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Everything posted by HaaCHOO

  1. And most of us KNOW it! Thanks, Rainy.
  2. Were YOU in the Situation Room?
  3. "That is a cheap attack line, Sunny," Huntsman then shot at her cohost. "I think it's the truth," Sunny responded, "That's what happened in real time, it's not an attack line." "Were you in the situation room?" Abby asked. "Was he in the situation room?" Sunny responded. Your first line, Abby, RUDE! Your second line, Abby, probably wrong. Your third line, Abby, RUDE! I hope your snotty comments to a coworker are covered on all the little TV tabloid shows. Powers that BE (the generals) didn't know there was any audio coverage and so our President probably did not hear anyone "crying and whimpering." Now we see that you do/did have what it takes to get along in a large vociferous family. Your true colors are bleeding out. Sweet, sincere, quiet Abby? No! RUDE!
  4. Maybe Whoopi doesn't have the clout we thought she did. I think the mug is insulting. Whoopi must feel it's insulting/degrading. She's the doorman, helping Abby out of a cab? Maybe they're told to use them until they can make a correction. It's possible they were asked for their input and Whoopi didn't give a shit. I'm a big Joy fan and there are things I overlook. I think this was rude, over-the-top...and not funny. Not funny is the biggest sin.
  5. Months ago; have no idea when...but I saw it!
  6. Drug addict/con artist ... I'm surprised that I'm surprised at all the positive attention.
  7. I can't recall EVER turning off the TV (perhaps with a flourish) and leaving the room because of someone appearing on a harmless show. NEWT galled me! He actually defends a white man's casual use of the word "lynching"? That bag-o-blubber continues to think he's the smartest kid in the room. (I'm fat!) P.S. On TMZ Live, Harvey tried to 'splain away Trump's use of the word and the disgust on Charles' face (a Black man) was enlightening.
  8. At least Leonardo stopped looking like a teenybopper...FINALLY. He's a good actor, but sometimes his look didn't match the character.
  9. I took it at that too...although I'd like to hear from some of her relatives if her early life was really that "hard." I lived in a housing project too, and was embarrassed because I knew it meant we were poor (it was a new experience). Aside from that, it was great--lots of kids...lots of freedom (most parents were at work). We were never hungry or dirty AND we went to Catholic school (thanks to loans from Postal Finance...to the person who never wanted to hear that again).
  10. I won't be seeing it. CBS All Access ($5.99/mo with commercials; $9.99 without)...and that Great American Actress, Amber Heard, is one of the principals. Good luck to everyone involved.
  11. I think Ana has been a Republican all her voting life. Meghan CANNOT say the same. Didn't she register as a Republican in 2008 as a "gift" for her father who was running for President (again) as an (R)?
  12. I truly think she's been taking classes for.a.long.time because she wants to be an ac-TOR! Her "View Your Deal" days are comically over-the-top.
  13. That wasn't my comment at all. The perps should be punished, but we can/should still be concerned about the families left behind: the financial struggles, judgmental classmates/neighbors, etc., the humiliation (often for a lifetime), the stigma...another lifetime--especially if you're a Junior or a III. (Unless one's surname is Trump) Ever since we got the "improved" Contour system, we have ONE option about start times: One Minute Earlier! That's it. We can extend ending times up to five minutes. 😮😮😮
  14. This is a generalization that doesn't apply to me or the people I know. We comment often about "the poor children" or "the poor family" when learning about various DESERVED jail sentences of parents.
  15. One of those not-even-half-brothers is the president of the family business in Arizona.
  16. I hold my hands over my ears when I watch the show. I can't stand that yodeling/mooing. I keep my TV on MUTE until they've all sat down, she has done her NINE (usually) Welcomes...and turn on the sound as soon as she looks like she's reading the prompter.
  17. Why flags anyways? They are a daytime talk show. They aren't connected to the military. Or the government. Smiley faces would have been more appropriate. Those are the only emojis she's allowed to have on her phone.
  18. The way she tells it, she went to movie star to UNEMPLOYABLE for seven? years--and then Barbara Walters saved her career. She was grateful until she wasn't.
  19. Very long career...working continually (see IMDB).
  20. Didn't she say we (they?) didn't know what a 100-year-old black woman looked like? So weird.
  21. Here's Ruby Dee as "Mother Abagail" in The Stand. How are Whoopi's THICK/LONG dreads (with black knots+roots) going to work on a 105- year old woman? So far it seems ridiculous.
  22. You just have to find a showcase where she had a script, a director, and was able to work through many takes. Many.
  23. As many of us worried, Rachel Campos Duffy's baby was born with the difficulties she hinted at in addition to a heart defect: “As we suspected, Valentina was also born with an extra chromosome, which means she also has [Down] Syndrome,” Campos-Duffy continued. “That extra chromosome certainly made her EXTRA cute. Life is wonderful!” I hope her husband can keep his promise to spent A LOT of time helping/raising his large family.
  24. Speaking of Bubbleheads! Dearest Alex, If you completed your income tax correctly and so early--and it showed you would receive a refund--and you DID NOT RECEIVE A REFUND, call your local IRS office (or your state office if you also expected a state tax refund). They should be able to explain the delay or error. Be sure to have copies of your returns available when you make the call. If you didn't actually file a return, please confess to your mother so she doesn't look like a fool (again and again) on national television. A Viewer
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