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Everything posted by Hannah94

  1. When does this air? And how were people able to watch it On Demand already? My On Demand says it is not available yet. :(
  2. That picture made me dry heave. Thank you though! I am pretty certain I have seen every episode of 600 lb at least twice/15 times. But I have very blurry memories about this one. Perhaps because I drink a shit ton to get me through....
  3. I tried to google Sean but the results show all the pounders, so I am not sure which one is him. Do you have a pic of his before and/or after? I will never understand enablers, but as a mom, I could never do that to my child, regardless of his age. Some people try to say "you don't know how you would react unless you are in the situation" but I call bullshit. Love is love. Enabling/killing is NOT love.
  4. I have watched his episode more times than I would like to admit. Partly morbid fascination, partly for motivation when I feel like I am going to fall off the "food wagon". Does anyone else here watch this show to help them stay on track? I feel like both the successes and failures can be beneficial, in different ways. The successes are obviously motivational and inspirational. But even the failures keep me going because they are so disturbing that it makes me reevaluate every eating decision I make.
  5. She is clearly mentally challenged, and I don't mean that to be rude, just honest. I don't know much else about them yet.
  6. In the first 30 seconds, I already knew it was my kinda crazy trash tv/dumpster fire. I am actually fast forwarding through the other semi-normal couples in this season just to get to these wackadoos. Oddly, all the couples from the first season seemed totally normal. I had reservations at first about a couple but they came though.
  7. I just watched the first season (for the first time). I am now watching the second season. I know this is way late to the game, but I couldn't find a thread to discuss this. Is this a joke? The 40 something year old woman with three teenagers dating the 20 something year old in another country...she seems to be 100% mentally handicapped. Wasn't sure if anyone here watched the first or second season. I am scared.
  8. It's ok if you eat rice as long as it's friiiiiiiiied because frying it burns the calories/carbs out. Lol
  9. They haven't used condoms on the show yet so I doubt they intend to. I would not be surprised one bit if she is knocked up already.
  10. I think OML James gained almost 100 pounds at once between visits to Dr. Now, if I remember. I am not sure if I remember Sean; was he the guy that got really thin and looked really handsome, then got sick and bed ridden and gained most of the weight back?
  11. The camera doesn't show the truth. A 600 pound girl doesn't gain 60 pounds in one "munt" by cheating one time. And.....that fried chicken meal was way more than 1,000 calories.
  12. I cannot stand how some of the pounders say "I deserve a cheat day". Then at their weigh in, they gained 50-60 pounds. You didn't have a cheat day; you had a cheat month! It is hard work and it does suck but to succeed, you cannot allow yourself to fail even once, not even when that bacon cheeseburger is calling your name. I've been up and down with my weight most of my adult life and I finally came to the realization that it is indeed a lifestyle change. Not just a change for a day or week; but every minute of every day. And after finally pounding that into my head, I am able to maintain a healthy weight. Another thing, if they do cheat JUST ONCE, they have to scale back their calories for the next day or two or three to compensate. That is something some of them cannot grasp. (Their mindset: I can eat 30,000 calories today but I will go back to 2,000 calories tomorrow.) Good job on the loss, btw! :)
  13. Caitlin/Kaitlin (not sure how she spells it) started off looking so cute and then when they went to the dentist, she looked rode hard. I fear she has been dabbling in chemical arts with her Prince Charming Matt. To answer your question (because Michael is not attractive, but moreover, he has absolutely nothing to offer a partner as far as redeeming qualities), I think it is a combination of desperation and the desire to feel needed; they believe these convicts need them more than they need the convicts. On paper, that theory makes sense. However the convicts being portrayed on this show are the most arrogant cockiest tools I have ever seen.
  14. Right! They did an excellent job aging Ragnar and Bjorn. Judith looks like the same 20 year old that took Athelstan to pound town 20 years ago,.
  15. I get that. But he saved Alfred's life in battle. He could have been scot free and let the dude die; he becomes king free and clear. He saved him because he loved him, even if Bun Mom could never love him the way she loved Alfred. I liked Judith in the old days but she is just a fucked up mess now.
  16. You did. I looked this up because I wasn't sure if this was another con move like what the salon and the bra saleswoman pulled on poor stupid Clint. Apparently, the cost can range from $1,500-$6,000. He also said the prison dentist just pulls teeth when the inmates complain about pain, etc, instead of trying to repair what the problem is. I am calling bullshit on that. Inmates have better medical insurance/coverage than the vast majority of the free people.
  17. You literally took the words out of my mouth with this entire post. As far as Angela, this is speculation....but I believe Tony got out, was done with her now that he is a free man, and makes up some bullshit to get rid of her instead of flat out telling her to get lost; all while she is trying on wedding dresses (as seen in the preview). I cannot wait to see that dumpster fire!
  18. I had to watch this episode again because I missed a bit of it due to puke breaks because of Tracie and Clint. Brittany's friend/cellmate is stunningly beautiful and seems very level-headed but why the f do they have to put spider looking things on her eyelashes?
  19. Matt's voice is so irritating to me for some reason. It triggers some sort of annoyance within the deep depths of my soul. Enunciate, Matt. Ugh. He sounds like he leaves several consonants out of his words. Almost like he is too lazy to put forth the effort to speak clearly.
  20. On another LAL blog, someone posted that Tracie has a nice body. What show are they watching??!! Yes, I read she has kids but they were taken away from her years ago due to her drug use. I cannot remember if she has 2 or 3 kids. That dress could not have been any worse, IMO. Everything about it was just wrong, from the zebra cake print to the length (or lack thereof) or the cut (very unflattering). Lizzie and Tracie both don't understand they do not need to bare their boobs every second of every episode. I believe I can actually SMELL these people through the tv. And it reeks.
  21. I found the restaurant setting odd too. He insisted on taking her to the fanciest place, yet it looked like a truck stop diner. No offense to the facility itself. And her dress, omg, she looked like a dirty pirate hooker. Did she at least bathe before attacking Clint in the hotel?
  22. I feel the same way. If I loved someone as the enablers claim they do, I would do exactly what you said. Bring them a salad, veggies, no pizza, no Chinese ("but it's friiiiied!!!!"). If I care about you and I want you to get up and move about, GET UP and make your own food. Watching the camera crews follow these pounders around while they fill their electric carts up with crisco and brownies.....just no. Hell I am not even obese but I know I cannot eat 3 goddamn pizzas in one sitting, not even one single time.
  23. I lmao at this....quite loudly. So sincerely honest, yet so very funny too!
  24. The "friend" (enabler) moved in with her because she was a paid "care taker".......but ironically, she did the very opposite of caring for her. I think Octavia would be so much better off without said friend. She seemed to have her head on straight during that conversation saying "we are f***king up!" (essentially). Then they ordered fried chicken and biscuits literally seconds after that scene. Sweet Jesus, for real.....I. just. cannot.
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