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Everything posted by neona

  1. It's a manner of speaking. it seemed relevant because the Cuomo allegations were compared to Joe and Mika and I was citing age as one of many factors why I personally wouldn't consider it the same at all...the main one being consent... of course a power imbalance might skew or invalidate consent, but I do think it's relevant that he isn't actually her boss, it's age-appropriate, they worked together for like a decade first...and there were no allegations of anything, and they ended up getting married...i just think each situation needs to be considered holistically, and IMO if that's deemed sexual harassment it undermines the fight against actual sexual harassment. but this is a huge and difficult subject and YMMV and that's fair... I was just trying to express what my impression is of the two situations (and of course that will include my subjective experiences) not diminish other people's opinions, i'm sorry if it came across that way... did we ever solve the mystery of the disappeared "Breakfast Nook" as Oakville used to call it?? the sorta diptych panel thing in the background with a glass desk for two? maybe they needed a third person there to organize it and covid prevented it? it was never explained!!
  2. Tbh I don't understand why LA is possible when NY or DC isn't, not even for the election... I liked this clip, he actually seems like a much calmer and friendlier person when interacting face-to-face with another human... which makes the current Tucker-Carlson-monologue setup even more incomprehensible gaaaaah
  3. Guys, Joe was one Bill Maher this Friday...physically present in LA, whoa...
  4. she wasn't dating Phil Griffin, as far as I'm aware. Anyhoo this is obviously a ymmv kinda thing since no one actually knows what went down... of course there are different opinions, and that's fair... I was just saying, to me, as "scandals" go, Joe and Mika's seems pretty lame, but I realize that's just a sort of overall impression on my part... imo the one-size fits all approach to workplace situations is ridiculous and actually muddies the waters...consent is the vital part... but ymmv, it was just my opinion or general sense of the situation, i have no special knowledge ETA: and yeah, cuomo is definitely a creep...again, just my overall impression of the situation... ETA 2: and yeah, actually, age *is* kinda part of it...? if you're old enough to be my dad, asking me out is generally creepier than if you're age-appropriate, failure for this to sink in is literally part of the problem?? idk
  5. I saw the Dolly Parton clip they played this morning on Rachel yesterday, but it never gets old!!! I love her. this is obviously a ymmv kinda thing, but the thought of Joe and Mika as some kind of sexual harassment situation cracks me up, they're like these weirdly co-dependent fifty-year-olds in a consensual relationship, seems pretty apple pie *shrugs* Claire is right about Cuomo though, wtf even was that non-apology apology, ugh... I'm glad she took the time to actually distinguish it on the facts from the Franken debacle, it's not even comparable imo good for Rattner for pushing back on Joe about the mininum wage. Also his *wall* is so gorgeous omg .... i'm pretty sure those are Matisse cut-outs from the Jazz series......I checked the Sotheby's website in the break and they had 20 prints up for auction in 2020 with a price estimate of $400 000 - $600 000, but no judgment from me, if i had money this is also what i would do with it (obviously I would also buy an ice cream truck, and a medieval castle with a moat)
  6. They covered a lot of ground today, but it was a lil bit dull... I wish they'd all let themselves breathe and laugh a bit but I guess it's taking a long time to kinda... uncoil the tension caused by the former guy. the voter suppression discussion was freakin alarming, ffs if this period now is basically just a short window of time to save democracy why is there no urgency about this?? gaaaah. It cracks me up that every room in Hamlet's house looks like a dungeon
  7. Yeah they did a couple of lectures and events i think... this kinda thing is pretty common to drum up publicity, raise funds, and improve networking opportunities for students and staff...but mostly what's required is just 2-3 lectures or public events *shrugs* haha tbh I am so thrilled and so thrilled for your family!!! I have this like "safe" column in my head and it's such a relief when I can put someone I know into it, like everytime it's a victory against the darkness of this year
  8. Kemper my friend just fyi the article was from four years ago, this Fellowship already happened....🙂
  9. I knew this was coming so I dvr'ed it so I didn't have to deal with Joe's yelling and Former Guy first thing Monday morning gaaah. Just watched it and whenever they cut mika out of the picture I knew pointless yelling was coming, so I just skipped ahead a coupla minutes till I could see mika again - this actually worked really well!! and I could also skip the intellectual torture and life-force vampirism of the fucking Former Guy footage, so win-win. I like Mara Gay, i hope they make her a regular. Roger Bennett is the Hugo Ball of morning tee-vee and also a perfect and adorable human. That is all.
