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Everything posted by Setlist

  1. Mine all seem to be on a semi-major highway. Guhhhhh. By the way, I have like, no clue what I'm doing in this game, despite the fact that my go-to throwaway email (that I made in high school 14 years ago) is a Pokemon reference.
  2. You guys, I got a chance to peek at the "blueprints" of the bracket/poll that @King of Birds put together, and it seriously is epic. Like, perhaps the poll of the century. Bigger than any poll that KOB has ever polled before. Get pumped. And yay for the office, @Glory! Windows mean everything at work.
  3. Does anyone know if "smurfs" is an actual drug term, or was Daniel just too gone to make sense? They seemed to understand what it meant at the intervention, but I was trying to figure out if that was legit, or just a known Daniel-ism.
  4. Percy seemed nice. But also, he found her on the sugar mama website. He tried to play that off, but... Come on, man. I do wish Ginjer (yes, ugh) the best. She seemed to have a really good head on her shoulders.
  5. @MichelleAK Match Game! Charles Nelson Reilly forever. Seriously, that dude was amazing. I watched GSN religiously as a teen. Jeopardy had Louis CK on recently, and I'm pretty sure that episode will stay on my DVR forever.
  6. Someone, please make a gif of Scot's "tribal council twist." Please and thank you.
  7. Aww, Cydney's muscle-filled family. I kind of wish Probst gave Cydney's mom a little bit more of a heads up that she'd be talking on camera.
  8. Thanks for the endorsement, @King of Birds. Also, thanks for using the phrase "Class-A Loony," since I seriously haven't heard that term in years. We should bring it back, along with "hootenanny" and "skedaddle." Also, that salamander is adorable.
  9. Tyreme truly struck me as an all-around nice dude. I'm glad they're still friends. And honestly, this is one of the first episodes in the last few weeks that I didn't lose interest in halfway through. I'm glad that giant bear found love as well. Good on Tyreme for regifting it to his daughter.
  10. So, yes. Tandy is annoying. But Mike's just an ass. Those embarrassing stories didn't need to be told (especially since he has zero idea what the group dynamic is like), and his shaving revenge was just cruel. It's a shame, since Mike seemed great prior to this episode -- and I love Jason Sudeikis in general. If this continues, he should have just died in space.
  11. Yep! Pretty sure that was the same seller I bought mine from. It's been a few years.
  12. I have a VanVonderen "Love you like crazy" tee, and I really should think about replacing it -- Jeff's face looks a little horrifying after so many washes. (What can you say, I love that tee like crazy, so it gets a lot of use.)
  13. My heart stopped when they said she overdosed, but thankfully the Sylvia Skype session followed. I will say that I laughed out loud when Sylvia was like, "You know me, I'm Sylvia!" after Karissa darted out of the Intervention. Of course we, as fans, know Sylvia... But it's not like she's a household name. (They did hug immediately afterward, so maybe Karissa is more familiar with the show than I'm giving her credit for.)
  14. Oof. I'm like, five minutes in, and already saw more than enough. Sophia being a demon, and Tyler starting to cry over a video of himself that he made for Catelynn (but it's obvious he's crying since he thinks he's the best husband in the entire world?)
  15. That was seriously the most intense episode ever. My eyes were glued to the screen the entire time. I tried not to laugh at some of the stuff she said, but from the safety of my home, it was kind of tough. ("You like dieting? Well I like weekends!") If I was right next to her, however, I'd be absolutely terrified. I'm glad that Intervention was able to expose how awful the deep end of addiction can be.
  16. And to think. The only thing Neil had to do to win a place in Sam's cold heart was to buy her some junky trinkets. I will admit, that magnet was kind of cool.
  17. Ryan having a conversation in full-fledged skeleton face made my life. Oh my gosh. And I can just imagine him spending hours on it, for absolutely nothing. Speaking of faces, Debra's truly scared me tonight. Wide, unblinking eyes and just so expressionless. Was she actually happy about Farrah moving? Was she being sarcastic? Was she upset? Her face is telling me nothing!
  18. So glad I'm not the only one who thought, "Wait -- they killed the bull already?" Especially since we know there are plenty of Scoops left at the grocery store. They're not at starvation level yet. I just want Jason Sudekis to land already!
  19. I seriously dislike the rest of the "crew", and while Tandy's approach wasn't the greatest, nor the most sane, he was technically warned that he'd be "unsafe" there from the note. The instant punishment was a little extreme, especially since he did have nice things to say. I like the show, so I'm just hoping it's not a complete rehash of season one from here on out. I kind of wish him and Carol moved on, in hopes of finding a new group somewhere. Besides Todd, I find all of these characters to be a little boring. But, hey. RIP, Gordon.
  20. I love Varner, so I'm glad he was safe. But I also love Peih-Gee, so this episode hurt. It hurt! Man, the third tribe doesn't have a chance. They didn't even leave them rice? I like the "survivor" aspect of Survivor, but that seems like a clear disadvantage. I like the fact that Joe is always on the tribe that rules. It's like Joe turns every tribe golden.
  21. I had such poor hopes for this season after the depressing, Lena Dunham-infused premiere. But, holy crap. This episode had a reasonable ending and a television show tie-in that won't totally date the episode in a few years. I'm impressed. Loved the Alton line regarding cuts that'd make the cooking show more dramatic. Also loved the reaction to Marge's every-spice brisket. And I laughed out loud when the greasy hobo in the clouds quickly mentioned that he died. Well done, season 27.
  22. Thank you! I don't feel so terrible now, knowing that it wasn't just me. I love Varner. Seriously, I've always loved Varner. Let's just hope he doesn't do anything repulsive this season to make me regret saying that. Shirin seemed to have mellowed out a bit, so I'm a little bummed she was voted out so quickly. While I hate Abi, I felt bad that they left her solo on the beach to partake in the massive comedy-set mockery against her. Yet still, knowing that nobody will vote against her in the end means that we might have weeks of Abi-complaints ahead.
  23. This episode wasn't as strong as last week, in my opinion, but it was still better than so many shows on today. Seriously, I hope this one remains on air for awhile. I don't know anyone who watches it, which makes me a little nervous. Emery and Evan bringing that puppy to Louis, and then immediately and silently turning around when he claims out loud that he doesn't want to deal with a teenage daughter, made the episode for me. It was such a small moment, but I was cracking up.
  24. But don't you guys know? Abi's cheap fake gold bracelet gives her POWERS. I like Peih-Gee, and I don't want to assume she stole it. Like someone mentioned, her story was weak. I also think it might have been a set up. Poor Wigglesworth. She was so bummed after that challenge. I'm glad her tribe seemed supportive. They probably idolize her, for being on the first season. Heck, I would.
  25. First off, KoB: I had a hair appointment! And I regret it. It was for a cut and dye, and the hairstylist (who is a friend) totally left a crap ton of red dye on my scalp, which made it look like it was bleeding... until I washed it way later in the PM. (I noticed it before I left the salon, but didn't bitch about it based on the friendship thing. I feel awkward being anything less than nice for friends.) But.. uh. I might have to cut professional ties with her. My husband and I moved away from the area in March of this year, so we've been traveling the 45 minutes based on friendship and familiarity. Thus, the Hateball duck out. Second, LiberryLady? That photo comparison might have made my life. That is AMAZING. I kind of want a TWop/Previously V. Hateball name spreadsheet, since there are some team names on the list that made me crack up.. but I have no clue who they are, exactly. For the record, I'm Prank Sinatra, which is a New Girl/Winston reference.
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