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Everything posted by neona

  1. watching the Chauvin verdict special coverage, and I know I've said this before but doing this "Brian Williams swoops in like Superman!!" stuff is nuts and extremely tone deaf...and especially on *this* case. Nicolle is perfectly capable, and also in this case, if anyone is gonna swoop in, it should be Joy. ffs (i swear, I LIKE him. just, in his own timeslot?)
  2. Kemper how could you miss Nick Confessore....not gonna lie he's one of the few who can make the pandemic!beard! thingy work....damn
  3. i thought the discussion on classics was really interesting and important, buuuuuut also the entire panel was entirely composed of six men lol... given the subject matter that blindspot was uhhhh a lil ironic. Soooo where were the female academics this child of morning, rosy-fingered dawn?? busy at their looms? Also, Mika's "thank you Dr Scarborough, Dr Confessore" ahahahaha the shade *chef's kiss* ETA: just to clarify, I love the Odyssey and am perfectly capable of appreciating it in context without losing my mind about the bigotry and misogyny, my point was more that women also *read*, and should have a voice in this debate?! ffs
  4. Because of the exhausting yelling on Friday I decided (for sanity) on this crappy monday to go on a "joe-break" and watch on a time-lag and just skip ahead to watch the Mika parts (Willie wasn't there)....buuuut discovered with just the Mika parts it only took me 27 minutes to get thru the *entire* 3-hr show... who, who would accept this shit? being transitioned from *fulltime* cohost to being there like...1/6th of the show? for reasons no one has ever explained (except possibly joe thinks we're all in love w his magnified real!close face, which, in the a.m., no...just no.) I can't even. well, on the bright side, at least hopefully Willie will be back tomorrow! Anyhoo, so then I had to go back and watch the rest to get you know, the bulk of the news and I have to say at least the Van Cliburn segment was a genuine highlight....i had never even heard of this!! and I looked it up on youtube, and it's AMAZING, here is the complete White House recital: I skipped most of the Rachmaninoff bc tbh Rachmaninoff exhausts me, but the Brahms at 4.40 mins and Debussy at 19.30 mins are definite highlights and at 31 mins he actually sings in Russian LMAO. The whole thing is freakin incredible. Agghh every time i wanna give up on this show they do something weird and interesting like this. ....but also those moments are so few and far between these days, it's depressing 😞
  5. https://www.thedailybeast.com/cnns-new-day-morning-duo-brianna-keilar-and-john-berman-eager-to-take-on-bullsht-in-the-am New day is revamping, starting monday.... thoughts? i haven't watched it a lot
  6. Joe: Phillip Roth is the best American novelist of the past quarter century!! Toni Morrison: Hold. My. Beer. I can't even, ugh
  7. omg wtf, Joe was so fucking rude to a SITTING CONGRESSMAN. it's totally ok to have a different opinion, but maybe be.... polite about it? this format sucks so much!! Why can't we have Joe and Mika back together again on the show, for balance? i'm so sick of this apotheosis of Joe with no pushback.
  8. imma skip ahead in this analysis and just say Jim Jordan is a fucking sociopath, except the tee-vee ppl can't actually say that out loud 😞 they should tho.
  9. whoa they are all super stressed and tense this morning, are they all in a fight or something. It's moving so fast I'm getting whiplash grateful for Keisha Blaine though. Also Hamlet is actually making sense this morning ETA: omg there is definitely some drama, there hasn't been a single Joe/Willie/Mika interaction. ETA 2: yay Elise is here! with badass bookshelves, filled with actual real books. take note, Hamlet. tbh I automatically distrust any human who doesn't own books
  10. idk...seems a lil redundant to get high with either joe or mika, given their natural state, heh i'd definitely get high with Willie tho. Imagine the tea!! I'd also invite High-lemann, for obvious reasons
  11. I was a bit confused today about the J&J vaccine - Willie said it was a really small chance, like one in a million, for everyone.... but then Fauci also said all of the cases of the blood clot thingy were women 18-48? So... what is the *specific* risk for women 18-48? Like how many women 18-48 have gotten the J&J, and how many of those had this problem? just to clarify, i'm so inspired and grateful for the vaxx efforts and also pretty desperate and would definitely and gratefully take any vaccine offered to me... I just wanna know the specifics for my group and what to look out for, if you know what i mean. I'm glad they are being honest about this stuff, for me at least that actually does increase trust FWIW
  12. I wish Boehner's interview had been less gop-apologism and more "joe was a pain in the ass" stories -- i actually wanted to hear those! i'm obviously here for his backdrop of flamingos in Santa hats and Chihuly-style chandeliers but the interview itself was a lil softball imo. i can't believe Dr Survival Guy forgot the most essential item in his apocalypse backpack list: a wine opener!!! Anyone who's ever had to do it with a breadknife knows of what i speak
  13. it cracks me up that joe (who himself wrote a history book...) thinks Charlemagne is a magical time traveler who traveled back in time to attend the Battle of Milvian bridge in 312 AD.... 400 yrs before he was born, in 748 A.D. Dude. the whole burning cross thing he keeps citing was Constantine!! definitely not the same person... gratuitous beautiful fresco as evidence but also to cheer everyone up on this depressing monday https://www.museivaticani.va/content/museivaticani/en/collezioni/musei/stanze-di-raffaello/sala-di-costantino/visione-della-croce.html ETA: when you're too geeky, even for the internet *hides in corner*
  14. It's good. Normally I'm skeptical about cutesy "art heist" documentaries, because they're either poorly researched, super cheesy or consist mainly of boring interviews with lawyers from Switzerland. But this was actually well-structured and interesting. The vibe was pretty unique, they made it kinda eerie and sad and haunting... which is exactly the right tone IMO because art theft isn't cool, or glamorous, it's depressing as fuck. The music director of this series deserves an award for intuiting this. IMO there's no greater crime than stealing light and hope and beauty from countless future generations. The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum still keeps the empty frames up for the stolen paintings, and it's a gut punch.