  10. oh look ---> https://www.nbc.com/miami-vice/episodes Now watching episode one!! this actually sounds amazing. I am in favor of bringing this back. i'd pay actual money to watch Joe and Willie do the show in peach suits. Also, oakville, you need to make that pic your avatar. Your kids will never know!! Speaking of friends of the show, what happened to Harold Ford Jr...wasn't he actually cleared of the metoo allegations? it's strange they never brought him back. ETA: this is the cheesiest show I've ever seen. It's awesome.
  11. I'm so jealous of High-lemann's hotel room view...damn. That story about people "supporting" Neera Tanden by harassing a WaPo reporter is so depressing. Wtf is wrong with people so is Miami Vice any good? asking because I've watched the whole of Netflix. All. of. it. I don't really mind when Joe and Willie go off on obscure nerd tangents, it's cute haha he was just trolling, it's a running joke, whenever mika is off they say she's in the South of France ETA: i found a clip on youtube of one time they talked about it (tbh it actually sounds really scary like an Epstein grooming kinda thing)
  12. It's code for "they played golf". It's not the Da Vinci code. Nicolle is a pro, and one of the best in her field. I can't even.
  13. I'm #teamYamiche right now, mainly because of the look on her face while Joe was mansplaining misogyny. She's the ultimate consummate professional but if this was a cartoon there woulda been a thought bubble over her head filled with expletives, and rightly so, ugh. ahhh. OK, unpopular opinion, I honestly think Joe is coming from a good place and he has this genuinely optimistic worldview...I mean I actually like him. buuut also, most women watching those clips from the hearing will kinda shudder. Especially re Deb Haaland, it's not just *what* they said, it's *how* they said it. I kept feeling these guys were all on the verge of bursting out, "but it's just UNLADYLIKE language!!!".... when the guys do it, it's all water-under-the-bridge sportsmanship, when women do it, they never, ever, forget.
  14. sorry for snarking on Tiger Woods, Kemper, obviously he is an icon to many, I understand that. i was annoyed by the excessive coverage (and lack of info on the hearings!), i should probably have expressed it differently
  15. i forgot to say above, condolences and big telepathic hugs to our Katty Kay... i also live far from my parents and tbh her airport story was like a kick in the stomach for me. idk because of the pandemic sometimes when my parents call I don't pick up....not because I don't want to talk to them but because I have to pretend to be cheerful so they don't worry too much, and that's sometimes hard... but with her story I was like, no, I'm gonna pick up, i actually called them today myself. gaaaah I just want this all to be normal again of course not, Joe is a successful businessman who ran a lemonade stand in the third grade. He knows all about supply and demand. it was the most successful lemonade stand in all of Florida!! with his special skillz he turned Lemons into a Veblen good while simultaneously bankrupting thousands of citrus farmers. Or something.
  16. I think i learned more about the stimulus bill from listening to Paul Krugman talk for 5 minutes than from the entire past 3 weeks of the show... i love when they have people on who are actually knowledgeable. I liked joe today, he was less annoying than usual and relaxed and friendly with guests and actually let them talk!! For some reason the thought of Joe home alone cracks me up... i sorta picture him sitting on his porch, yelling at passers-by...doing Cicero-style monologues for mika's cats...heating up cat food in the microwave and eating it himself. tbh I'm surprised he managed to get dressed. btw Joe is right about Call My Agent on Netflix, it's hilarious!! my favorite character is Arlette, with her tiny dog, omg.
  17. thanks oakville, that's helpful. This whole Lincoln project thing is so confusing i honestly don't know what to think. watching Biden on MSNBC right now.... crying. it's like, on average, we're basically fucked... but also we're *loved* now.. so at least that's something....Brian Williams randomly showed up again, which is ok, but he better not take over my girl Joy's hour because we need her right now.
