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Everything posted by neona

  1. did everyone else's corner clock disappear?? wtf?? damnit msnbc, I need that thing so as to NOT BE LATE FOR WORK gaaaaaaaaaah it annoys me how weirdly condescending they all are of Olivia Rodrigo? she's talented and literally just trying to use her fame to do a good thing?
  2. Eliot & Kemper, i hope I didn't come across as dismissive above, tbh I often learn much much more from you guys on here than the actual show, mainly bc we are all smarter, and more interesting and more diverse etc 😂 buuut tbh I'm so confused about the actual real life situation in West Virginia.... they voted overwhelmingly for DJT and yet also elected Manchin??? which yes, is a f-ing miracle, what even. But then also there's the polls from Rachel re voting rights and infrastructure etc, vs general anecdotal stories about what they all actually prefer. It's all so muddled. But without Voting Rights what even is Joe Manchin's future? Doesn't he realize the general f-ery will eventually catch up to him and be used to kick his ass out of office? Doesn't he realize this is his moment to be brave and nothing else he ever does in his life will matter? This is literally it, his moment to be in history books, and he doesn't even realize it. I just can't with all the short-term thinking, siiiiiiigh I feel like i've been whining and complaining a lot today, so I wanna say the Daniel Silva segment was awesome, with Jeremy just being allowed to freely interject etc.....I love when they just basically let smart people....talk.
  3. i like Karine, too, and apologies for misspelling her name. I honestly missed her and she was awesome on MJ, and I do understand she was just doing her job... i don't agree tho that they have to nod to bipartisanship publicly. I've seen graphs on Rachel etc where in West Virginia, an overwhelming number of actual voters support voting rights - so who are all these voters who supposedly pay attention to and value and worship remote abstract shit like bipartisanship and procedural rules? Are there actual voters out there who will think to themselves, "I like this Manchin dude, because I identify with his efforts to preserve the filibuster?" Please. Normal humans don't even know what the filibuster is, and they.don't.care. They care about actual real life results. I wish the tee-vee people would actually be honest about this stuff and where it's coming from. The theater is exhausting, and counter-productive, and the lack of urgency is goddamn dangerous *cries* ETA: Here is the segment Rachel did w West Virginia polls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psyKZ9mBnTc
  4. i'm not usually bothered by pronunciation mishaps but yeah, this particular one was kinda bad, in context 🥴 I always wondered about the process of all this, like why isn't there some way they can give Mika scripts a lil earlier or something so she can read through and identify these issues b4 the actual show? any tee-vee ppl on here who can explain how it all works?? do they write these texts as they go along, or? I kinda missed Joe today. Yeah, yeah, i know, Stockholm Syndrome 😂 I thought Mika and Willie did well, but they both always seem a lil tense and stressed. It's sad bc on the old humans around the table version of MJ the two of them actually used to have a fun and cute rapport and relationship, like between themselves, independent of Joe dominating everything? We were talking about the go-to-break stills and there used to be a hilarious cute one of Willie hugging Mika with this weirdo telenovela villain moustache, heh. Now they both seem detached and awkward, idk. The conversation with Carine was....f-ing alarming, to say the least, and I'm trying so damn hard not to swear here. She said they want to....go back to the past, on the filibuster? Whaaaaaaaaa...? Wtf kind of naive bubble are they in, this is scary AF!!!! Does the White House not realize that if they can't get voting rights done, nothing, literally nothing else actually matters?? whyyyyy are they being all evasive and cutesy about an existential fight for democracy *primal scream*
  5. also, Joe went on a long-ass Facebook rant again, and yes, ok, i'm kinda with him, it's totally justified.... but dude, he's made this *exact same STUNNINGLY SUPERFICIAL speech* a gazillion times! Let's smash Facebook into a million pieces etc etc!! ok!!! but also, how do we do that? Could you maybe bring some anti-trust lawyers on to explain how that could be done, and what the obstacles are, and why it hasn't been done already? Some First Amendment lawyers to explain what the constitutional issues might be? Some tech experts to explain what the practical issues are? Some experts who might propose nuanced and detailed and comprehensive solutions? Sometimes the country lawyer schtick is almost insulting to country lawyers, because at least country lawyers are smart and humble and know when they need a timeout to do actual research and catch up on shit
  6. i love love love the adorable new one where Joe and Mika are like laughing with Jimmy Carter & Rosalynn and Madeleine Albright....reminds me of the time when the show was about actual human connections, laughter, living and breathing politics and stuff *cries* dude, is it just me or....are they now re-running these MSNBC news clips from like the night before? depending on when I get home, I watch either Joy, or Rachel, or Brian. And I coulda sworn I saw some of the uhhh report thingies today last night?? what even? since when did they copy stuff from the night before, what even is the point of that? ymmv but I don't watch this show for news summaries, which I get elsewhere, I watch it for crazy-ass off the cuff news commentary. Siiiiigh. Willie looked cute today. he changed his hair or sth. it was cute. I don't like tho that when Willie is back Joe just excludes Mika from all the conversations again. *insert i-hate-the-boxes rant here* it's always like, "sooo, Willie...." and Mika is kept awol 90% of the time. Ugh