  15. I can't believe Mika actually made a really coherent point about georgia, and Joe went, "well, that's an oversimplification". Dude. Oversimplifying is literally what he does!! - it's usually annoying, sometimes it's clarifying, but he's literally the one who always pontificates about "ignoring the ground noise, focusing on the signal", and Mika is like, hey, the signal here is a level five fire alarm that democracy is getting fucked over.... and in response he goes all hunched over and cringey and rude. Oh and then of course with the shitty format he just waves his hand and makes her disappear for half an hour. she shoulda punched him.
  16. I agree, I love him. tho he might've been a bit wasted on the MJ panel....actual question from Barnicle: "so who *created* the universe? was it god, galileo, or einstein?" <--- pretty sure Galileo and Einstein weren't trying to take credit for the creation part? Buuut he was so gracious and smart in all his replies and also he had this gorgeous galaxy backdrop that made it look like his head was floating in space, so it was a treat all the same.
  17. yeah, today was actually a really great show, which is surprising because yesterday was really, really awful. tbh I think it's that Joe is much better when he stops being a self-absorbed pompous ass and focuses on creating a fun and welcoming and relaxing environment for the guests to feel comfortable. makes a huge difference IMO and pulls out unexpected sides of guests.
  18. ikr. I don't know the details of everything, i mean hopefully they are mostly in the process of getting vaxxed now, buuuut what. is. up. with the rhetoric out there? I have family members who are middle school teachers working their butts off. If you meet someone who's an army vet people usually go "thank you for your service", not "but there were no WMD's why did YOU lie???" -- it's so weird teachers individually are basically being blamed for shit that's mostly out of their control, and it seems to me that sometimes they're just like, asking for basic things? my aunt was describing it as being like "you can safely fly a plane if you have a license! and a crew! and a functioning plane! and safety equipment!" and she was like, yeah I got the license.... but half the crew is sick or in quarantine, the plane is old and missing an engine and we're still waiting for the safety stuff...and everyone is going why aren't YOU flying that plane right now?? right now?? Yikes... she's not in the South of France, he's just trolling. He's been saying that for years, haha
  19. aw Joe made Dr Fauci laugh! That was cute, he deserves a break. I hope when this shitshow ends he gets to go to a beach somewhere and be fanned with palm leaves and fed individual grapes etc ETA: fauci, that is, not joe! sorry for any disturbing mental images caused by lack of clarification
  20. i was half-watching, doing other stuff, and also checking twitter, and a lot of Bostonians like you were saying exactly this. I don't expect to always agree w Joe but it's surprising when he goes on these rants without...reading first? And Steph Ruhle was saying this other epidemiologist guy whose name escapes me was basically on MTP saying the exact opposite of Joe's saying everything is ok to reopen, so which is it?? also isn't the most disturbing part of the Georgia thing that it gives the legislature control of the election board....gaah i wish i had slept in. Damn insomnia. I miss Willie and Mika. ETA: though Katty and Kasie were great
  21. i wasn't trolling you, oakville, this genuinely looks fun, i had just never heard of it. here's to hoping you get to see your friends again soon... tbh this last stretch just feels interminable....like even longer than the first few months. is it just me? my parents live far away, they're not vaxxed yet and already they act like this is all over and are going out and stuff and tbh it's stressful as fuck.... all i want is for everyone i know to reach that finish line ok and healthy
  22. idk i guess I just don't see co-workers getting married like 12 years later suddenly means that everything they ever did or said before that was part of some kind of intricate! sexual! plot!.... rather than just actual humans living complicated lives and trying to figure crazy shit out...but also i don't know and have no special knowledge...anyhoo i will take my gin and tonic and please make it a double... 😂
  23. https://variety.com/2021/tv/news/rege-jean-page-bridgerton-season-2-1234942827/ Omg noooooooooooo......! Kemper. Our deepest condolences. Should we send emergency supplies of gin? I wonder what season 2 will be like? i never actually read the books P.S. i love the vaccine stories 🙂 gonna be a while for me but mostly i'm stressing to get my parents vaxxed and it's a nightmare admin-wise gaaaah. But I'm so happy we are all getting there, step by step... also oakville pickleball is literally the most adorable name for a sport i've ever heard heh
  24. idk.... wasn't the main thing about that story that Mika had a shitty contract back then and when the show got successful joe got a huge bonus for their joint show but not Mika...the uhhh way he did it does sound a bit weird and awkward to me, but not shady, i mean the whole situation was a bit fucked up i guess he was just tryin to bypass the formalities...
  25. i think Mika and Willie are lucky they were allowed to be in the promo picture, now that they've made the show all about Jooooe. I missed the Chauvin trial segment of the show today so i looked it up on the msnbc youtube channel and at the end they replaced the part at the end where Joe and Mika are like "hey! subscribe to the msnbc channel!" to.... just Joe, looking pompous in his box ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSO_4UbRX5M Willie and Mika carried the show beautifully today so this myth they have that everyone tunes in for joe is just nonsense... also aren't the ratings lower now than when Joe and Mika co-hosted together from Florida...soooo, Mika was demoted to that dumbass separate box that everyone hates... for no reason?? i like joe but i just can't with his ego, especially when it's so unfair to Willie and Mika... i am happy to see Michael Schmidt actually owns furniture!! i have a soft spot for him, he looks like the kinda guy who works around the clock, sleeps under his desk, and subsists on diet coke, cigarettes and instant noodles....like he should be in a 1930s movie with a fedora with a "press" card on it, heh
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