. I'm happy they finally included his Russian/Eastern European policy credentials because only introducing him as the former Swedish ambassador sounded totally bizarre in context lmao. He's smart, and precise. I'm bilingual and i don't think I have an accent, buuuuut tbh the only thing I know about being bilingual is that it's complicated and most of the people with strong opinions about what it should mean or sound like are the people who aren't. Though I do think as family he deserves a warmer welcome?? like Dr B? idk why Joe and Mika are so weird and formal with him. I miss the fun "hi Dad!" days sooo much. Interesting to hear different perspectives re Joy. Idk, to me she is so cathartic, everytime I think to myself "that's some crazy shit", Joy will literally just straight up say, that's some crazy shit!!... there's no pretense. I guess maybe she does interrupt but to me it's more energetic and joyful interruption not the condescending kind. YMMV.
  17. I wish MJ and everyone would all stop tip-toeing around this filibuster shit and actually ask out loud what *everyone* is wondering - IF the Dems back down *now* on the filibuster and keep it out of politeness, respect, history etc -- how *likely* is it that the next time they're in power McConnell et al will get rid of it ANYWAY? I don't know and i don't know McConnell, so as a reporter if you do know and you do know him personally, that's really the only analysis i'm interested in...I'm so sick of faux-rhetorical questions and superficial takes. MSNBC ppl plz explain what's really at stake and stop being so fucking polite. I think this is what I meant above with spontaneous insights... I want the real deal not the shallow takes tbh. Also, will someone please ask Manchin if he's done any polling on his constituents to see if they actually have strong opinions about the filibuster?? and will someone please ask him why he apparently thinks keeping his job outweighs saving democracy for future generations? whyyy do they keep dancing around these questions on this show, it drives me nuts. idk. I think this is what i meant above about spontaneous insights, one thing about Joe and Mika in the old days was that they created a sort of environment where people would just blurt stuff out, and it would actually be authentic and accurate, or at least revealing. i can't imagine "stunningly superficial" or "what's aleppo?" kinds of moments happening in this new version.
  18. is it just me or has it been really dry and boring this week? I don't understand their post-DJT strategy of making everything as dull as humanly possible...it's all sooo...scripted and routine, no one goes off on any funny or insightful tangents... it sounds and looks and feels the same every day tbh no vibrancy or energy. no free convos between the hosts just this constant clockwork "so-and-so has a question, so-and-so has a question, alright thankyouverymuch" siiiiigh. there's no world-coming-to-an-end shit forcing ordinary people to tune in and at the same time it's no longer smart and funny enough for political junkies who already know what the news is.....so now it's in this dull in-between space imo... i catch Joy most nights and it's SO different, like she has all this energy where you can tell she loves her job, she mixes it up, she has this hilarious segment called "the absolute worst" etc etc. Anyhoo, maybe it's just that it'll take some time to adjust, idk. Appreciated Kurt Bardella today. And Julia Ainsley, for not being scared of asking for access and transparency and keeping her eye on the ball!!
  19. Did any of you catch either of these appearances? They were both scheduled on Friday night so I was out (carefully, masked, outdoors,) with friends, buuuuut I'd appreciate recaps or clips if anyone has them...? But my main question is why the fuck would Joe and Mika schedule competing events at the *exact same time*, so people had to choose between them, whaaa...? I find it so insane they don't realize that most viewers consider them a team...this new 2020 physical split-up thing is just nuts, it never stops being nuts... altho I have to say I really respect both Eddie Glaude *and* Katty Kay, both of whom have unique perspectives...but why are they both on, competing against each other, on a quiet Friday night...? they both deserve better timeslots and equal respect to present their respective perspective and academic work imo...
  20. Because I'm too lazy to google it, can someone please explain to me the relationship between Cy Vance, Bob Vance, and Joyce Vance? *tears out hair* include personal opinions and shade, I promise I won't snark. I'm just generally confused. I was cracking up Friday re Eugene Robinson on his wife's art: "it's a quilt....it's nice" DUDE, YOU WRITE FOR A LIVING. Clement Greenberg he is not, bless his heart. Imagine if WaPo gave him a column in the arts section: "the Mona Lisa...nice smile" "the Sistine Chapel...nice ceiling..." "Marcel Duchamp...nice. But the urinal in the men's room was out of order..." meanwhile, her name is Avis Collins Robinson and if you google her stuff it's absolutely stunning and fucking gorgeous, so Eugene clearly he married up, much like Barnicle
  21. https://www.theweek.in/news/world/2020/04/02/trump-hesitates-to-impose-national-lockdown-leaves-decision-to-state-governors.html https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/coronavirus-trump-says-some-governors-have-gone-too-far-lockdown-n1187596 https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-backs-down-after-cuomo-governors-unite-coronavirusk-response-n1183471 https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/judge-napolitano-trump-doesnt-have-right-to-override-governors-on-church-openings/ar-BB14trzL https://news.yahoo.com/trump-taunts-governors-encourages-lockdown-005005804.html https://oversight.house.gov/news/press-releases/oversight-subcommittee-investigation-reveals-how-trump-administration-deprived https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_vaccine#Vaccines https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/01/15/trump-vaccine-reserve-used-up/ https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2020/10/possible-fallout-from-trumps-dismissal-of-face-masks/
  22. i realized above i forgot to post an example of what I was talking about I mean it's so similar...? the main host is suuuuch an asshole but the show is actually pretty vibrant and interesting, structurally....they actually allow him and Suzanna (?) co-hosting together, there's give-and-take discussions with guests etc. Again, like a parallel universe!! Just to clarify re the politics rule, I'm not giving any opinion about the content, I just find the style etc comparison interesting!! ETA: and it seems today after he quit it's now an all-woman team!!! co-hosting together!! omg!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_k-1hPOBQM
  23. I watched a couple of youtube clips of this Piers Morgan guy talking about the British royals and hilariously he's basically the British version of Joe! his show *must* be some kind of MJ copy, it's sooo similar. I've only seen a few clips, but i really like the co-host Susanna, and they have a much nicer set than MJ, they actually worked around the pandemic in this really interesting way so they are in one frame, and they manage to get those kinda spontaneous arguments going rather than reciting-homework-style interviews... but tbh Joe actually seems much nicer and more down to earth than this guy, I mean at least he's more self-aware... but it's fascinating, it's like a parallel universe MJ!! Ainsley & Soboroff need pulitzers stat!! no matter what else is happening they never lose sight of those migrant kids, it's just this incredible focus and dedication the whole "it's gonna feel weird when we go back to normal" segment was nuts!! WTF, for most people, no, no it's not gonna feel *weird*, it's gonna feel like we've been held under water and are finally, finally allowed up to the surface to breathe again
  24. I was so annoyed by literally everyone saying, "I didn't watch the whole interview, but...." dude, that's the whole point of the neeeews, you're supposed to watch it so we don't have to *sigh*... what even the Buzzfeed story Kasie referenced at 7 am I literally saw while scrolling through my phone before the show..! on the plus side - Joe was relatively relaxed and pleasant today...aaaand starting the show w Meghan and Harry as the lead story struck me as a major Milestone in the Return to Normality...we're getting there ETA: i think this is the one she was talking about https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ellievhall/meghan-markle-kate-middleton-double-standards-royal
  25. xaxat, I wanna know what you take before going to sleep to give you glamorous badass West Wing-style dreams. Mine are all about missing deadlines, being late for shit, and being chased through the house by murderous clowns #dreamenvy
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