  7. this morning in people who weren't invited to comment ----> Cuban Americans! and Haitian Americans! (many of whom actually work for MSNBC, just saying...!) to comment on Cuba, and Haiti and the...."worker's paradise", quotation Joe, snarking unhelpfully on a complex situation he knows f-all about *headdesk* *insert Dr B gif here* At least we got a direct! report! about soccer! from expatriate Ed Luce's nominally English but non-soccer-fan countryside parents, riveting close-enough almost on the ground reporting!! 🥴 Though visually the gorgeous music room is still A+, Ed baby, your parents are badass decorators and book collectors, but you're still overall aspirational, just saying. i loved loved loved this, it was weird and interesting. Weirdness is always good. Always. Weirdness!! and colors!! and light!!! is the creative third way between dark oppressive patriarchy and bright sexualized Fox News-ery, and it just basically says f-you to both sides. I'm here for it. Also orange is the color of the anti-gun violence campaign i'm with Mika on the soccer, not only were there white-outfit dudes and blue outfit-dudes, there was a green-outfit dude, a yellow-outfit dude and TWO PINK DUDES, all of whom were obviously cheerleaders, or something. IT WAS CONFUSING, SO STFU JOE. i don't generally like sports, but I do like happy and alive and celebratory stuff, and I would like soccer if something actually f-ing happened every now and then?? is it just me? I was dragged to a party thingy and we waited and waited and waited, and it got vaguely interesting in the last 15 minutes, but that was it....like what even is the structure, I don't get it, why is there so much dull-ass waiting and dead time in this where nothing even happens??? Where I was everyone was happy bc it was like 60% Italian Americans there 😂 lmao ( altho obviously I also have a soft spot for the English) Buuut overall the afterparty was way more fun than the actual thing, idk, the game itself was slooooooow af, at least for the uninitiated. It's so funny and even ironic that Roger Bennett is like the most weird and interesting and creative ambassador for a sport that in real life kinda....drags on? idk. Tell me I'm wrong, my foray into this was limited 🥴 ETA: good luck with the pickleball game Oakville!! Kick some ass!!!!!!!
  8. Plumbago this is so badass. we want stories!!!!!
  9. i was gonna take a break, and I wiiiiilll because I wanna spend this summer waking up and living my life like i'm actually alive, but but but... I read this and then I looked up the clip and I actually do think it's an important conversation, but they need to clarify wtf they are talking about, because it. is. not. Critical Race Theory. A gazillion people, including the professor who coined the term, who did an actual interview with Joy, have pointed out this is an advanced academic theory, and claiming that it's being taught to kids is like saying kids are being taught Quantum Mechanics. If kids are being taught *something* that Rufo disagrees with, he needs to clarify 1) exactly what they are being taught, preferably with actual examples and how 2) exactly why it's objectionable and 3) exactly how pervasive it is - how many schools are involved etc. without these basics pinned down they are all just talking past each other, about nothing. imo it can't be a real discussion unless they define wtf they are even talking about. ....i think the Chinese uhhh.... *cult*, is Falun Gong? not a fan, personally, but it's nuts to me that Joe seems totally unfamiliar with the political context of that particular moniker lol. I would post a Dr B gif here buuut I'm too tired to dig it out. Again, not a fan, and definitely not a fan of conspiracy theories, but dude, for human rights reasons, even the State Department would be careful w teh descriptive wording on this, just saying here for your entertainment 🤪 live and let live 🥰 ETA: in case there was any doubt how Rufo defines it, in his own words: successfully frozen their brand! good faith definitions my ass
  10. ahhh yeah, i know i know, plumbago, I think you really are 100% right in essence.... it is what it is now... buuut I just guess being my optimistic self, I don't get why any of these women don't fight back anymore? Like whyyyy would Mika agree to this awful split screen stuff and apotheosis of Joe in the past 2 yrs? when it's so damaging to her overall position and people's perceptions of her? And whyyy would Kasie let Lemire take 3rd spot? etc etc. Like every single day, there's always something *weird* and dark and disappointing. Honestly I need a new morning show, I just can't with all the frustrations. It used to be fun but the pandemic etc is over and it just doesn't fit with my morning mood anymore, especially this summer. It's like they declared it was all over, and De Blasio came on and was all welcome back!!! I mean, there's even an msnbc ad! and then they....reverted back to the dark depths of pandemic-ness again...? i still like them so imma check back in in a couple of weeks, but right now, I just can't, I can't with the boring exposition, and reading, and darkness, and repetition, and sadness and intentionally provoking pandemic PTSD, just for kicks or something I just miss the days when they used to make us laugh and delight us and surprise us, and they took pride in doing that, instead of trolling and stuff. And people would come on and say weird crazy shit instead of repeating rehearsed stuff from articles we'd already read on our phones in the a.m. and the main thing would be the conversations not the other boring stuff.....siiiiiigh.