  18. I can't believe they let Kasie sit there for 20 min without letting her talk? they do this to Katty all the time, ugh. I was happy to see her tho i think she's been off or something Re: Mika i wish at least that Joe would make more of an effort to include her in the conversation, since he's the one who exiled her in the first place... whenever i see him in his giant-ass box in the middle I think of Hans Holbein's portrait of Henry VIII (thank you, art nun!!)...like why did he suddenly need it all to himself?? why is it bigger than everyone else's? Is this a "DJT needs two scoops of ice cream" kinda thing? Also today i swear to god, he invited Lemire to "watch baseball at *my* house"... yeah, *my* not ours, with Mika right literally there...like he's lord of the freakin manor, what an ass was he ever with the Lincoln Project? or was he just in that ad? Genuinely asking, because i'm not sure, and I couldn't figure it out on wikipedia...hmm ymmv but of the ex-GOPers Michael Steele is my favorite (*well him and Kurt B and Nicolle)... he's been very clear in his rejection of the DJT shitshow but he's combined his genuine outrage with this sort of humorous incredulity and sense of optimism...like he hasn't been pompous and aggressive and exhausting like Steve Schmidt and Joe and others...and because of this probably more relatable and effective imo... I thought Mika did really well in the last few mins with Madeleine Dean and her son, it was a beautiful segment unpopular opinion but i loved loved loved Roger Bennett's sweater...idk a lil bit of weirdness always cheers me up
  19. I liked Mika pointing out it's a total waste of a Senate seat... tbh the only thing that surprises me about the Cancun Cruz debacle is that he actually *brought* the kids, instead of leaving them behind in the cold dark house with that poor dog. In a way the story is kinda...satisfying because it's so clarifying. the hypocrisy is so visceral... this is who he is and there's no way to spin it and yeah, at least now everybody knows Hamlet just said the phrase "nobility and vannility" so he's on fine form today
  20. officially canceling the break thingy to be there to watch the trolling of Cancun Cruz tomorrow morning...i. can't. even. *headdesk* ahh I miss Bill!!! he had like the best sense of humor on the whole show, he used to troll Joe and Mika like a pro. Man it's just incredible how the trump era has drained the life and energy out of everyone
  21. i didn't watch live Kemper because I'm still on post-impeachment art nun peacefulness break, but just wanted to point out you can easily check this - when they're live they have a lil red box in the right-hand corner that says "live"....when the lil red box is *not* there, they are not live 🙂 🙂
  22. plumbago blues sending you virtual hot chocolate and hugs and warmth and courage. what a fucking year it's been, ugh!! hopefully it will make us all stronger. keep us updated!!!
  23. omg I miss that segment!! They would all just say whatever crazy shit came into their heads, it was hilarious and they would always come up with something quirky and insane. now they do this pompous-ass "final thoughts" thingy where no one ever says anything original. I was watching sister wendy this morning. should I nominate her for mika's forbes thingy?? She's definitely over 50, i think she's like 90, or maybe a 100, also going from nun to tee-vee art critic late in life is pretty badass eta: OH FUCK wikipedia says she died in 2018, nooooooo. is there a post-humous category. RIP 😭
  24. idk, how long have they been doing that, does anyone know? did they maybe start it before DVR, streaming, etc was common...I mean now it's like if you wake up a couple of hours later, you'd just start from the 6 a.m. hour anyway, so it's not like there are two cohorts of viewers waking up to watch at different time slots any more. And maybe they just never caught up with how that works now? And with so many people working from home during the pandemic, many just keep MSNBC on in the background all day anyway (in case the world is coming to an end!!!), I mean right now the assumption that the 6 a.m. people have left the house by 8 a.m. so you can just do a rerun is kinda moot and archaic... *cries* Also it was always strange to me that on the days like during the election when they would have pretty much *double* their normal viewers, up to like 2 million plus, they would never do anything special and would instead put on the most bland and boring shows possible, never trying to convince the new viewers that it was a fun interesting morning show with character, worth sticking around for on normal days even without breaking news...it was like noooo guys here's you're chance to impress, just be yourselves, and instead they would just act all weird and formal and awkward... go figure *shrugs*
  25. i'm on my no-news-in-the-morning-mental-health-break still so at breakfast I've been watching this old and weird but insanely calming thing I randomly found on youtube called Sister Wendy's Story of Painting, which is this like 90-year-old art historian nun (?) lady who travels the world and talks about famous paintings. she is basically the anti-Joe in every possible way, also for me art, beauty, traveling, people not shouting etc are the things I miss the most in this pandemic mindfuck, so it's nice... I do still like MJ tho so i think i will definitely come back to it in the mornings when things calm down. Imma check out some of my DVR of Willie this evening - any highlights, especially good parts? Anything i should skip? I watched all of Steph and then Joy's coverage of the impeachment trial Saturday evening, soooo is it mostly a rehash from this weekend or were there any interesting new insights or good segments? ETA: in case anyone is curious re the nun lady hahaha. it's adorable. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XfEgoHUKKk&list=PLTVULPvPrHJchb7Ozgk3Fh87pgUMRcLo8&index=8
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