  11. i bet all 3 are old-ass globes that have the USSR, Ceylon and Abyssinia on them. And at least one is a Lenox Globe, hic sunt dracones!!!! I hate that they are so allergic to regional experts gaaah, this Afghan withdrawal is a big deal for so many actual humans, i wish they would stfu about strategic interests for 3 seconds to talk about the f-ing human tragedy about to go down i woke up at 7.15 to see Kurt B in a crumpled shirt surrounded by liquor bottles ---> i sympathize, actual 5th morning mood, but it was worth it only highlights: my girl Alexi!!! back full force, Rev Al's resplendent tie-game, and Ed Luce's parents' adorable vintage music room - hilariously he apologized for his parents being much much more interesting than he is haha ETA: if the..."box system"? is hierarchical now, I object to Lemire getting the 3rd spot on top when *Kasie* is actually there?? like how are these decisions made? she's been there way longer and actually works at msnbc?? so why isn't she nr 3? of course I also object to Joe in the huuuuge-ass main box by himself, being all pompous Hans Holbein Henry VIII, for unexplained reasons, while previous co-host Mika is exiled to a random side-box, again for unexplained reasons gaaah. idk mainly I just miss the table where there was no hierarchy *cries*
  12. yeah, i think she was having some technical issues lol. But at least apparition! Nina! was a lovely apparition surrounded by flowers and not in a DC thunderstorm like Joe... at the end of the show it was like...whooosh, out of the thunderstorm, to Steph!!! live on the Jersey Shore?! looking all alive & energetic... i only caught 2 mins because i had to leave, but man i miss the msnbc daytime people so much
  13. Joe in maine today, Willie in the hellscape, Mika is off. Lemire in studio in NYC, Eugene in studio in DC, Claire in mystery hotel room sans cake lemire was in for Kasie today, what even, when does he sleeeeeep?? Did you guys know that it's all gonna be okay, because Biden and De Santis held hands yesterday?? I heard it on the tee-vee (did they miss the whole part where their voting rights were smashed into smithereen *cries*) But in happy news, the guest list says our High-lemann will be on today, so that's something eta: for those wanting to skip ahead ---> his high-ness appeared at 7.05 a.m. ET, you're welcome
  14. thursday! shenanigans! Willie in the Hellscape, mika in maine. Joe is off, but maybe just as well since there's so much breaking news. Elise is here!!! yay. Brigid Bergin by her lonesome self in the NYC studio mika is super stressed, but tbh so am I, this Cosby shit is infuriating one weird thing about Willie & Mika co-hosting like this is they never actually talk to each lol. it's like watching two parallel shows ETA: oh, actually Elise was also in the NYC studio so Brigid mustve had company. good for Brigid. Walter Isaacson now also in the NYC studio
  15. Kemper, this, a thousand times this. i will never understand it!! literally so much of the inherent weirdness of the remote shit and location trolling could be alleviated by them at least doing it together....siiiiigh tbh guys i kinda feel like they're out for the summer, and this is it, we won't get any fun or normal shows for many many weeks *cries*. Maybe in teh meantime we should all pick another a.m. show to watch and discuss lol. Bridgerton reruns?? Mary Beard's Empire Without Limit?? Boyega's animals of Serengeti documentary??? Some housewives thingy???
  16. wednesday shenanigans!! joe & Mika still in maine. Joe's level of asshood somewhat reduced. somewhat. Willie awol, Eddie Glaude in the NYC studio, Katty in studio in DC (apparently she has now changed jobs?? and we still get to see her, yay) Jonathan Lemire now so sleep-deprived, i kept expecting him to just have a meltdown, take off all his clothes & run naked thru the sprinklers on the White House lawn. if you missed the show, skip ahead to the 8.30 segment with Roger Bennett, who is a perfect & adorable human
  17. It cracked me up how the entire Mayor Pete interview, that could've been substantial and covered a lot of ground, turned into a one-sided Joe-diatribe about how much Joe... hates airports...or something? ok I get the JFK hate, but *small voice* i kinda like EWR..??! or is it just that all my flights are at weirdo times when it's totally peaceful and empty?! Eugene! was on and looking actually cute in a gray suit and he switched the Avis! quilt! back to the amazing Avis! painting!, and we are blessed...buuut also some kind-hearted tee-vee soul needs to save Eugene's marriage and ask him about her art again so he can make up for the last time, when he answered that it was a nice quilt and his wife was a nice lady and everything was nice...dude, you're a writer, know when use the freakin thesaurus LOL. She's a f-ing genius, you dumbass...and if you got some other stuff lying around, please switch it up and show uuuuus, the zoom era is a pretty unique opportunity to highlight creativity
  18. the lighting is pretty bad, the backdrops are darker and duller. Mika's is slightly improved from what it was, but the theme of Joe's Maine setup seems to be DC in Thunderstorm!! Supreme Court & Capitol look grayer and the statue of freedom is weirdly shrouded in blue mist lol
  19. Joe & Mika still both in the mystery location (i think we concluded it's Maine??), Willie is in studio in NYC man oh man, we're getting Cicero-Joe today, siiiiigh. he did one rambly rant in the 6 a.m. hour, then basically repeated the same rambly rant in the 7 a.m. hour lol. We geddit!! Come back soon, Fun & Friendly DC-Joe, you are missed
  20. monday! shenanigans! Joe and Mika both in the mystery location, Lemire! is at 30 Rock, I think he sleeps there in a hammock. Willie awol music is really good today watching while clutching a pillow, bc if there's footage from the former guy rally, I'll need something to scream into ETA: Steve Scully: *puts up with crazy-ass ranting for 3 hrs a day* Mika, 24 hrs a day: Hold.My.Beer.
  21. missed Friday's show and just now got around to checking the DVR, so for anyone wondering about locations etc on Friday (probably not, but just in case lol) Joe was AWOL, Willie was Little Erica again, not in NYC but trapped back in the Hellscape (whyyy? GET OUTTA THERE bb, save yourself) and Mika was in the mystery location, but to be fair, the mystery location is now actually muchly improved and a lot less weird and obvious, so good for them. I'll never forget back in November when we were all exhausted, and then breaking! news! Joe! announced Biden's election victory ....aaand inexplicably made it sound like a dull-ass weepy EULOGY except the guy hadn't died but was actually now more alive than ever and had just saved all our collective world asses???....and the whole of the internet was like, dude, why, what even, in this historic moment, is this guy morosely rambling, and where are all the *happy* people...?! All of which is a long-winded way to say, there was a lot of Surfside stuff on Friday, and I'm kinda glad it was just Mika and Willie bc Mika and Willie are both much much better and more emotionally fluent than Joe is at the breaking news stuff, when it comes to judging the actual mood. He's better at politico-style rambling, but they are actually more coherent when there's live shit happening (yes, yes, ymmv *ducks*). Buuut, having said that, I can't vouch for the mispronunciations lol ....ooor the part of the live press conference where Mika and Willie were like, here is the Spanish part, specifically and deliberately included *live* for worried, confused and stranded channel-surfing families and friends, buuuut, also, we're gonna cut away from the Spanish translation and talk over it, because the majority of *our* viewers don't care....ok but never mind the people out there who are worried af and confused and channel surfing and can't understand, and are desperate for updates...maybe, MAYBE stfu for them for three public service minutes?? that's all I'm saying ugggh //yes i'm ok i just need a good night's sleep //sunday hangover //brb cooking some eggs ETA: just realized the Wille/Little Erica thing is maybe not a universal reference....so for teh curious uninitiated, welcome to the trauma gaaaah https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiC54FkzlHU
  22. i think in the episodes thread we're probably allowed to talk about which regulars are in the episodes and not, buuut also i always get these things wrong lol 🥴 His wife is beautiful, i love their cute matchy-matchy glasses. i was listening to his podcasts when traveling and he's so hilarious and curious and a good listener If he's going thru some stuff, which it seems is maybe the case, sending prayers his way.
  23. Lemire was talking reaaaaallly fast like he was on Adderall or sth lmao. speaking of, do we know whatever happened to High-lemann?? Feels like it's been a long time? i miss his beautiful bald head and subtle shade
  24. shenanigans etc! willie hosting in the NYC studio with Barnicle, Lemire and the Rev around the table, yay occasional contributions from Florida Boxman Joe, mika is off Lemire needs a vacation, i'm worried about him
  25. update! there was no fight. damnit i know i complain a lot about Joe, but he is actually good with people, when he's not being an ass also yesterday I thought Mika was mad at him but i think she was just cold?? air conditioning is like a special form of fascism designed to keep men comfortable and women freeze their asses off David Ignatius was interesting tho i wish they'd talk to some Afghan women about the conditions of Afghan women!! yeah, i know, Ukraine, Iran, Russia, Afghanistan ---> i will point this out each time until we've covered all teh countries of the world!! it just seems so obvious, but I guess not
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